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Results 10111-10160 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Il y a precisement aujourdhui deux ans que vous avez pris la peine de m’ecrire une lettre bien...
I have addressed to you, by the Post Office, the first No. of the Biography. &c.—which I beg the...
T Ritchie , in his own name & that of the Author , requests M r Jefferson ’s Acceptance of this...
Novbr. 22 Spent the day at home excepting about an hour in which I paid a number of visits—Dr....
[ Poplar Forest , 22 Nov. 1820 . SJL entry reads “ Ned & Wormly . garden, lawn & grove. roads.”...
Invoice of Sundries shipped by Joshua Dodge of Marseilles on board the Brig Union of Marblehead...
I send you a line informing you that Mr Meeks is not disposed to remaine with us the ensueing...
I received very lately your letter of June 28th. with a Copy of the Tragedy of Altorf. I had not...
The subject of my letter will I hope be a sufficient apology for my addressing you—From the books...
I am favor’d this morning with yours of the 15th: Inst: & observe contents— Your draft favor M r...
I write this separate letter, and endorse it as private , to prevent it’s being opened by others...
Yesterday’s mail brought me your favor of the 16th. with a Copy of your message: the only one...
I embrace this opportunity to Inform you that I am well and am In hopes that these few lines will...
18th Received a number of visits and returned a few.—Mr Poletica passed the Evening with...
Rec d Lynchburg Nov 18 th 1820 of M r Thomas Jefferson a draft on Capt B Peyton for Six hundred...
You will receive by this mail a copy of the message in which I have endeavourd, to place our...
I approach your exalted character with great diffidence; but contemplating as I often do your...
To morrow in the Albion packet i sail for England , and from thence in January i will sail for...
An Election, at my age and in my Circumstances, by the free sufferages of so ample a...
Whereas the Honorable John Adams, a member of this convention, and elected President thereof,...
Language fails me in attempting to express to you my Gratitude for your kind and favourable...
I do not know if I ought to congratulate you or not on your acceptance of the trouble and anxiety...
Your acceptable favor of the 12th of August, reached me about a month ago. I fear that this...
I had expected that on my arrival here I should be able to give you an order on Richmond for...
I was so much engaged for some time before I left Monticello that it quite escaped me that my...
I have this moment received the farewell of Mr. Corrêa to Virginia , to you, and to us all. I...
You will receive herewith a copy of the message, in which I have endeavour’d without looking at...
I had promised Samuel Garland to give him on my arrival here an order for 800.D. but, anxious to...
How grieved I am my dear John at the news we have just received you may concieve who knew what an...
In the early part of September I intended to have done myself the Honor and pleasure of paying my...
The letter you last favoured me with , found me on a sick bed with a bilious fever from which I...
In consequence of a very kind letter of the 13th Ulto. from Mr. Jefferson, in which he recognizes...
You are one of the last persons to whom it is necessary to observe how comfortable are the...
I was honoured by your favour of the 2d Inst: in answer to my letter of 26th ult. I cannot...
The Rector & Visitors of the University of Virginia , at their last semiannual meeting of Oct. 2...
The whole of the Weights and measures Agreeable to the Instructions I have received from and...
I have just recd. a letter from Chs. D. Coxe, appealing to my recollection on certain points, and...
Your note in the Virg a bank for $1240.—falls due on the 14 th Ins t before which time I hope to...
Long have I meditated upon the propriety and probable result of thus intruding upon your...
I thank you most sincerely for your very kind and friendly letter— The general approbation which...
I return you Captain Phillips’s sensible letter, I wish I could converse with you upon the...
I recd. yesterday only your letter of Ocr. 20. postmarked Philada. Nov. 4. It would give me...
Know all men by these presents, that we Thomas Jefferson , Rector, and James Breckenridge , James...
Enclosed you will find my duplicate report in the first report I had made an error in the...
The next day we visited the venerable Sage of Monticello . We took a winding path, which...
I recieved yesterday your letter of that date . I have not as yet got a single barrel of flour to...
This letter will be handed to you by mr H. B. Trist , son of a gentleman of the same name a...
Your s of the 2 d has been recieved as also the books and boulting cloth. I drew on you yesterday...
I have been highly gratified with the manner, in which your State in particular & the Continent...
I Shall have to Pay my Overser M r Moon on the 15th In t his Sallery for his last years Servises,...