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Results 10101-10110 of 184,431 sorted by author
Ridendo dicere verum quid vetat. Mr. Simon has given us a factitious sketch of the last years of the last Century, and the first years of the present—And why should not I add a few commentary’s, still ridendo, for I cannot review that tragicomico farce, grave as it was to me, without laughing—I was President a mere cipher, the Government was in the hands of an oligarchy consisting of a...
10102[September 1782] (Adams Papers)
Supped last Night at Court in the Maison du Bois. M. Boreel told me he had been to Paris which he quitted 8 days ago. That M. Franklin had been sick. It was at first reported that he had been struck with an Apoplexity. Then it was said he had a billious Cholick, and afterwards a Retention of Urine. But that he had got well before he left Paris. Fell into Conversation naturally with Don Joas...
It is proper that I should apprize you, that the President has it in contemplation to Send your son to Holland, that you may recollect yourself and prepare for the Event. I make this Communication to you, in Confidence, at the desire of the President communicated to me Yesterday by the Secretary of State. You must keep it an entire Secret, untill it shall be announced to the Public in the...
I am anxious for Susan.— I wish to be informed, whether Mr Clark has left any and what Property? And whether any public provision is made for the Widows and Orphans of Officers who died After the War? though they undoubtedly Sacrificed their Health and Their lives in it. I wish to know whether She is with you, on a Visit or as a dependent. I wish also to know, whether her consumptive, dying...
I must beg the Indulgence of Congress, while I Sollicit their Attention, for a few moments to Some Particulars which are very interesting to me personally and have Some relation to the foreign Affairs of the United States.— It is now, in the Beginning of the tenth Year Since I embarked first for Europe in Obedience to the Commands of the United States. The various Services to which they have...
An Uneasiness, among some of the Members concerning a Contract with Willing & Morris, for Powder, by which the House, without any Risque at all will make a clear Profit of 12,000£ at least. Dyer and Deane spoke in public, Lewis to me in private about it. All think it exorbitant. S. Adams desired that the Resolve of Congress, upon which the Contract was founded might be read: he did not...
Your kind Favour of July 30. and 31. was handed me, just now from the Post office. I have regularly received a Letter from you every Week excepting one, for a long Time past, and as regularly send a Line to you inclosing Papers.—My Letters are scarcely worth sending. Indeed I dont choose to indulge much Speculation, lest a Letter should miscarry, and free Sentiments upon public Affairs...
Inclosed, you have in Confidence some Compliments. Give me in confidence your Opinion of them. Is there any thing said by me which I ought not to have said? Is there any expression exceptionable? Have I compromised myself or the public in any thing? more than ought to be— The Custom of making a Speech is so settled, that not only, the Secretary of State and the Master of the Ceremonies, but...
This morning were brought me four Bills of Exchange drawn on Mr. Laurens on the 6th. of July 1780 for 550 Guilders each. I have desired time to write to your Excellency, and obtained it. But as there is a large Number of these Bills not yet arrived, and as they come in sometimes by single Bills, and generally in small Numbers at a time, it will be giving your Excellency much Trouble as well...
My Eyes were delighted with your handwriting this Morning—And my heart Cheered with the Contents of the letter Your apology for the interruption of your Correspondence is amply sufficient, and indeed as I have previously found in my own reflections apologys for you, It was more than was necessary—I am delighted with your studing Latin—The Town of Quincy have been pleased to Elect one a Member...