Results 1021-1070 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
10211778. June 2d. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles, and found it deserted, the Court being gone to Marli. We went to Marli,...
10221778 June 7. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles in Company with Mr. Lee, Mr. Izzard and his Lady, Mr. Lloyd and his Lady and...
1023June 8 (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Alexander, and went to the Concert. From this point until the following spring the...
1024[July 1778] (Adams Papers)
The Anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence. We had the Honour of the Company of...
10251778 July [4]. (Adams Papers)
The Anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence. We had the Honour of the Company of...
10266. (Adams Papers)
Dined with the Abby’s Chaillut and Arnaud. The Farmer General, Mr. and Mrs. Izzard, Mr. Lee, Mrs....
10277. Mardi. (Adams Papers)
Dined at St. Lu, with the Farmer general Challut. The Marshall Richelieu, and many Abbes, Counts,...
102814. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Chatou, with Mr. Bertine, Ministre D’Etat. Went to see the Park, where We rambled,...
10291778 July 25. (Adams Papers)
It is an Amusement among some People, here, who understand a little English, to give Samples of...
1030[August 1778] (Adams Papers)
Went to Church, to the Chappell of the Duch Embassador in Paris, where We had Prayer Books,...
1031August 16. (Adams Papers)
Went to Church, to the Chappell of the Duch Embassador in Paris, where We had Prayer Books,...
103217. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Chatou, with Mr. Bertin. After dinner went to view the Machine of Marli, which forces up...
103318. (Adams Papers)
Went to Paris, with the Abbees Chalut and Arnaut. Went to see the Church of St. Roche, the...
1034Aug. 30. 1778. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This Evening had the English Gazette extraordinary, containing Extracts from Letters from Ld. How...
1035[October 1778] (Adams Papers)
Captain Richard Grinnell of Newport Rhode Island says, that the English have this Year 17...
10361778 Oct. 7. (Adams Papers)
Captain Richard Grinnell of Newport Rhode Island says, that the English have this Year 17...
10371778 Oct. 8. Thursday (Adams Papers)
Captain Richard Grinnell was taken and carried into Guernsey by the Speedwell Cutter Captain...
1038Monday. Oct. 12. (Adams Papers)
Samuel Harding of Welfleet Cape Cod says that Mr. Robert Bartholomew or Bartlemé, and Incleby of...
10391778 Octr. 22. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
William Whitmarsh Jur., born in Braintree, maried and living in Marblehead, was taken Prisoner on...
10401778 Octr. 30. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
Last Saturday I dined with Mr. Grand in Company with Mr. Gebelin Author of the Monde Primitif....
1041[November 1778] (Adams Papers)
Mr. Lee read me a Paragraph of a Letter, from London, “that Mr. D. Hartley would probably be...
1042Nov. 9. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Lee read me a Paragraph of a Letter, from London, “that Mr. D. Hartley would probably be...
10431778. Novr: 26 Jeudi. (Adams Papers)
Went to see the Palace of Bourbon, belonging to the Prince of Condé. It is a City. The...
1044Novr. 30. 1778. (Adams Papers)
Orthodoxy is my Doxy, and Heterodoxy is your Doxy.—Definitions. F ranklin .
1045[December 1778] (Adams Papers)
Captn. Bernard. Says There are Two hundred and Thirty Sail of Merchand Ships lying at the Mother...
1046Decr. 2. (Adams Papers)
Captn. Bernard. Says There are Two hundred and Thirty Sail of Merchand Ships lying at the Mother...
Account of Monies received Account of Monies expended £ s d £ s d 1778. Feb. 12. Recd, of the...
1048[February 1779] (Adams Papers)
Last Tuesday, I dined in Company with the Abbe Raynal, and Mr. Gebelin, and asked them to dine...
10491779. Feb. 2. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Last Tuesday, I dined in Company with the Abbe Raynal, and Mr. Gebelin, and asked them to dine...
1050Feb. 4. (Adams Papers)
Breakfasted with the Abbe Raynal, at his House at his particular Invitation, with a large Company...
1051Feb. 5. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
The Duke de Rochefoucault, Mr. Turgot, Abbe Rochon and De la Roche, dined here.
10521779. Feb. 8. (Adams Papers)
In Conversation with Dr. Franklin, in the Morning I gave him my Opinion, of Mr. Deanes Address to...
10531779 Feb. 9. (Adams Papers)
Abbe C . Any Thing to divert Melancholly, and to sooth an aking Heart. The Uncandor, the...
As your Excellency reads English perfectly well, my first Request is that you would not...
10551779. Feb. 11. (Adams Papers)
When I arrived in France, the French Nation had a great many Questions to settle. The first...
1056Feb. 11. 1779. (Adams Papers)
It is my indispensable Duty, to tell the Comte de Vergennes that I think one great Cause of this...
1057Feb. 12. (Adams Papers)
My Mind has been in such a State, since the Appearance of Mr. Deanes Address to the People, as it...
1058Feby. 13. (Adams Papers)
There is no such Thing as human Wisdom. All is the Providence of God. Perhaps few Men have...
1059[March 1779] (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles, in order to take Leave of the Ministry. Had a long Conversation, with the...
10601779 March 3. (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles, in order to take Leave of the Ministry. Had a long Conversation, with the...
10611779. March 4. (Adams Papers)
Walked with Mr. Jennings to Calvare, with my son. Edmund Jenings (1731–1819) is an obscure but...
10621779 March 12. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
About one O Clock arrived at Nantes at L’hotelle de la Comedie, Rue, after a Journey of near five...
1063[April 1779] (Adams Papers)
At Nantes, Hotel de la Comedie, Rue Bignonestar.... Walked, this Morning with my Son over all the...
10641779. April 14. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
At Nantes, Hotel de la Comedie, Rue Bignonestar.... Walked, this Morning with my Son over all the...
10651779. April 15. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at home.
106616. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Williams. Mr. Johnson there. Walked after dinner along the River, and about the Town.
106717. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday and to day in the forenoon, assisted my Son in translating Cicero’s first Phillippick...
1068Ap. 18. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Schweighaussers. About six O Clock in the Evening, Captain Landais came into my...
10691779. April 22nd. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday Morning, embarked at Nantes, with Mr. Hill, the first Lieutenant, and Mr. Parks, who is...
1070Ap. 23. Fryday. (Adams Papers)
A violent Wind, and Rain.