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Results 1021-1030 of 184,431 sorted by author
[ London, 12 Aug. 1785. Record in SJL of its receipt on 23 Sep. 1785 reads: “Mrs. Adams’s. Grosvenor sq. Lond. Aug. 12. by W. Short.” Not found; see Abigail Adams to TJ, 21 Aug. 1785 .]
I rejoice in the fine weather you have had. accounts from N york & Philadelphia are rather unfavourable, but I hope Frosts will make the city fit for Breathing by Nov’ br I shall sit out on Wednesday the 9th for several reasons. in the first place, I shall avoid the parade of the 10th which would be very inconvenient, as I wish to put my House in order to leave it. in the next place Mr & Mrs...
Captain Callihan sails sooner than we expected so that we have not time to write to several of our Friends, and indeed we have all written so lately by Mr. Storer, that nothing worth communicating has since occurd. Mr. Adams has written to Mr. Higinson which letter I dare say he will communicate to you and that will give you a detail of politicks here, as well as inform you of the troubles...
I have delayed writing till the vessel is near ready to Sail, that my Letters may not lay 3 weeks or a month after they are written, as is commonly the case. Mr. Rogers and Lady are going passengers in this vessel; and tho I have only a slight knowledge of them I shall commit my Letters to their care. I have not heard from you since the arrival of Capt. Deshon. Your last Letters were dated in...
most cordially welcome to me was your kind Letter of May the 4 th , yet I have not found time since my arrival to thank you for it, or even to write a Line to any Friend. my Journey was as pleasent as my thoughts upon what was past, and my anticipations of what was to come would permit it to be. we reachd East Chester on thursday noon and found mrs smith and Children well. my reflections upon...
I received your kind and Friendly Letter of the 2d, and beg you to accept my thanks for your kind invitation to your Hospitable Mansion. I know not any Visit from which I could promise my self more pleasure “from Friends of more than 20 summers ripening grow not thick on every Bow,” Friends whom no change of political Sentiments have warped, nor party Spirit deluded— I have frequently inquired...
The Letter which you find enclosed you will be kind enough to sink should you be so unfortunate as to be captured; if you arrive safe and find it necessary to forward it to the Hague; you will cover it with a few lines from yourself. Accept my best wishes for your safety and prosperity, and my sincere thanks for the care and attention you paid to the education of my children during my absence...
The eastern post will go out this morning and I take my pen to thank you for your Letters of the 20 & 26th of March. we had received intelligence of the wisdom of Roxbury & Milton, their petitions having reachd their Representitives in Congress. the reply to them may be found in the dispatches of our Envoys yesterday communicated to congress. The publick exegiency of our Country, and the real...
I dare say before this Time you have interpreted the Northern Storm; if the presages chill’d your Blood, how must you be froze and stiffend at the Disgrace brought upon our Arms unless some warmer passion seaze you, and Anger and resentment Fire your Breast. How are all our vast Magazines of Cannon, powder, Arms, cloathing, provision, Medicine &c. to be restored to us—but what is vastly more,...
Since the Sailing of captain Folger by whom I wrote you, I have received Letters from you of the following dates, Sepbr 24 and 28th 8th 9 and 22 of october and November 18th. I cannot sufficiently thank you for the entertainment afforded me in them. Some accounts you give me respecting a certain family Shocked me. I should suppose that the peace and happiness of the family was totally...