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Results 10141-10150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The letter you last favoured me with , found me on a sick bed with a bilious fever from which I am now slowly recovering. Your kindness in giving me the consolation of better times arising from vigour of mind & body—I duly appreciated; but felt anew the impracticability of making any efforts, without receiving some spring or countenance from those in influence and power. I am tied down to this...
In consequence of a very kind letter of the 13th Ulto. from Mr. Jefferson, in which he recognizes me as one he is pleased to stile “ a fellow laborer indeed, in times never to be forgotten ,” & to treat me as a long tried public and personal friend, I have been led to reply to him, in considerable latitude. I was, at the moment of the receipt of his letter, meditating an application to Mr....
You are one of the last persons to whom it is necessary to observe how comfortable are the exchanges of the heart among those, who are united in principles at once virtuous and vital. I feel all that belong to such circumstances in the perusal of your letter of the 13 th ult o . It is true that I aspired to be the fellow laboror (juvenile and modest) with superior men. I have been amply repaid...
I was honoured by your favour of the 2d Inst: in answer to my letter of 26th ult. I cannot refrain from expressing my very great pleasure, in perusing this renewed proof of the wonderful retention of mental powers at this advanced period of life. I should be happy, could I justly think that, though nearly thirty years younger than yourself, I now possessed the memory and powers of mental...
The Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia , at their last semiannual meeting of Oct. 2 . having agreed to a Report of the conditio n of that institution , it’s disbursements and funds, as required by law, I now inclose it, with the accounts of the Bursar & Proctor . some difference will be found between the Proctor’s account , & the general view presented in the Report of the board ,...
The whole of the Weights and measures Agreeable to the Instructions I have received from and which are signed by Mr. John Millar will be £107:5:0 and the Same can be executed in a month after I have received an Order for the Same. I Have the Honor to be / Sir / Your Most Obt: Hle: St: NjP : Papers of Richard Rush.
I have just recd. a letter from Chs. D. Coxe, appealing to my recollection on certain points, and requesting a line from me to yourself. To let you see what has passed, I inclose his letter to me, and a copy of my answer. The former you will be so good as to return. I presume the views of the case to be gathered from authentic sources will readily decide the question of his actual official...
Your note in the Virg a bank for $1240.—falls due on the 14 th Ins t before which time I hope to receive one from you for renewal say for $1180. as advised in mine of the 12 th Sept r : no flour or remittance has yet been received   With much respect & esteem RC ( DLC ); between dateline and salutation: “
Long have I meditated upon the propriety and probable result of thus intruding upon your attention; but, knowing him whom I now address to be the friend of science and confiding in his willingness to afford every possible assistance to those who are in pursuit of wisdom , I shall proceed without dull apologies to lay before him my famishd heart divested of that glossy covering which prosperity...
I thank you most sincerely for your very kind and friendly letter— The general approbation which has been expressed of my resurrection to public view has been a sincere gratification to me—though I very much fear I shall disgrace myself and my Constituents; But if I do, it will be for want of Understanding, and not of integrity— The Prayers of Winslow and Cleverly, and Veazey are no suprize to...