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Results 10111-10140 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The 9th Instant I had the honor to pay my respects to you and to request your information...
In consequence of directions to me from the State of Virginia, to endeavour to obtain from the...
I had the honour of writing you December 12 1778 inclosing a Letter from Messrs. Horneca Fitzeau...
We had the honor of receiving your Excellency’s Letter of the 20th. enclosing M. de Sartine’s...
Permit me to embrace this earliest opportunity of acquainting you of my arrival here this day...
We had Yesterday the Honour of your Letter of the Twenty first of this Month. You desire to know...
Enfin j’ai la satisfaction de pouvoir vous apprendre, que les choses ont tourné au gré...
Finally I have the pleasure to inform you that things have turned out to Amsterdam’s liking....
The Memorial of several of the American Gentlemen, Merchants, and Commanders of Vessels at...
I am well informed that two Indorsements have been made on the Accounts I have had the Honour to...
We have this Moment the Honour of your Letter of the Twenty Eighth of last Month, and shall give...
Captain Jason Laurence belonging to the Schooner General Arnold Arrived here Yesterday by a dutch...
The Letter which Your Honors have been pleased under date of the 26th of last month, to address...
Least it might possibly have escap’d the joynt notice of you and your Most worthy Colleague...
J’ai communiqué à M. de Sartine, Messieurs, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire...
I have communicated to M. Sartine, gentlemen, the letter that you did me the honor to write on...
To a written Letter, one of you was civil enough to return me a verbal answer, that Doctor...
Having not seen the Letter of Mr. Williams to which one of those sent me is an Answer I cannot...
It is now near six Months that Capt. McNeil, of the Mifflin Privateer from America, has been...
We have received your Letters of the 12 Decr. and 23 of January. In the first You propose that We...
Having heard that it is your intention to dispatch some person to England to negotiate an...
As your Separation from the Ranger, and the Appointment of Lieutenant Simpson to the Command of...
Capt. Jones has represented to us his Desire and Intention of returning to the Countess of...
I perceive by the letter you have sent me that Mr. Deane’s claim is ascertaind by marks, and...
As Your Excellency reads English perfectly well, my first Request is, that you would do me the...
We duly received the Letter which you did us the honor of writing on the 9th. of Feb. accompanyed...
We have received your Letter of Feb. 9. offering your Services to the public by going to England...
I had Yesterday, the Honour of your Favour of the 28 Octr. inclosing a Resolution of Congress of...
I am much obliged to you for your kind Congratulations on my Arrival, and agreable Accommodation...
Yours of the 24 Oct. is before me. I have received several Letters from you every one of which I...