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Results 102201-102250 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 22d instt came to my hands yesterday afternoon. I thank you for the...
Your’s of the 7th. inst. has been duly recieved. the late election in Pensylvania has to be sure...
I owe you many thanks for the present of an ingenious entertaining & valuable oration pronounced...
Your letter of the 14th instant with its enclosures, came to hand by the last Post. In the...
A Quere. Frederick, (Anniversary of Independence) ’97. Whether Mr. Jefferson did say, since he...
4 April 1805, Lisbon . “The Ship Huron Captn. Clark (by which I sent duplicate of mine of the...
If M. Dalbarton be really Jerome Bonaparte, he will have satisfied thereof the minister of his...
I received Yours yesterday. it should have been two Days earlier, but the Roads are at the worst,...
In a former letter, the only one I have written to you, I proffered my grateful & cordial thanks...
Often as it has been my fortune in the course of my life, to be parted from my Parents, and...
The bearer of this, Elizth Allicocke, whom is the writer of this humble address to you, begs for...
We have for some time past had as little communication almost as if we did not know how to write....
102213General Orders, 21 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major General Howe Colonel Ogden Lt Colonel Sherman Brigade Major Cuishing...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Barclay desired me to deposit in the Consuls Office my...
I have the pleasure to forward herewith two packets which came by the last French Packet. The...
28 October 1803, Norfolk . Finds it “inconvenient to exercise longer the office of General...
Whilst you were President of the B. Bank of the U. States at Washington you were so obliging as...
Your kind letter of the 13th has gratified me very much. When I spoke of New York having joined...
We are honored with your Letter of the 26th. January last, and are extremely sorry that it is not...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. hy. Grand a lhonneur de présenter ses respects à Monsieur...
Copy by William Bradford in the notebook among his papers in the Historical Society of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments & thanks to mr Randolph for the information in his letter...
102223[Diary entry: 21 June 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 21st. Mercury at 66 in the Morning—66 at Noon and 66 at Night. Wind at No. Et. and...
A letter from Gen. Weedon of the 10th. instant giving us reason to expect the enemies army...
Your favor of the 10 th was recieved yesterday. I should be unwilling that any use should be made...
[ New York, October 2, 1789. On December 30, 1789 , Clay wrote to Hamilton: “I received your very...
I had the honor to write you 6th. Ultimo since which nothing has transpired with respect to the...
After the positive order given to you to send the Men of your Corps to the Regiments of the...
I am honored this instant with your letter of January the 19th. & am exceedingly happy that the...
Accept, my dear General Knox my affectionate thanks for your obliging favors of the 29th, 30th, &...
Nothing extraordinary has happened here; The Frigate that appeard yesterday under Sail standing...
Imaginé vous une ouverture pratiqué dans le rempart de La Citadelle et entouré d’une haute et...
13 February 1804, Cádiz. “I take the liberty of Informing you that on the 16 Jany 1804: Comeing...
I have recd from Mr Hassler the accompanying copy of a work he has just published on “analytic...
I have taken an House, and now wish you to come on, as soon as possible.— It will be necessary to...
Your polite and favorable reception of my little work upon our Constitutional Jurisprudence,...
10223718th. (Adams Papers)
This afternoon I wrote a couple of letters to send by Mr. Atkins, who goes to Boston to’morrow....
102238[Diary entry: 14 March 1799] (Washington Papers)
14. Mer. at 15 in the Morning & quite Calm. Wind at So. Et. afterwards & lowering. Mer. at 30 at...
I request you to accept my warmest thanks for your affectionate address. In a cause so Just &...
There are in Philadelphia six or eight officers and about one company of the invalid regiment....
According to Your Excellency’s orders, The Admiral and I will wait for them at [H]artford, on the...
Treasury Department, December 18, 1789 . “I have received your Letter of the 6th instant, with...
Your Letter of 29 January Last Came duly to For which be pleased to Except my moste respectful...
10224411th. (Adams Papers)
The Class from 9 to near twelve were reading their forensic; I read in the affirmative as...
I have it from several Quarters that the Austrian Messenger, who arrived here more than a Week...
I take the liberty of addressing your excellency, on the subject of a removal of part of the...
West Point, August 12, 1779. Discusses possible attack on Powles Hook. Df , in writing of H,...
I have been honored with your favor of the 1st Instant, and have the satisfaction of seeing in...
You will be pleased to excuse my troubleing you with this Address. It is made in behalf of my...
This Indenture made the Nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven...