Results 1021-1030 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In collecting materials which may be hereafter used as the ground work of a Memoir of the late...
The National Gazette of Jany. 2 contained a publication, edited since in a pamphlet form; from...
Confidential The publication which gave rise to the inclosed observations, having first appeared...
Serving as a Member of the Legislature here my attention is much called to the subject of banks...
As requested in yours of the 14th. I shall exercise the best judgment in my power in the sale of...
I have received, my young friends, your letter inviting me, in behalf of the Whig Society of...
Your letter of the 8th of Nov: was recd. in due time, and should have been sooner answered, but...
I did not receive yours of the 11th. in time to answer it by the last Mail. From the general...
Having learned it is not your pleasure to have the 2d Edition of the Fredoniad—I have sold to...
I have recd. yours of inclosing the manuscript of J. M. Patton on the subjects of which it is...