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Results 10101-10150 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
10101 United States House of Representatives Adams, John To John Adams from United States House of … 1791-03-01 The Speaker of the House of Representatives has signed several enrolled bills, which I am...
10102 Malcom, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Malcom, 21 March 1797 1797-03-21 Received the following papers and letters which were left in the Office of the late President of...
10103 Dumas, C. W. F. Adams, John To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 24 June 1783 1783-06-24 L’Echange des Ratifications se fit hier entre Mr. le Greffier & votre serviteur; & il en fait...
10104 Ward, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Ward, 6 – 12 September 1776 1776-09-06 I have the honour of your Letter of the 20th of August. Agreeable to your desire have inclosed a...
10105 Olyphant, David Adams, John To John Adams from David Olyphant, 13 August 1798 1798-08-13 I presume to Address your Excellency, & request the favor of your Attention to John A. Hazard,...
10106 Thulemeier, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron von Adams, John To John Adams from the Baron von Thulemeier, 5 August … 1785-08-05 Les deux lettres dont Vous m’avez honoré, Monsieur, en date du 16 & 24 Juillet, m’ont été...
10107 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation, 30 March … 1781-03-30 Copy of my letter to our friend “According to your wishes, sir, I will give you an account of...
10108 King, Rufus Adams, John To John Adams from Rufus King, 4 December 1785 1785-12-04 I had the honor to write to you under date of the second of November, at which time the congress...
10109 Chambers, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Chambers, 1797 to 1801 1797-01-01 At a Crisses so Alarming as the present—when our Independance is threatened by a haughty foreign...
10110 Pseudonym: “Verax” Adams, John To John Adams from Pseudonym: "Verax", 4 October 1800 1800-10-04 Wth: pain Sir, I transmitt the Inclosure, & my certain , & Fix’d opinion, That The Jacobin Town...
10111 Trumbull, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Trumbull, 2 November 1798 1798-11-02 There being a probability that Your Excellency will soon have occasion to nominate a Collector...
10112 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 17 May 1818 1818-05-17 I was so unfortunate as not to recieve from mr Holly’s own hand your favor of Jan. 28. being then...
10113 Nicola, Lewis Adams, John To John Adams from Lewis Nicola, 12 May 1798 1798-05-12 The Memorial of Lewis Nicolas Brig. Genl. by Brevet in the service of the United States...
10114 Bingham, Jabez Adams, John To John Adams from Jabez Bingham, 6 February 1796 1796-02-06 have you heard any thing from your Son John—and shall I be the barrer of Agreeable, or...
10115 Bloodworth, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Bloodworth, 13 February 1801 1801-02-13 The Act pass’d this sessions, for the revisal of the Judicial sistem, will require the...
10116 Dana, Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Francis Dana, 25 February 1783 1783-02-25 I received by the last post Copies of several Resolutions of Congress, from M r: Thaxter. None of...
10117 Tufts, Cotton Adams, John To John Adams from Cotton Tufts, 26 June 1783 1783-06-26 If ever Wisdom Fortitude Patience & Perseverance were necessary, they were peculiarly so in the...
10118 Putnam, Aaron Adams, John To John Adams from Aaron Putnam, 28 April 1800 1800-04-28 I am informed the Secy of the Navy and Mr. Humphrys have reported in favour of the establishment...
10119 Sergeant, Jonathan Dickinson Adams, John To John Adams from Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, 14 … 1776-09-14 I forbore asking You any Questions on your Return from Staten Island, as there were a Number of...
10120 Davis, J. Brazer Adams, John To John Adams from J. Brazer Davis, 26 June 1825 1825-06-26 The Washington Society, desirous to evince their respect for one of the Fathers of American...
10121 Tudor, William, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from William Tudor, Jr., 22 September … 1816-09-22 My Father has done me the favour to Communicate to me, the letters he has received from you on...
10122 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 25 April 1796 1796-04-25 And why should I feel so anxious, so heavy at My Heart, and So depressed in My spirits? I cannot...
10123 La Vauguyon, Paul François de Quélen de Stuer de … Adams, John To John Adams from the Duc de La Vauguyon, 9 April 1782 1782-04-09 Je me Suis empressé Monsieur de transmettre a Monsieur Le Comte de Vergennes Les temoignages de...
10124 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 2 November 1797 1797-11-02 In observance of your directions, I do myself the honor to present to your view such matters as...
10125 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 7 … 1812-12-07 Although I know not, if I Shall be able to finish this Letter—being not free from head-ache—I...
10126 Staphorst, Nicolaas & Jacob van (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & … 1783-12-23 We do ourselves the honour in answer to your Excellency’s esteemed favour of 14 dec̃:, to hand...
10127 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 26 July 1800 1800-07-26 I have the honour to enclose a copy of a Letter from John Couper Esquire, who was lately...
10128 Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, John Thomas Boylston Adams to John Adams, 26 September 1799 1799-09-26 Your very kind favor of the 14 th: inst t: has a claim upon my gratitude, not only for the...
10129 Gerry, Elbridge Adams, John To John Adams from Elbridge Gerry, 8 July 1799 1799-07-08 In your letter of december 15th, referring to General Marshall’s journal, You are pleased to...
10130 Stoddert, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Stoddert, 15 October 1798 1798-10-15 In my letter of to Day on the subject of appointments—I omitted to mention Mr Benjamin Strother,...
10131 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 29 … 1817-11-29 As I returned home in safety in the course of this week, the first moments of leisure, after...
10132 Wallones, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Wallones, 26 October 1799 1799-10-26 Mr John Lasher, the Surveyor of this District, has intimated an intention to resign that Office...
10133 Luzac, Jean Adams, John To John Adams from Jean Luzac, 7 September 1780 1780-09-07 J’ai bien reçu successivement la Constitution de Massachusett’s, les trois Feuilles Américaines,...
10134 Taylor, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Taylor, 24 April 1814 1814-04-24 Lest any letter of December the 24th. last, in answer to yours of the 12th. of the same month,...
10135 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 9 February 1793 1793-02-09 I received your kind favour of the 24 th of Jan’ ry together with the News papers. the writings...
10136 Tudor, William, Sr. Adams, John To John Adams from William Tudor, Sr., 13 February 1801 1801-02-13 When I sported the Idea of an Ambassadorship I meant Nothing more than that it must be a most...
10137 Bentley, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Bentley, 22 July 1819 1819-07-22 I have received your kind letter, informing me of the doubts respecting the M ecklenburg ....
10138 Anonymous Adams, John To John Adams from Anonymous, 11 March 1800 1800-03-11 As people are often last to hear & know, what it concerns them most to know, I take the liberty...
10139 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 7 May … 1815-05-07 It Shall be a part of my Sundays devotion to give you my Sincerest thanks for your kindnesses...
10140 Sprague, William P. Adams, John To John Adams from William P. Sprague, 26 June 1797 1797-06-26 Relaying on your kind Attention Paid me on a former Application; That if any station offer’d you...
10141 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 26 December 1811 1811-12-26 During the time Cobbett was abusing me in his newspaper to the great joy of a number of our tory...
10142 Willink, Jan Adams, John To John Adams from Jan Willink, 29 December 1791 1791-12-29 since our last of 5 July, we are without any of your esteemed favors, we take now the Liberty to...
10143 Jay, John Adams, John From John Jay to John Adams, 10 January 1792 1792-01-10 I cannot easily tell you how much I am pleased & obliged by your friendly Letter of the 4 th ....
10144 Mumford, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Mumford, 22 July 1820 1820-07-22 Impell’d by imperious necessity, I take the liberty once more to address you: It is just twelve...
10145 Lee, Arthur Adams, John To John Adams from Arthur Lee, 10 August 1788 1788-08-10 I receivd your favor, my dear Sir, by which I perceive you are once more a farmer at Braintree—a...
10146 Dayton, Jonathan Adams, John To John Adams from Jonathan Dayton, 5 November 1797 1797-11-05 I came to this place last evening under an expectation of having the honor to pay you my respects...
10147 Bowles, William Augustus Adams, John To John Adams from William Augustus Bowles, 31 October … 1799-10-31 At a treaty held at Fort Stanwix, in the month of November 1768, the Six Nations pretending to...
10148 Dana, Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Francis Dana, 14 March 1781 1781-03-14 This is just to acquaint you that Colo. Lawrens arrived at L’Orient on the 8th. instant in our...
10149 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 11 July 1824 1824-07-11 My friend and correspondent of Richmond, Col o Bernard Peyton will have the honor of delivering...
10150 Yates, John V. N. Adams, John To John Adams from John V. N. Yates, 24 December 1822 1822-12-24 A communication from a source so respectable a source , containing sentiments so worthy of the...