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Results 102251-102300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
102251[Diary entry: 4 January 1775] (Washington Papers)
4. Just such a day as yesterday.
The detachment which you command, & which from the short time they have to remain in Service...
I had the Honor to write to you on the fourth of last Month. Two Days after, I was informed that...
A statement of interests in N.Y. by Dewitt Clinton to mr Cheetham. It is presumed that no serious...
As you were somewhat in my debt in the article of Letters, when I left Boston, I expected ere...
In consequence of what Messrs. Van Staphorst had the honor of writing you yesterday, we’ve had a...
Your favor of the 5th Instant, covering the Ingrossed Potowmac Bill, came to hand this day. At...
Prospect Hill , 21 November 1775 . “Capt. George Nagle, of my Regiment, has lately been high...
18 August 1802, Lisbon. Mentions that they last wrote on 31 Dec. 1801 and 29 Jan. 1802 , “the...
The President sends to the Secretary of State the enclosed Extract which he has just received...
I have received your letter in which you have laid down a course of reading proper to be pursued...
Your fav r of Oct. 9. was rec d in due time, and the last envoi of books ment d in it from...
I shall make you sick at the Sight of a Letter from me. I find by Edes’s Paper that Joseph Pearse...
After coming with much expedition from N York I was greatly mortified at your departure from this...
Yours of the 24th. ulto. with the draft on the Branch Bank for 3000 Dollars in received.—Messrs:...
Gibraltar, 18 Dec. 1791 . He wrote to TJ on the 12th [i.e., 13th] and expected to reach Tangier...
ALS : Yale University Library I have just received your Favour of Feb. 20. directed to Mr....
The enclosed papers were handed to me a few Days ago—The Case of the Officers as therein...
Finding the Court broke up & the Magistrates who composed it dispersed, & Mr Condict abroad, by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of the 29th June, with the curious...
102271[Diary entry: 11 November 1799] (Washington Papers)
11. Morning a little lowering & wind Southerly. Mer. 55 at Night. The Gentlemen above mentioned...
An accidental delay on the part of Mr. Champlin gives me an opportunity of adding a few lines to...
I inclose you a letter from Capt Barron at Westpoint, on which be pleased to do what you think...
When Genl. Smith was here a few days since expressing his anxiety relative to his future...
I have not forgot the Chagrin I suffered in not obtaining the Collectorship of Impost at this...
102276[Diary entry: 22 April 1770] (Washington Papers)
22. At home all day. Mr. Adam & Doctr. Rumney dined here and the latter lodged here also & Captn....
French Prisoners At Boston, under the care of S. Higginson & Co. 150 At New London, Norwick,...
I had the honour of your favour by Mr: Deas with the papers referred to, but my necessary absence...
The arrival of the Professors from Europe renders me very anxious, to know when we may reasonably...
The head of a school of considerable reputation in Virginia having occasion for an Assistant, I...
Of the last 5 months, 4 have been passed at my distant possession, to which no letters are...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am happy in the present Opportunity to Acquaint You, that...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Addressed to “The Honble James Madison jr Esqr Philadelphia.” The...
102284[Diary entry: 1 May 1775] (Washington Papers)
May 1. Went up to Alexa. to meet the Independt. Company. Mr. Herbert came at Night.
The bearer hereof, Mr. l’Olive, having intended a voyage to Virginia the last year, I gave him a...
I Have not, Since a very Long while, Received An Answer from You. a Letter of Mine will probably...
R. Rush has the honor to present his most respectful compliments to Mrs Adams, and to thank her...
A general expectation seems to prevail that Colo. Smith will be removed from the office of...
The 3d Instt I wrote to you, & for fear of accidents inclose a copy of the letter as your forming...
The butt of dry Sherry mentioned in your letter of the 3d. of April came safe to hand. I had...
I return signed the commission to be filled with the name of Robert Pringle as recommended by you...
Until I was informed of the intention of the President to pass through this City, I had not been...
Neither the chart of your uncle, or the memory of your brother could save me from two errors on...
I enclose you a letter from the Dutch Commercial Resident Heinekin—The Commn. alluded to is a...
1022951778 Octr. 30. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Last Saturday I dined with Mr. Grand in Company with Mr. Gebelin Author of the Monde Primitif....
19 June 1813, Alexandria. “I beg leave to hand you the annexed act. of the goods your Stewert...
On my Return from a little Excursion, I received yours of 18. I dont know whether Calkoens,...
1022981774. June 25th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
Since the Court adjourned without Day this afternoon I have taken a long Walk, through the Neck...
Should the Secretary of the Treasury find it adviseable The Supervisor of the district of...
In my letter on the subject of Bermuda Hundred I neglected to say any thing in answer to that...