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Results 10121-10130 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I write this separate letter, and endorse it as private , to prevent it’s being opened by others in your absence. the object of it is to mention the importance which has been suggested to me of procuring a board of the Literary fund , before the meeting of the Legislature , and of laying the Report of the Visitors before the latter body on the 2 d day of their session if possible. it is...
Yesterday’s mail brought me your favor of the 16th. with a Copy of your message: the only one reaching me; no newspaper containing it having come to hand. The view you have taken of our affairs can not but be well received at home, and increase our importance abroad. The State of our finances is the more gratifying as it so far exceeds the public hopes. I infer from the language of your letter...
I embrace this opportunity to Inform you that I am well and am In hopes that these few lines will find you and famely enjoying the Same Blessing please to recollect that you promised to assist me In geting my pay from the United States I have Been In their Service Considerable time Since I Saw you I went through Kentuckey by the way of the falls of the Ohio river from thence on to wabash river...
18th Received a number of visits and returned a few.—Mr Poletica passed the Evening with us—Talked much of his tour thro’ the Western States and appeared much pleased with his visit to Boston He informed us he had seen a gentleman lately from England who mentioned that the Queen had twice been seen drunk in Parliament before he left that Country— 19 Visitors came so early and staid so long I...
Rec d Lynchburg Nov 18 th 1820 of M r Thomas Jefferson a draft on Capt B Peyton for Six hundred Dollars, in part payment of his bond to A Robertson & C o in my hands for collection as the atty in fact of
You will receive by this mail a copy of the message in which I have endeavourd, to place our institutions in a just light, comparatively with those of Europe, without looking at the latter, or even glancing at them by any remark. The state of our finances is I presume more favorable, than was generally supposd. It seems probable that it will improve in future, the quantity of goods which...
I approach your exalted character with great diffidence; but contemplating as I often do your labours, and how much good those labours have bestowed on the present & will on future Generations, (our decendants), I the more, admire and adore that Providence which continues your invaluable life to So long a period; an example and blessing to the present age—that I may be permitted to evince to...
To morrow in the Albion packet i sail for England , and from thence in January i will sail for the Brazil , where i will be in the beginning of March. It is impossible to me to Leave this continent without once more turning my eyes to Virginia , to you and Monticello . I Leave you my representative in that State, and near the persons who attach me to it, and i doubt not of your acceptance of...
An Election, at my age and in my Circumstances, by the free sufferages of so ample a Representation of the fortunes and talents—the experience and wisdom—the authority, the virtues, and the piety of the ancient and renowned State of Massachusetts, I esteem the purest and fairest honor of my life; and my Gratitude is proportionally ardent & sincere: I pray you Gentlemen, to present to the...
Whereas the Honorable John Adams, a member of this convention, and elected President thereof, has, for more than half a century, devoted the great powers of his mind, and his profound wisdom and learning, to the service of his country and mankind; In fearlessly vindicating the rights of the North American provinces against the usurpations and encroachments of the superintending Government;— In...