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Results 1011-1020 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I take the liberty my Dear Sir to request your interest for a friend of mine and a member of the family, Dr McHenry. He wishes to quit a Station which among foreigners is not viewed in a very reputable light and to get into one more military. He will go into the Marquis’s family as an aide. He has been in the army since the commencement of the War—first in the medical line, since the 15th of...
Doctr. Bache’s Address is ‘William Bache at Franklin near Charlottesville’ the letter should be put into the Post office before 5. P.M. to-day William White to be Surveyor for the district of East river. approved. Griffin Greene to be collector of the port of Marietta. approved. James Clarke to be Surveyor of customs at Tombstone, district of Edenton N.C. recommended by mr Stone. Selden Jasper...
I have received the inclosed letter from a respectable firm in Boston, and feel disposed to employ them in purchasing the Books which we require at the University. In accordance with a regulation at the last meeting of the Board of Visitors we shall have to order Books to the amount of 500 at home & abroad: and the percentage charged by Messrs. Gray & Bowen is so moderate as I think to deserve...
My letters to Mr. Madison are so full on what concerns us, as to leave me little to add to you. I never experienc’d more difficulty in any case, than in deciding whether to hasten the negotiation with this govt. to a conclusion, & set out immediately in pursuit of the other object, or to let it take its natural course and consume a couple of months more, and pursue that object afterwards. The...
I have the honor of transmitting herewith accurate Returns of the number of Men now actually in service from your State, in order that measures may be taken for compleating the Regiments to the full establishment, agreeably to the Resolution of Congress of the 10th of Decr. I cannot omit so favourable an opportunity of expressing my sentiments on that subject, to your Excellency, & of...
I beg leave to inform you, that since my Letter of the 8th and 9th Instt, which I had the honor of addressing you, Nothing of importance has occurred, except that the Ships of War, which I then mentioned, in their passage up the River, took a Sloop that was at Anchor off the Mouth of Spitendevil, and Two of our Row Gallies, which they out sailed. The Crews finding that they could not prevent...
1017General Orders, 21 March 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Merrill Brigd. Qr Mr 1st Massa. Brigade For duty the 6th Massachusetts regiment. Whenever a Brigade or corps are under arms on a field day. field returns are to be presented to the Commander in chief, or Reviewing officer; exhibiting the actual strength of the corps, the number of men under Arms, and accounting summarily for those who may be absent. The greatest...
It was not till last evening I discovered that a packet, which I had done myself the honor to address to you by a private conveyance, had been forgotten by the person to whom it was entrusted. To prevent a similar accident, and to avoid any farther delay, I take the liberty to forward the enclosed pamphlets (which are transmitted at the request of our State Society) by post. Unable to decline,...
I recommend to you personally & to the Delegates from your state in general, the cause of Mrs. De Neufville, widow of the deceased Mr. John De Neufville, Mercht at Amsterdam. He had for a long time before his death been in very, very narrow circumstances, caused by the ruin he brought on himself by a blind zeal for the support of the liberty & independence of this Country. His widow is totally...
I am informed that Tench Frances Eqr Purveyor of public supplies, died last night; This event creates a vacancy in an important office, which the necessities of the service, require, should be filled with as little delay as possible. Permit me respectfully to present to you, the name of Mr. Jonathan Williams as a successor to this office. He is a gentleman of intelligence, activity, experience...