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Results 1021-1030 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society I This moment made up my Packet for america Sent by a old faithful Servant of Doct Franklin Sons: from New Jersey of govonr Franklins— This man is Sent off to america from his master who is now Lodging in Suffolk Street no 16 where he Sd. govonor has undertaken to pettition in aid on behalf of all the tories together with the famous of that Partie— His late...
I beg to be permitted the liberty of congratulating thee on the late happy event which placed thee at the head of the federal Goverment, & gave thy Country a chief Majestrate, whose republican virtues, & political wisdom, cannot fail of consolidating her Liberty, & securing her happiness, not only for the present generation, but for ages yet remote!—May the great ruler of the universe who...
I cannot easily tell you how much I am pleased & obliged by your friendly Letter of the 4th. Instant:—were I to pursue my Inclinations, I should without Hesitation accept your kind Invitation—but our Inclinations even in things innocent must not always be gratified. my Visits to Philadelphia have ceased to be occasional, or I should certainly avail myself of those opportunities which your...
This Express carries a new Plan of an Army. I hope the General Court without one Moments delay will Send Commissions to whole Corps of their Officers, either by Expresses or Committees to New York and Ticonderoga, that as many Men may be inlisted without delay as possible. It may be best to send a Committee with full Powers to each Place. There is no Time to be lost. I inclose you a sett of...
1025May 5. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Am to dine at home—a great Rarity and a great Blessing! At Dinner, alone, my Servant brought me a Letter, A Messieurs, Messieurs, Franklin, Lée, et Adams, Deputés des Etats unies de l’Amerique a Passy. De Vergennes.—I opened, and found it in these Words J’ai pris les ordres du Roy, Messieurs, au Sujet de la presentation de M. Adams votre nouveau Collegue, et Sa Majesté le verra vendredi...
To Brigadier-General Stanwix Dear Sir, Ft L[oudoun] April 10th 1758. Pe[r]mit me, at the same time I congratulate you (which I most sincerely do) upon the promotion you have met with, and justly merited; to express my Concern at the prospect of parting with you. I can truly say, it is a matter of no small regret to me! and that I shou’d have thought myself happy in serving this campaign under...
Copy: Library of Congress I duely received your Favor of the 25th past. Continued Indisposition with too much Business have occasioned the Delay in answering it, which I hope you will excuse. I think with you that an American Consul at Nantes might be useful in the Cases you mention. What Inconveniences or Expence might attend it, I am unacquainted with. The Congress have by the Treaty a Right...
This letter goes Express, to obtain the signature of the Secretary of State to the enclosed Proclamation . The reasons for sending it in this manner, are, to avoid the circuitous rout by Richmond, and the delay it might meet with by the Post, not having reached my hands until this morning, too late for the Mail of this day—nor in time for any other before Tuesday next—and because it is unknown...
The letter, of which a copy is inclosed, from Mr. George G Lee, an Officer in the Navy of the U States, discloses a species of forgery, which may be followed by consequences highly injurious to our Mediterranean trade. Capt. Dulton, the bearer, affording a safe and direct conveyance, I have also inclosed the forged passport and Register, alluded to in the letter, and a copy of the genuine...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Je suis heureux, Madame, de cette Occasion de presenter à vôtre Majesté, les Respects & les Affections de toute les Etats de l’Amerique septentrionale. The day the queen gave birth to the dauphin, Louis-Joseph-Xavier-François: Jour. de Paris , Oct. 23, 1781. The birth, after eleven years of marriage, was the occasion for great rejoicing: the...