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Results 10111-10120 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Il y a precisement aujourdhui deux ans que vous avez pris la peine de m’ecrire une lettre bien aimable —et qui a excité toute ma reconnaissance. elle m’est arrivée le 13 janvier 1819 avec la traduction de mon Economie Politique, et qui lui fait tant d’honneur puisque vous avez Daigné y donner vos Soins. Je Suis confus de la peine que cela vous a causé, et je voudrai bien pouvoir me flatter que...
I have addressed to you, by the Post Office, the first No. of the Biography. &c.—which I beg the favour of you to accept, with my grateful acknowledgements of your kind attention to my former letter . The hurry with which this vol. has been urged into the world, to meet the conveniences of printers & publishers, has left me no time for elaborate research, or for studying the graces of...
T Ritchie , in his own name & that of the Author , requests M r Jefferson ’s Acceptance of this Book.— T.R. trusts he will read it—and, if perfectly agreeable to M r J. hopes, that at his leisure he will give his opinion of it.
Novbr. 22 Spent the day at home excepting about an hour in which I paid a number of visits—Dr. Thornton called in late last Evening and chatted some time His conversation is indeed a thing of threads and patches certainly amusing from its perpetual variety—He is altogether the most excentric being I ever met with possessing the extremes of literary information and the levity and trifling of...
[ Poplar Forest , 22 Nov. 1820 . SJL entry reads “ Ned & Wormly . garden, lawn & grove. roads.” Letter not found.]
Invoice of Sundries shipped by Joshua Dodge of Marseilles on board the Brig Union of Marblehead Cap t Simon T. Williams bound to the United States , consigned, by order & for account of Thomas Jefferson Esq r of Monticello
I send you a line informing you that Mr Meeks is not disposed to remaine with us the ensueing Yeare. he has not given me the information himself but his wife informed my family that he intended going away. what proves the thing to me I saw a cart th at his house loading with his cabage yesterday I inquired whare they was carrying them to the reply was to the place that he was to live at the...
I received very lately your letter of June 28th. with a Copy of the Tragedy of Altorf. I had not before seen it, although its favorable reception on American Theatres had made it Known to me. This reception is the best species of proof that its dramatic structure is well calculated to give force to the just & lofty sentiments of patriotism by which the performance is distinguished. No better...
The subject of my letter will I hope be a sufficient apology for my addressing you—From the books of my Grandfather James Lyle , Geo: Kipen & Co , & Henderson M c Call & Co , I find that there are some unsettled accounts with you; Statements of which will be handed to you by Mister T: Saunders , who is autherised by me to make a settlement—I am fully persuaded from your letters to my...
I am favor’d this morning with yours of the 15th: Inst: & observe contents— Your draft favor M r Garland for $600 shall be paid on demand—all the others of which you have apprised me, have been presented & paid:— and a few days ago, by a Milton Boat, forwarded the 18 Gallons Linseed oil you wrote for , in a former letter , in 6 three Gallons Gallon Jugs, which I hope will reach Monticello