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Results 10101-10130 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I had the pleasure of receiving, a few days ago, your favor post-marked the 18th, in lieu of the...
I had the honour of writing to you from Lexington K y , and requesting your patronage in order of...
Every occurrence in which you have shared, or originated, seems by some strange perversion to be...
Altho’ I know not that any occasion will arise making it pertinent to bring the political career...
I hope you will not infer from the date of this that I am retaliating on the lapse of time...
I have received, my dear friend, your kind letter of July 22 inclosing your printed opinion on...
I have been favored with your esteemed favor of 13 July last with a note of sundry articles you...
I have addressed to you, by the Post office, the first no. of the “Biography &c. ” —of which I...
I enclose bills to the amount of five & forty Dollars in payment of the account of Messrs. Benson...
I have recd. your letter of the 12th. and written one to the President, which will remind him of...
Il y a precisement aujourdhui deux ans que vous avez pris la peine de m’ecrire une lettre bien...
I have addressed to you, by the Post Office, the first No. of the Biography. &c.—which I beg the...
T Ritchie , in his own name & that of the Author , requests M r Jefferson ’s Acceptance of this...
Novbr. 22 Spent the day at home excepting about an hour in which I paid a number of visits—Dr....
[ Poplar Forest , 22 Nov. 1820 . SJL entry reads “ Ned & Wormly . garden, lawn & grove. roads.”...
Invoice of Sundries shipped by Joshua Dodge of Marseilles on board the Brig Union of Marblehead...
I send you a line informing you that Mr Meeks is not disposed to remaine with us the ensueing...
I received very lately your letter of June 28th. with a Copy of the Tragedy of Altorf. I had not...
The subject of my letter will I hope be a sufficient apology for my addressing you—From the books...
I am favor’d this morning with yours of the 15th: Inst: & observe contents— Your draft favor M r...
I write this separate letter, and endorse it as private , to prevent it’s being opened by others...
Yesterday’s mail brought me your favor of the 16th. with a Copy of your message: the only one...
I embrace this opportunity to Inform you that I am well and am In hopes that these few lines will...
18th Received a number of visits and returned a few.—Mr Poletica passed the Evening with...
Rec d Lynchburg Nov 18 th 1820 of M r Thomas Jefferson a draft on Capt B Peyton for Six hundred...
You will receive by this mail a copy of the message in which I have endeavourd, to place our...
I approach your exalted character with great diffidence; but contemplating as I often do your...
To morrow in the Albion packet i sail for England , and from thence in January i will sail for...
An Election, at my age and in my Circumstances, by the free sufferages of so ample a...
Whereas the Honorable John Adams, a member of this convention, and elected President thereof,...