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Results 1021-1030 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In collecting materials which may be hereafter used as the ground work of a Memoir of the late Governor William Livingston of New Jersey, my great-grandfather, there is a portion of his Life in relation to which his papers afford me no information—& this information I think it possible you may have it in your power to give me. I refer to the Convention held at Philadelphia in 1787, of which he...
The National Gazette of Jany. 2 contained a publication, edited since in a pamphlet form; from two   sons of the late Mr. Bayard; its object being to vindicate the memory of their father agst. certain passages in the writings of Mr. Jefferson. The filial anxiety which prompted the publication, was natural & highly commendable. But it is to be regretted, that in performing that duty, they have...
Confidential The publication which gave rise to the inclosed observations, having first appeared in the National Gazettes, I ask the favor of you, to allow them the advantage of issuing from the same source & of circulating thro the same channel. I have thought it best to leave them without a name, that no feelings of any sort towards the writer may mingle themselves with the impressions made...
Serving as a Member of the Legislature here my attention is much called to the subject of banks always in great numbers urging for acts of incorporation. In the Federalist No. 44 your judgment is pronounced I may say with uncommon force against all state contrivances to make currency, and my impression has always been that whether they consist of coin or paper the province altogether and...
As requested in yours of the 14th. I shall exercise the best judgment in my power in the sale of your Flour now on hand as well as that to be delivered, and when sold advise you. The quantity now on hand is One hundred & fifty one barrels Superfine; the four loads first brought down (56 barrels) having been sold from the Waggons when delivered. The balance according to my books is at present 5...
I have received, my young friends, your letter inviting me, in behalf of the Whig Society of Nassau Hall, to deliver the annual address in September next on the day preceding the commencement. I value too much the source from which the invitation comes, and respect too much the occasion which is the Subject of it, not to be flattered by the choice made of me for such a service. I am duly...
Your letter of the 8th of Nov: was recd. in due time, and should have been sooner answered, but for my absence from this place, and the expectation, which has been deferred from time to time, of finding the volumes of Franklins works which you requested me to procure. I enquired at the principal Book stores in the City, and of the persons I thought most likely to possess information, without...
I did not receive yours of the 11th. in time to answer it by the last Mail. From the general prospect in Europe I should infer that the price of flour would not be likely to decline. But as you have the same information generally that I have, and occasionly fresher & better opportunities of learning the state of the Markets every where which influences the price with us, I wish you to consult...
Having learned it is not your pleasure to have the 2d Edition of the Fredoniad—I have sold to Gov. James Barbour of Orange the Copy that was sent you It would be a pecular favour to tax your kindness to have the 4 Vols. forwarded to the Family of Mr. Barbour the 1st opportunity. I am Sir with sentiments of respect your Obt Svt— RC (DLC) . Docketed by JM.
I have recd. yours of inclosing the manuscript of J. M. Patton on the subjects of which it is intimated that my opinion would be acceptable. The paper afford sufficient indication of the talents ascribed to the Author. Of his honorable principles, I believe no one doubts. And with these qualifications for serving his Country, it may be well for it that he is making its Institutions &...