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Results 1021-1030 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have just rec d yours of 14 th. — it has laid in the Post office I suppose Since saturday. The subjects of M r J. Q. A.s Agents are horrible to me. I will therefore dismiss them. Thomas’s Predilection for Phyladelphia, I suppose will determine him.— Alass! Nelly is married poor Boy! and I suppose some of the Six sisters will catch the Child in the Trap without a Groat and without...
Your favour of June 13th. reached me this Morning. I will endeavour to write intelligibly in answer;—but, alas! I have already fallen into my old track, and must give a note of explanation before I pro­ ceed further. N.B. The above underscoring means that I love flattery and a flatterer; nay, more, tho it may seem contradictory to the first part of my nota bene, it means that I love Saucyness...
Your favour of 8. March is just put into my hand.— My beloved Mother is very near my heart and has Spread a gloom over my Days from the first of her Illness. I must resign her to the Disposition of the supreme Ruler and prepare to follow her Example if I can in Life and in Death. My Love to my Brother and his Family who will be sincere Mourners with me and you upon this occasion. It grieves me...
I am grieved to hear of the fresh return of your old persecuter the Ague; I had flattered myself that the Air & Climate of New England would chase away all Billious complaints. I am suspicious that the Bark of which so free use is made in this disorder will not effectually remove it, at least I have found it the case with myself. There is a weed known here by the name of Cardis, which is much...
The silk you desired was delivered to Mr. Parker a month ago, on the eve of his departure for England, as he supposed. He went however to Holland. Mr. Valnay is so kind as to take charge of that now, as also of the silk stockings. I doubt whether you may like the stockings on first appearance. But I will answer for their goodness, being woven expressly for me by the Hermits of Mont Calvaire...
I never fail to inclose to you the News papers, which contain the most of the Intelligence that comes to my Knowledge. I am obliged to slacken my Attention to Business a little, and ride and walk for the Sake of my Health, which is but infirm.—Oh that I could wander, upon Penns Hill, and in the Meadows and Mountains in its Neighbourhood free from Care! But this is a Felicity too great for me....
I yet do not know that you have receiv’d one of the many Letters I have sent you but hope you have all. I too well know the pleasure of receiving intelligance from my absent Friends, to let one vessail Sail without carring Some Token of Sisterly remembrance from me if I know of the oppertunity Soon enough. I have not an Idea that I shall inhance the value of my Letters, by withholding them. I...
M r: Lincoln, the bearer, is a young preacher, who belongs to Hingham; he is going home, and I cannot suffer the opportunity to pass unimproved; though I have little to say: except that I have been unwell: my nerves have been disordered, and the words of Henry have [. . .] obtruded themselves upon my mind, at the midnight hour. I came here last Saturday, and have such excellent care taken of...
After a Series of the souerest, and harshest Weather that ever I felt in this Climate, We are at last, blessed with a bright Sun and a soft Air. The Weather here has been like our old Easterly Winds to me, and southerly Winds to you. The Charms of the Morning at this Hour, are irresistable. The Streakes of Glory dawning in the East: the freshness and Purity in the Air, the bright blue of the...
It is with particular pleasure I communicate to you the joyfull news of M rs: Smiths safe delivery of a Son, which took place between seven & eight the last Evening, she was not the least indisposed untill six o’Clock & by ½ past seven all was well & tranquil, both continue composed and easy, but Nabby desires me to tell you that she is much disappointed, she had made the things, to adorn a...