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Results 10101-10110 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I had the pleasure of receiving, a few days ago, your favor post-marked the 18th, in lieu of the greater pleasure with which I should have received you in propria persona . I am sorry you so readily yielded to the consideration which deprived us of it in September. The addition of your company would have been felt no otherwise than as an ingredient highly acceptable to that you would have met...
I had the honour of writing to you from Lexington K y , and requesting your patronage in order of obtaining a birth in your University :—since that time having constantly applied myself to the study of the English language I dare to think myself more entitled to it, and now renew my request. Among the languages which I know those which I think myself qualified to teach are the Latin, Italian...
Every occurrence in which you have shared, or originated, seems by some strange perversion to be misunderstood, or misstated, by the present generation, when some favorite individual, or topic, induces the obliquity. Although I give M r Adams his full share of merit in the affair of the Compte de Vergenne’s maneuvring with the british administration on the subject of our treaty of 1783; yet I...
Altho’ I know not that any occasion will arise making it pertinent to bring the political career of Mr. T. Coxe to your attention, I can not in justice to my recollections of it refuse my testimony as to the credit to which he is entitled. I am not unaware that he may have political & perhaps personal enemies who do not speak, as I think, of him. But facts cannot be impaired by opinions. Mr....
I hope you will not infer from the date of this that I am retaliating on the lapse of time between my last, & yours of Mar. 1. which with its inclosures & the Memoirs of Mrs. Huchinson came to hand safely; the former how ever not expeditiously & the latter very tardily. This delay was occasioned chiefly by a misconception between me & the Collector at Norfolk where the 2 vols. were landed and...
I have received, my dear friend, your kind letter of July 22 inclosing your printed opinion on the election project. It was very slow in reaching me. I am very glad to find, by your letter, that you retain, undiminished, the warm feelings of friendship so long reciprocal between us; and, by your “Opinion,” that you are equally constant to the cause of liberty so dear to us both. I hope your...
I have been favored with your esteemed favor of 13 July last with a note of sundry articles you wish me to procure & forward to you, consigned to the Collector of the Port to which the Vessel bearer of them is bound, I thank you Sincerely for having afforded me this opportunity of being useful, as nothing can be more gratifying to me than to Shew the warm & respectful attachment I Shall ever...
I have addressed to you, by the Post office, the first no. of the “Biography &c. ” —of which I have now hazarded the publication; & which I beg the favour of you to accept, with my grateful acknowledgements, at the same time, for your kind attention to my former letter. This vol. has been hurried into the world but “half made up”, to meet the conveniences of printers & publishers. It has been...
I enclose bills to the amount of five & forty Dollars in payment of the account of Messrs. Benson & Co. and will be obliged by your taking a receipt and returning it by the Post whenever it may be convenient. This account would long since have been settled had it not been delayed without our knowledge by my husbands Steward for which I beg your excuse— Mr. Adams and myself offer our best...
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. and written one to the President, which will remind him of your successive services to your Country, and convey my sense of their merit and value. Being in no correspondence with any of the present members of the Senate, I feel myself less at liberty to do the same with them; especially as there may be some delicacy in anticipating a nomination from the...