Adams Papers

To John Adams from J. D. Schweighauser, 22 May 1779

From J. D. Schweighauser

[ante 22 May 1779]1


I am honoured with your favor of the 2 Instant in compliance to which I have wrote to Cap Landais for Mr. T. Greenleaf’s passage.2

Inclose you will find the note of Sundry Articles which Mrs. Schweighauser has bought for Mrs. Adams amounting to 1730:16 which she hopes will meet with her approbation. This small Sum you will please to pay either to Mr. Odea or Messrs. Puchelberg & Co. at L Orient if convenient and if you had occasion on the other hand for Money I will write by tomorrows post to the latter to furnish it to you.

I am with much respect Sir Your mo humble obt. Servant

<J. Dl. Schw> Schweighauser

RC (Adams Papers).

1The date is derived from an entry in JA’s personal accounts, dated 22 May (JA, Diary and Autobiography description begins Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. description ends , 2:341). There JA wrote that he “drew an order on Dr. Franklin in favour of Mr. Schweighauser” for 2,930.16. livres. This money, supplied by Puchelberg & Co., was for the goods valued at 1,730.16. livres, mentioned in this letter, and an advance of 1,200 livres that JA drew for expenses. JA enclosed the order in a letter to Schweighauser of 22 May (not found), which Schweighauser acknowledged with his “most Sincere thanks” on the 27th (Adams Papers).

2JA’s letter of 2 May has not been found, but for Thomas Greenleaf, see his letter to JA of 16 July 1778, note 3 (vol. 6:294).

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