101671To George Washington from Robert Dick, 14 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
The enclosed paper has been some time in my possession. Thinking that at this time, it may...
101672To George Washington from Henry Lee, 14 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
I shall leave your deed with Mr C. Lee, after having procured the most probable attendants on the...
101673From George Washington to Henry Lee, 14 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of this date, was put into my hands on my return from a ride at the moment dinner was...
101674To James Madison from the Governor of Virginia, 14 March 1789 (Madison Papers)
Some difficulties having occurred in the settlement of the Accounts of this state with the United...
101675To James Madison from Henry Lee, 14 March 1789 (Madison Papers)
Tomorrow I go from hence, Mrs. Lee as when you left her. If I forgot to fill up the power of...
101676From Thomas Jefferson to Madame de Bréhan, 14 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the honour of writing to you on the 15th. of February, soon after which I had that of...
101677From Thomas Jefferson to the Commissioners of the Treasury, 14 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
No opportunity having occurred to send my letter of Feb. 27. I have had time to receive an answer...
101678To Thomas Jefferson from D’Estaing, 14 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Agrées je vous suplie mes remerciments de ce que vous me mettes dans le cas heureux d’éxecutter...
101679From George Washington to Francis Hopkinson, 13 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
Your good humour of the 3rd, which made me laugh heartily, has fairly driven me out of the field,...
101680To George Washington from Annis Boudinot Stockton, 13 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
Will the most revered and most respected of men, Suffer me to pour into his bosom the...
101681To James Madison from John Beckley, 13 March 1789 (Madison Papers)
In appealing to your Candor I feel a confidence that no apology will be necessary for the present...
101682To Thomas Jefferson from M. Amoureux, 13 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
L’Orient, 13 Mch. 1789 . As requested in TJ’s letter of 1 Mch., transmits a draft for 1900₶...
101683From Thomas Jefferson to D’Estaing, 13 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
My friend Mr. Short, who is returning from Italy, expects to pass by Toulon, and wishes...
101684From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Hopkinson, 13 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Since my last, which was of Dec. 21. yours of Dec. 9. and 21. are received. Accept my thanks for...
101685From Thomas Jefferson to Moustier, 13 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
I have now to acknolege the honor of your several letters of Aug. 12. Oct. 17. and Nov. 27. and...
101686To Thomas Jefferson from William Playfair, 13 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Although I have not the honour to be known to your Exellency I hope that I may be permitted to...
101687To Thomas Jefferson from Ruellan & Cie., 13 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Il y a quelque tems que deux Jeunes americains, fils du Colonel Talbot, passoient de new yorck...
101688To George Washington from Henry Knox, 12 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
It is a circumstance of great chagrin to the members of the new government who are assembled...
101689From George Washington to Battaile Muse, 12 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
Your Letters of the 16th and 25th Ullto are before me. The draft upon Mr Wales for £20 enclosed...
101690To John Jay from Thomas Jefferson, 12 March 1789 (Jay Papers)
I had the honour of addressing you on the 1 st . instant through the post. I write the present...
101691To Thomas Jefferson from William Carmichael, 12 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Dn. Ventura Caro lately appointed Captain General of the Island of Cuba Luisiana &c. and having...
101692To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Delaire, 12 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
I have received the Letter of the 25th of January you honoured me with. I imparted directly to...
101693From Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 12 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
I had the honour of addressing you on the 1st. instant through the post. I write the present,...
101694From Thomas Jefferson to James Lackington, 12 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
I received last night your catalogue, and the post being to set out this morning I send you, on...
101695To Thomas Jefferson from Malesherbes, 12 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Le hasard a fait, Monsieur, que hyer j’ai passé chez vous et je vous ai laissé un billet...
101696To Thomas Jefferson from Nicolas & Jacob van Staphorst, 12 March 1789 (Jefferson Papers)
Amsterdam, 12 Mch. 1789 . In response to TJ’s “very respected favor” they are pleased to inform...
101697[To Thomas Jefferson from Dugald Stewart, 12 March 1789] (Jefferson Papers)
[ College of Edinburgh, 12 Mch. 1789 . Recorded in SJL as received 30 Mch. 1789. Not found.]
101698Motion Intended to Be Made at a Meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati, 11 March 1789 (Hamilton Papers)
[ New York ] March 11, 1789 . At a meeting of the New York Society of the Cincinnati “held on the...
101699To George Washington from Caleb Gibbs, 11 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
Suffer me Dear Sir to congratulate your Excellency on the appointment to the first seat in this...
101700To George Washington from Warner Lewis, 11 March 1789 (Washington Papers)
It gave me very great concern that your favor of the 19’th of December last should not have...