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Results 10141-10150 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
J’ai recû Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’Ecrire Le 11. de Ce mois, et Conformement a vos desirs je n’ai point appellé le Secours d’un traducteur pour prendre Connoissance de Son Contenû. Je ne suis pas moins peiné que vous Monsieur, de l’appel au peuple d’amerique que M. Silas Deane a Publié. Il ne m’apartient pas de qualifiér Cette demarche; C’est a vos souvrains...
I have received the letter which you did me the honor of writing to me the 11th. instant and agreable to your desire I have not submitted its contents to the inspection of a Translator. I am no less hurt than yourself Sir at the Appeal which Mr. Silas Deane has made to the people of America. It does not belong to me to qualify this step. Your re­ spective sovereigns must judge of the measure...
The Marquiss de la Fayette did me, the Honour of a Visit, Yesterday, and delivered me, your Favour of the 25. of October. I am not sorry, as Things have been ordered, that mine of May 24 did not reach you till 24 Octr. because as the new Arrangement was previously made, it cannot be said that I had any Hand in accomplishing it. Yet I am glad the Letter has arrived because it will shew that the...
I have the Honour to transmit you, three Letters, received by the Marquiss de la Fayette. I send you the Letters from Mr. Adams and Mr. Lee that you may know their Sentiments. All that is said of Mr. me, in both these Letters I hope you will omit. They are only Compliments, and I fancy Mistakes. What is said also, of General Sullivan in Mr. Adams’s Letter should also be omitted. And what is...
As I Shall soon have an opportunity of rendering an Account of my Short Stewardship, I must beg the Favour of you, to let Some of your People, make out a list of those Sums of Money, which I have drawn for and received seperately—another of those which Dr. Franklin and I have drawn for jointly—and thirdly an Account of those sums, which all of Us have drawn for together. I dont know indeed but...
By the late Appointment of Dr. Franklin to be a Minister plenipotentiary at this Court, I am left at Liberty to return to my own Coun­ try, as it does not appear that Congress, have any further Service for me to do in Europe. I therefore wish to return, as Soon as possible. But the English have heard So much of me, in Times past that I should be very loth to be exposed to their Goodwill. If it...
Last Evening, I had the Honour of your Letter of the thirteenth of this Month, in answer to mine of the Eleventh. I thank your Excellency, for the Politeness, with which you have agreed to my Proposition of a Conference upon the Subject of Mr. Deanes Address, to the People of the united States. At the Time, when my Letter of the Eleventh, was written and Sent to your Excellency, there were...
I arrived at Brest last Wednesday, in twenty five days Passage from Boston, and had the Pleasure of spending a day with Mrs. Adams the week before, at Braintree; She was then well and wrote the inclosed for my Care. Mrs. Adams had occasion for some solid Coin to answer some particular Purposes and I had it in my Power to afford her ten Guineas, for which She gave me the inclosed Bill; I know...
Mr. Grand has the honour of paying his respects to the Honorable Mr. Adams and begs leave to observe to him that the général Account he requires Since his arrival untill Mr. Franklin’s new Commission would not agree with all those he has furnishd in that Interval and which being a Series of Accounts united together would be in Contradiction with that required. It is not possible to dissect in...
I set down Simply to acknowledge over again the Receipt 1777 Decr I 8 21 1778 Jany. 20. Ap. 29. May 15. 16 Sept 25 3 others which accompanied some of the others without dates Oct. 24 of the Letters from you whose dates are in the Margin. These have been answerd, and I have wrote you at other Times. But there is a terrible Waste of Letters in the Sea. I cannot lay aside my Pen without Saying,...