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Results 10111-10120 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The 9th Instant I had the honor to pay my respects to you and to request your information tutching the Convoy we Solicited for the Ships at Nantes. I meet with some difficulty in expediting of our Ships. They being American property must of course be furnishd with American Pass’s. I have to request you will favor me with your Pass’s by return of Post for the following; Vessels otherways met at...
In consequence of directions to me from the State of Virginia, to endeavour to obtain from the French Ministry a quantity of Canon, arms and ammunition, for the use of that State, I applyed accordingly to Count de Vergennes, when his Excellency replyed, that was a business in the department of the Secretary at War, and that he tho’t it best to get you to apply to Prince Mont Barry for them:...
I had the honour of writing you December 12 1778 inclosing a Letter from Messrs. Horneca Fitzeau & Co. relative to 13 Bales cases and Barrells marked No. 1 to 13 which are the property of Mr. Simeon Dean and which were delivered to Mr. Schweighauser on a supposition that they belonged to the commissioners as mentioned in my said Letter. I have not had the honour of an answer on this Subject. I...
We had the honor of receiving your Excellency’s Letter of the 20th. enclosing M. de Sartine’s Answer, relative to the Convoy which we requested of your Excellency, for the Ships now assembled at Nantes. We are totally at a loss to understand what Mr. de Sartine writes of four Vessels mentioned by us, as ready to sail and a Convoy having sailed with two of them. We never mentioned any thing...
Permit me to embrace this earliest opportunity of acquainting you of my arrival here this day from Our Continent, Via Havana, were I embark’d in A Spanish Vessel for Spain the 17 Novr. last, and on the 19th. Instant fell in with A Small Fleet from here under the Command of Count de Grace, (Cape Finisterre bearing E S E about 50 Leagues) who immediately with his Usual Politeness, offer’d me...
We had Yesterday the Honour of your Letter of the Twenty first of this Month. You desire to know what Port or Ports, is or are made free, pursuant to the Treaty? We believe that none have as yet been determined on. At present all the Ports of France, are open, to American Vessells of all Denominations, and we are at present rather doubtful whether it would be politick in Us to apply to have...
Enfin j’ai la satisfaction de pouvoir vous apprendre, que les choses ont tourné au gré d’Amsterdam. Hier les Etats d’Hollande prirent la Résolution d’annuller celle du 18e. Nov. passé, qui exceptoit des Convois les Bois de construction, et de protéger leur Commerce dans toute l’extension que lui assurent les Traités; suspendant, du reste, toute délibération ultérieure sur cette matiere,...
Finally I have the pleasure to inform you that things have turned out to Amsterdam’s liking. Yesterday the States of Holland resolved to annul the resolution of 18 November, which excepted ships timbers from the convoys, to protect their commerce to the fullest extent guaranteed by the treaties, and, moreover, to suspend any further deliberation on this matter until the Admiralties of all the...
The Memorial of several of the American Gentlemen, Merchants, and Commanders of Vessels at Nantes, whose names are underwritten— Sheweth— That, the Merchants of America, during the War, are at an inconceivable expence in fitting out their Vessels—in navigating, and insuring them—and often the prospect of repayment, and adequate profit, is destroyed by detention, through accident, or misconduct:...
I am well informed that two Indorsements have been made on the Accounts I have had the Honour to present to the Commissioners, one of which contains Accusations as injurious to my Reputation as they are false and malignant. The first of these Indorsements is on my Account dated Sept. 10 1778 and is written in the following Words.— “N B The Order from B Franklin and John Adams Esqrs. to the...