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Results 10181-10230 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Monsieur Le Cte. D’orvilliers m’a renvoyé la lettre que vous lui avez ecrite au Sujet des Matelots Américains qui peuvent Se trouver à bord du Vaisseau le fier Rodrigue. Empressé d’aller au devant de tout cequi peut concerner le Service des Etats unis de L’Amérique, et particulierement de cequi peut être agréable à Votre Excellence, j’ai Sur le champ marqué au Capitaine du Vaisseau Le fier...
The Count Dorvilliers has sent me the Letter you wrote him concerning the American sailors that are on board the fier Rodrigue. Always desirous to render every service, that depends upon myself, to the United states, and more so in what may be agreeable to your Excellency I immediately ordered the Cap of said Vessel, to deliver these Men to Mr. Landais. The Cap whose Crew is very week,...
Your Flattery has effectually ingaged me in your Correspondence, for when my Services in writing can at any time amuse or inform you, You may assure your self I shall most cordially become your Volentier. Commodore Manly as he is called is again taken in the Cumberland by the Pomona Frigate Capt. Waldergrave. Compte De Stang sailed the 12 of Jany from Martinique and Byron from St. Lucie. They...
I did myself the honor of writing to you a few Days since. Last Night I received yours of the 31st past. I am glad to hear the Ship is so far in order. As to the Discontents you find among the Officers and People, it is impossible for me at this Distance to judge of them, or of the means of removing them: I must therefore, as in my last, refer to your Judgment whatever you may think for the...
I beg leave of applying to you in an instance where I am much Concern’d. The Case I shall lay before you, and Reccommend to your good Care. There is an officer in Paris Whom I want to send over to America on Board the Alliance, and whom I know would be of some use in the American Army. For that Reason Besides this of Reccommendations I have a great Regard for, I wish the Gentlemen Might find a...
The preceeding is copy of my last, of the 17th. Decr. by the Alliance Frigate, who sail’d the 14th. Janry. I hope she is safly arrived with you? I have your esteemed favor of the 2nd. Decr. by which I find my Son, is happily situated at Montauban, with Mr. Revallat aine, a Gentleman of good Character, with whom he will have opportunity of acquireing many advantages. It gives me real Pleasure...
I have the Honour to inform your Excellency, that I expect to imbarque and Sail for America, in fifteen days that if your Excellency or any of his Majestys other Ministers, have Occasion to Send any fresh Dispatches to any Part of the united States, So good an Opportunity may not be omitted. The season promisses a short Passage, and I shall be happy in this opportunity, and in every other, of...
I had Yesterday the Honour of yours of the third of this Month. C. Landais had So much diffidence in some of his Crew, that he could not think of carrying home any of the most culpable of the Conspirators, especially as he was so weak handed. The naval Code of the united States, has great Occasion for Amendments in many Particulars, without which there will be little Discipline subordination,...
This Morning I had the Honour of yours of the 8th, and thank you for the order inclosed to Captain Landais, and for those you mention to M. Schweighausser. The true Springs of the Discontents on board appear to me to be, the Depreciation of Paper Pay, and the Extraction of the Captain. The Purser, may have increased them a little by too much of the Appearance of being a favourite of the...
I am ashamed to acknowledge that I received your kind Letter, in due time, and have not answered it before: My apology is that I was on the Point of Setting out for Brest when I received it and have been travelling ever since. I am much obliged to you for the Letter and very happy to find that one Gentleman is to be found in France whose sentiments will give some Countenance to my own. I have...
I inclose you some news-Papers and a Letter which I am desired to forward, by Mess. Salucci Merchants at Leghorn, who have sent a Ship to America, having a Mind to open a Trade between the United States and Italy. The Letter is directed to the Commander of their Ship. The Abbés de Chalut and Arnouts desire me to present you their Compliments. I think you are expecting daily to sail, and hoping...
Pardon me for not forwarding you the two inclos’d introductory Letters sooner but I was in hopes of readily accomplishing my business here thus expected the pleasure of delivring them to you. Hitherto I have received no possitive Answer, tho Mr. de Sartine has repeatedly favour’d me with opportunitys of Stating my Demands to him and Yesterday promis’d me A reply to my sundry Requests next...
I am favoured with your Letter of 12th, and am sorry to find that you have had so much trouble about the Frigate. The accounts which we had of the small number of hands she had, made it probable that she would not sail soon. Perhaps this detention may prove to be “all for the best.” Some wise people are of opinion that this is always the case; and though the maxim has undergone the criticism...
The Officers of the Alliance having express’d some discontent at my offering them two Months advance out of which they were to furnish themselves the Cloaths they would think fit, and his Excellency B Franklin having directed me in any such difficulties to apply to you I will take it as a particular favor if you will be kind enough to let me know your opinion on that subject that I may act in...
Your Favour, of the 4 July 1778, I had not the Honour to receive, untill yesterday, which I very much lament because I fear I have lost an opportunity of rendering Some little service to the Commodore in his laudable Enterprise, at least of shewing every Respect in my Power to your Recommendation. In a Letter, which he did me the Honour to write me, I find he has made several able Propositions...
I am honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 15 Instant with a List inclosed of several Articles to be bought for your worthy famely. Msr. S—— is actually making those purchases and as soon as they are ready I will see them neatly packed and send them on board by some safe conveyance. Inclosed a Letter received by this morning Post which I send you agreable to your order. I am much...
By the enclosed Letter from M. De Sartine expressing his Majestys Desire that the Alliance should be retained here a little longer, you will see that I am under a kind of Necessity of disappointing you in your Intentions of making your Passage immediately in that Vessel; which would be more unpleasing to me but for these Considerations, that possibly it may be safer for you to go in a Ship...
I am informed by a Letter from Nantes that the Alliance arrived there the 18th, and that she had 250 Men on board; she will therefore probably sail soon. My first Letter to you after your departure from hence desired that you would put the Letters addressed to the Committee, and to the Delegates from the State of South Carolina on board of some vessel that would sail before the Alliance. Your...
Philadelphia, 24 April 1779. Dft ( ViU : Lee Papers). printed : The Letters of Richard Henry Lee , ed. James Ballagh, 2 vols., N.Y., 1914 (repr. N.Y., 1970), 2:46–49. Given its date and its existence only in draft, this reply to John Adams’ letter of 5 Aug. 1778 (vol. 6:350–352) probably never reached him. Lee commended Adams for his determination to remain outside the quarrels of the...
I am sorry this Town has fewer Charms for you than a Ship of War,— You surely will have enough of the Sea on your Passage and methinks the Shore, now Nature is putting on her most agreeable Dress, is capable of giving you more pleasure. If you think the Situation of my House pleasant enough, you may be as compleatly Commander of it as you can be of any Frigate in the Service. You may remember...
I am greatly obliged to You for your favor of the 13 Instant. I am flattered much to find, that my Sentiments meet with your Approbation, the great Part you have taken in the American Question, and your Judgement in it, are such as give You a right to Influence and direct every One interested in the Event. Be Assured, Sir, it is my Inclination and Duty to Attend to whatever you may think...
As I have not been able to procure from Dr. Franklin his reasons in writing for disobeying the order of Congress of 7th May 1778, I have desired Mr. Lee to favour me with a Copy of his Minutes, respecting our conversation on that subject on 12th of January last. I enclose them for your perusal, and should be obliged to you if you would attest them. If you find any mistakes, or omissions, you...
I have the honor of sending you inclose a Letter received per this Morning’s post and altho I expect to have that of seeing you dayly I have thought proper to send it you per this conveyance as if you are on your way here that it can not miss you on the road. We have learnt that the french frigate the Surveillante has sent it in two English Privateers at L Orient and sunk three others. The...
Your Letter of 14th Instant from Nantes reached me to Day only. It was but very lately that I heared of your having left the Metropolis, and but now of your intentions of going to America. I have written to Doctor Franklin on the Subject you allude to, and have had the pleasure of an Answer from him, by which I perceive that at Paris they are not well acquainted with the Duties and imposts...
I had, Yesterday, the Honour of yours of the 24th inclosing a Letter from his Excellency M. de Sartine, expressing his Majestys Desire that the Alliance Should be retained here a little longer. As my Baggage was on board, and every Appearance promised that We should be under Sail in three or four days for America, in a fine ship and the best Month in the Year, this Intelligence, I confess, is...
There is a fatal spell set upon, all Intelligence between This Country and Ours. Two Vessells have arrived, from Virginia one at L’orient the other from at Morlaix, and no News. I have seen four or five News Papers which came by the latter, one of which is a Virginia Paper as late as 12 March. No News, excepting a Letter from G.W. to Congress containing a Letter from G.M. to him concerning the...
Permitt me to express how sorry I have been at not being able to comply sooner with your desires, relative to the Account of the United States, till the 11th of February, at which time the Intention of Congress was Known; Some of the Articles that were Kept in suspençe were the Obstacles that prevented it. I am however happy to find that the present Letter with the inclosed Account to that...
Yesterday your favour of 25 of April came to Hand, but my dear sir you flatter me too much when you tell me that the Part I have taken gives me a right to influence and direct. I claim no other Right than that of being heard and having what I have to say considered: but According to present Appearances, even this is not like to be conceded to me. Content, in Gods name, if Persons of greater...
We are just returned from visiting your good Lady at Braintree, where I had a complaint exhibited against me for not writing to you, which I mean to answer totidem verbis. But before I proceed further must mention, in brief, that news which will be the most important and agreeable of all you will meet with in the letter, viz, that Mrs. Adams and children are well and as chearful as can be...
I received the honour of yours of the 29th. past from Nantes. I hope you are before this time safely arrived at L’Orient. M. De la Luzerne is making diligent Preparation for his Departure, and you will soon see him. He and the Secretary of the Embassy are both very agreable and sensible Men, in whose Conversation you will have a great deal of Pleasure in your Passage. What Port the Ship will...
The enclosed Packett to the Honle. Doctor Franklin, contains Papers relating to the Loss of the Brigantine Fair Play, which Vessel was sunk, last Januy., by a Battery, on the Island of Gaudaloupe. The Particulars of this unhappy Misfortune, whereby Eighteen Men perished, together with the Steps taken in Consequence, You’ll find in these Papers, which I beg the Favor of your perusing—afterward...
You will confer on me a singular Obligation by favoring me with your Opinion and Advice respecting the unhappy misunderstanding which I am told prevails on board the Alliance. I ask your advice because, tho I am determined to preserve Order and Disciplin where I command, yet I wish to reprove with moderation and never to punish while there remains a good Alternative. It appears that there is a...
The Day before Yesterday, We arrived here, in two Days from Nantes, all well. There is a Frigate now turning into this Port, which is said to be Le Sensible, and if this is true, I hope, it will not be a long Time before We get to sea. The Chevalier de La Luzerne I hope is sensible of the Value of every Moment in the last half of the Month of May towards a Voyage to America. If We wait untill...
I have receivd your favor Acknowledging the Receipt of Mine of the 24th of April, which seems to have been long while getting to you. I was sorry to hear of your Dissapointment in going in the Alliance, which some people here think woud be better Employed in convoying on the Coast of America the very important fleet now gone then any marading Scheme Whatever. I suppose you will Accompany the...
Your Favour of the 10th. I received the Day before Yesterday, and am glad to hear that the Chevalier is making diligent Preparation for his Departure, for I wish, most impatiently to see him. Every day, now is a great Loss. In a Letter I wrote a few days ago I mentioned Some Reasons for prefering Boston to Delaware. I think there can be no doubt that there are at least Several Frigates in...
I hope you are ere now safely arrived at L Orient and that you have found all the arrangements made for your passage to America to your Satisfaction, which I shall be happy to learn, particularly as it is wispered here that the Alliance’s destination is again changed and that she is to go strait to Boston, I sincerely wish it for you persuaded how much more agreable it will be to take your...
I have received your favour of 13th. May, on the subject of Dr. Franklin’s conduct on the 12th. of last January, for which I thank you. I should have been glad if you had gone more fully into it; perhaps however it is unnecessary, as the principal fact is established. I can have no objection to your communicating our correspondence on this subject to Dr. Franklin; but you will be good enough...
I am honoured with your favor of the 2 Instant in compliance to which I have wrote to Cap Landais for Mr. T. Greenleaf’s passage. Inclose you will find the note of Sundry Articles which Mrs. Schweighauser has bought for Mrs. Adams amounting to 1730:16 which she hopes will meet with her approbation. This small Sum you will please to pay either to Mr. Odea or Messrs. Puchelberg & Co. at L Orient...
Yours of the 15 reached me, Yesterday. I am waiting here in anxious Expectation of the new Minister, with whom, it is said I am to embark. It would give me Pleasure to form an Acquaintance with this Gentleman, because his Character is good, and because, it would give me an opportunity of convincing him of the Importance of keeping himself disconnected with Parties. Not only the Benefits of the...
I am much honored by the open and Confidential Manner, in which you have written to me; in return to which, I must assure you, that I heartily Concur with You in your Sentiments of the Necessity of the french Courts holding a Most liberal and neutral Conduct, and that it will do so, I look upon the New Appointment, to be an Earnest. I am to have the Honour of meeting the Gentleman, who is...
Either my Letter to you of the 29th. March miscarried or you are in my debt. The inclosed MS which belongs to you was seald to go by Mr. Ford and was omitted by mistake. This will be delivered to you by the Chevalier de la Luzerne and M. de Marbois, whom you will find to be Gentlemen worthy of the important trusts they fill. I am much obliged to you for your kindness to Mr. Ford, and hope you...
The Chevalier de La Luzerne sat out Yesterday for L’Orient, and will be with you perhaps before this comes to hand. You will find him a very agreable sensible Man, and a hearty Friend to the Cause of America. As you may land in Boston and are not certain of going directly to Philada. I have put under his Care my Dispatches for Congress, and request yours for those to New England. Mr. Bondfield...
By advices from America since my last to you, my Enemies are determind to impeach my attachment to our Country and our her cause, per fas et per nefas. This makes it necessary for me to request of you, your opinion on that point, from the knowlege you have had of my conduct while we acted together in Commission. The Calumnies of wicked men, can only be refuted by the testimony of those who are...
I did Myself the pleasure of writing to You by the Secretary of the Count de la Luzerne, inclosing a Letter to Genl. Gates and sending a Remembrancer. I was in Hopes of sending to You by the same Opportunity 4 Parliamentary Registers containing the Papers, which have passed between the Howes Burgoyne and the Ministry, but having lent them to Mr. Genet coud not get them back with time Enough to...
I have the Honor to acquaint you that I arrived here the 29th Ultimo via St. Eustatia, sufficiently tired with the tedious Rout I have taken since I left Paris. I was much disappointed in not embarking directly from Holland to America. All my Persuasions with the Dutch, to send out a Vessel for this Continent, proved fruitless; when I had no other Resource left but to come out by the Way of...
Yours of the Second of this Month, was brought to me, but this Moment, and I am happy to find that I agree in so many Points with you. The Armament that has been fitting out here, has been a Mystery, as almost every Thing else has. I never was informed, of the intended strength, the Number of ships or Troops, or who was to command— or where they were to go. I never asked any Questions. I chose...
Your Favours of June 2d and 5th are now before me: that of 29 March, I have answered if I ever received it, for I have answered every one received from you, but not having my Papers at Hand cannot be particular. Thank you for the Manuscript and the Pamphlet. Am happy to hear from you and from all others, so agreable a Character of the Chevalier de la Luzerne, and M. de Marbois the last of whom...
I have the Honour of your Letter from Paris of the fifth of this Month, in which you inform me that by Advices from America, your Ennemies are determined to impeach your Attachment to our Country and her Cause, and in which you request my Opinion on that Point from the Knowledge I have had of your Conduct, while We acted together in Commission. At the Same Time that I lament the Necessity of...
This Moment I received yours of the 16 as it is dated, but I suppose was the 10. You cannot imagine how much I am obliged to you for this Letter and the other of the second, and the Parliamentary Remembrancer. I have read the 12 Letters and am charmed with their Spirit—hope the Author will continue, for his Abilities and Temper must be of great service to our Country. Ld. N. is probably, at...
Since my Letter to you of the 9th. looking over the Answer to the Letter inclosed in it, I find it, of more importance than I was aware, and least it should be lost with me, I now inclose you a Copy of it. It will be Evidence, of some against some Misrepresentations, which have been made, and may be repeated, as injurious to the French Court as to you. I have the Honour to be, with great...