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Results 101-110 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : New-York Historical Society I have learnt by different hands, that Dr. Mitchel continues in a bad State of Health, which I suppose obliges him to drop his Correspondencies. ’Tis a Loss to us all. Messrs. Bertram and Evans did not go their intended Journey to Lake Erie, but are both safe at home. Mr. Weiser is just return’d from Onondago, and gives a melancholly Account of the declining...
The Commander in Chief who has just gone to Poughkeepsie, has left it in charge with me to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 25th and to inform you that he has no objections to your coming to the Army for the purposes you Mention; at which time your friends will be very happy to see you at Head Quarters—Mrs Washington (who desires me to present her Complts to you) has often...
I received your letter of the 30 th ultimo, with two Invoices enclosed, for the Marble by the Ship Caroline from Leghorn. The Invoices are returned herewith agreeably to your request. The marks do not agree with the Invoices & bill of lading received. I have entered the Marble and paid the duly thereon copies of the entries are enclosed, & have shipped the same on board the Sloop Eliza Allen,...
I have your favr of the 10th and am only sorry that I did not sooner know my request of sinking the Frigates had been complied with. The delay of the Resolve of Congress, from the time you first applied for their advice, was what led me into a mistake, and I am obliged to you for the genteel manner in which you excuse me. I am perfectly satisfied with the measures which you have taken to...
I am honoured with yours of the 4th inclosing sundry Resolves of Congress from the 29th March to the 5th instant. I am extremely glad to see the Resolve for the immediate removal of Military Stores from Baltimore and Annapolis, for altho’ I do not imagine that the Enemy intend an expedition of any great Consequence in Chesapeak Bay, yet while the Stores lay at the above places, they were...
I have now received your favour of the 29 th: of last month, enclosing a letter from your Mamma, for M r: Murdoch, which I shall take care to forward, by the first vessel that will go from Boston to England.— You had been so long without an attack of the spasms, that I had flattered my self, they had taken their final leave— I grieve to hear of their return— Perhaps it may only be in...
Whereas the enemy by a sudden incursion have succeeded in invading the capital of the nation, defended at the moment by troops less numerous than their own, and almost entirely of the militia: during their possession of which, though for a single day only, they wantonly destroyed the public edifices having no relation in their structure to operations of war, nor used at the time for military...
I arrived in this city on the 29th. ulto, and found here M[e]ssrs Livingston and Munroe; the one, on the point of setting out for Italy; the other, about to prosecute his journey to Spain. On an intimation from Mr Livingston of my arrival, I had an immediate interview with Mr Talleyrand, and, in a day or two, received from him a notice, that “the next diplomatic audience had been assigned for...
109[Diary entry: 14 February 1760] (Washington Papers)
14. Ditto Ditto Do. Do. but cloudy.
Capt Pierson The Sy of War informs me that he has ordered Pierson Green of C. Henry’s company, on a certificate of Doctor Gillaspy, to be discharged the service You will inform C. Henry accordingly ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).