Results 1021-1030 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have just rec d yours of 14 th. — it has laid in the Post office I suppose Since saturday. The...
Your favour of June 13th. reached me this Morning. I will endeavour to write intelligibly in...
Your favour of 8. March is just put into my hand.— My beloved Mother is very near my heart and...
I am grieved to hear of the fresh return of your old persecuter the Ague; I had flattered myself...
The silk you desired was delivered to Mr. Parker a month ago, on the eve of his departure for...
I never fail to inclose to you the News papers, which contain the most of the Intelligence that...
I yet do not know that you have receiv’d one of the many Letters I have sent you but hope you...
M r: Lincoln, the bearer, is a young preacher, who belongs to Hingham; he is going home, and I...
After a Series of the souerest, and harshest Weather that ever I felt in this Climate, We are at...
It is with particular pleasure I communicate to you the joyfull news of M rs: Smiths safe...