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Results 10101-10110 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The Speaker of the House of Representatives has signed several enrolled bills, which I am directed to bring to the Senate for the signature of the Vice President. Printed Source--Senate Journal.
Received the following papers and letters which were left in the Office of the late President of the United States for the use of the present President, vizt. Original Communications between the President of the United States & both Houses of Congress from the commencement of the present Government to the 3d day of March 1797 inclusive— Original Communications between the President of the...
L’Echange des Ratifications se fit hier entre Mr. le Greffier & votre serviteur; & il en fait aujourd’hui son rapport en conséquence à Leurs H. P. Il m’a chargé de ses complimens pour V. Exc e. Je garde sous la Clef les deux Actes, écrits sur parchemin, munis du grand Sceau de la Rep. dans deux boetes d’argent, pour vous les remettre selon vos ordres, & suis avec grand respect / De Votre...
I have the honour of your Letter of the 20th of August. Agreeable to your desire have inclosed a Return of the Continental armed Vessels fitted out in this State. If the two grateful Brothers should pay us a visit, I will omit nothing in my power to give them a reception suitable to their gratitude. And if they should not bring too much Company with them I should be glad to wait on them. I...
I presume to Address your Excellency, & request the favor of your Attention to John A. Hazard, who offers himself a Candidate as Purser to the Ship now building at Warren, to be Commanded by Capt. Perry.— He is a young Gentleman of irreproachable Character, of good Abilities, & has received a regular Education for the Profession of the Law, & lately entered as an Attorney in the Courts: his...
Les deux lettres dont Vous m’avez honoré, Monsieur, en date du 16 & 24 Juillet, m’ont été successivement très bien rendues. J’écris aujourd’hui à Berlin pour obtenir les éclaircissemens que Vous me demandez, sur la consommation du tabac de Virginie, de l’indigo, & de l’huile de Spermaceti dans les Etats du Roi, & je m’empresserai à Vous les faire parvenir, dès que je serai suffisamment...
Copy of my letter to our friend “According to your wishes, sir, I will give you an account of what just passed. I was received very politely and everything proceeded in the same manner. They kindly asked me to provide the service of making the notification. I expressed my great regret of not being qualified in this case to execute such a commission, a commission that would hardly be any...
I had the honor to write to you under date of the second of November, at which time the congress of the last year was at the point of seperation to make way for their successors— states sufficient to form a new Congress did not assemble until the 23 d. ult, when they proceeded to the choice of a President, and M r. Hancock, although absent, was elected— whether he will accept the Appointment...
At a Crisses so Alarming as the present—when our Independance is threatened by a haughty foreign power—I think it a duty I ow my Native Country to offer Your Excelency my Services—And I now take the liberty to inform you Sir —that I had the honour to Command the first Company in the first Regiment Ever raised by Congress in the Year 1775—Commanded by Colonel William Thompson—and was at the...
Wth: pain Sir, I transmitt the Inclosure, & my certain , & Fix’d opinion, That The Jacobin Town of Baltimore will do Honor to its Creed , be perfectly Consistent , & Return Genl. Sam: Smith, to Congress, this Night—By a Majority of Some Hundred votes—!!! To morrow you may hear further from me—But at present, I have not more to add, than That His Triumphall Car is Already Gone up to The...