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MS not found; reprinted from extract in Stan V. Henkels, Catalogue No. 1256 (April 21, 1920), p. 16. I forget to tell you that if possible I would have the waggons set off with the forage on Tuesday or Wednesday next, … See above, p. 50. But note that the advertisement for wagons (see below, p. 59) said they should set out on Thursday, May 29.
ALS : Massachusetts Archives Mr. Norris not being in Town, your Excellency’s Letter of the 14th Instant per Express, was delivered to me. I immediately conven’d the Committee, and communicated the Contents. In answer, they desire me to acquaint your Excellency with the State of the Provisions they have procured, which is as follows. They have purchased but 500 Barrels of Pork. It is all of the...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , May. 22, 1755 Forty-One Waggons are immediately wanted, to carry each a Load of Oats and Indian-Corn from Philadelphia to Wills’s Creek, for which they are to be paid at their Return Twelve Pounds each Waggon. Protections and Passes will be given the Waggoners by Authority of the General, to prevent their being impressed, or detained after Delivery of...
In pursuance of His Excellencys Commands, I proceeded to this place with all convenient dispatch; But, as I apprehd, and very justly Truely , that the getting and posting Horses at proper Stages, in order to expedate my return, woud occasion some delay I dispatchd an express from Winchester to Hampton advising Colo. Hunter of my business, and desiring him to meet me in Williamsburg with the...
MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 175–6. May 23, 1755 Two sentences from this unlocated letter are quoted in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s reply, Sept. 29, 1755, to Governor Morris’ charge, September 24, that the Assembly had done little to support Braddock’s expedition (see below, p. 209). Sir Peter...
Since writg from Claybourn’s Ferry by the Late express, I arrivd at this place and have met Mr Belfour; who, I believe, will be able with the assistance of the Govr and some other of his Fr[i]ends, to procure the money against by the morning; which will enable me to set out out at that time and I hope to get to by tuesday to reach Winchester by Tuesday Night next;
ALS : Library of Congress In addition to supplying wagons Franklin contributed to Braddock’s campaign by helping to organize the construction of a road between army headquarters at Fort Cumberland on Wills Creek and the Pennsylvania back settlements. In March 1755 at Sir John St. Clair’s behest, Governor Morris appointed James Burd and four other commissioners to survey a route westward from...
Letter not found: from Samuel Washington, 27 May 1755. On 14 June GW wrote to his brother Samuel : “I receivd Your’s of the 27th of May.”
AD : Pennsylvania Hospital By midsummer of 1754 the Hospital’s resources were sufficient to allow the Managers to plan for a building. A lot was purchased, September 11. Plans drafted by Samuel Rhoads, one of the Managers, providing that one third of the projected building should be erected at this time, were presented on January 25; and on March 10 these plans and estimates were approved by...
I came to this place last Night, and was greatly disappointed at not finding the Cavalry according to promise: I am obligd to wait till it does arrive, or till I can procure a guard from the Militia, either of which I suppose will detain me two days; as you may, with almost equal success, attempt to raize the Dead to Life again , as the force of this County; and that from Wills Creek cannot be...