Results 101-130 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
University of Virginia Wednesday, October 1st. 1828. Agreeably to the adjournment at the meeting in July last, four members of the Board of Visitors made their appearance—Chapman Johnson, Joseph C. Cabell, William C. Rives, and J. H. Cocke—who were informed by a letter to the secretary from the Rector, that, owing to his very feeble state of body, he found himself unable to attend. In the...
Bill. in 1802. purchased the dower of Eliz. Henderson that John Henderson is digging a race thro’ the lands prays injunction. Answer of J. Henderson. in Nov. 1801. he entered into written contract with the sd Elizabeth relative to sundry matters, & among others that it was agreed that he should have all the sd Eliz’s right to so much of her sd dower lands as might be necessary for the purpose...
Copy: American Philosophical Society I now sit down to give you an Account of Part of the Operations of our Campaign. It will hardly be more difficult for you to understand it than for me in our present Situation to transmit it to you. We marched on Wednesday Jan. 15 from Bethlehem for Gnadenhutten beyond the Mountains in Order to erect a Fort there with Seven Waggons and a Cart escorted by...
Wednesday, July 23. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That the Sum of Two hundred and twenty five dollars be appropriated for the purpose of repairing the exterior coverings of the dormitories of the University. Resolved That the Executive committee be authorized to take off a part of the exterior covering from the lower range of dormitories, to ascertain experimentally...
The apportionment of taxation in the old states of 3/5 for slaves was decided rather from accident, than any accurate calculation. The subject caused much debate in Congress. The east and the south differed. The former was for a high ratio, the latter for a low;—¼, ½, 2/3 were proposed and rejected. At length Mr Madison proposed 3/5, which was accepted, & he still thinks it very near the true...
By the President of the United States. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by the first articles of the terms and conditions declared by the President of the United States on the seventeenth day of October, 1791, for regulating the Materials and manner of buildings and improvements on the lots in the city of Washington, it is provided that “the outer and party walls of all houses in the said city shall be...
Genl. topics the advantages of a peaceful system. that if once our debt is paid & taxes liberated, the surplus (after supportg. govmt) will supply annual exp. of war so that no other tax need ever be laid. removals from office. Philosophy licentiousness of press. MS ( DLC : TJ Papers, 234:41878); in TJ’s hand; undated; Documents III and V are on reverse side of same sheet.
P.S. the Northern boundary of Louisiana, Coterminous with the possessions of England. The limits of Louisiana have been spoken of, in the preceding statement , as if those established to the West & North, by the charter of Louis XIV. remained still unaltered. in the West they are so, as already explained. but, in the North, a material change has taken place. with this however it was...
4. e. The free exercise of religion being placed by the constitution independant of the powers of the Genl. govmt, the acts of fasting praying, thanksgiving, and the times, manner, and matter thereof, are religious exercises, which if free from us must neither be prescribed nor controuled by us: I have left them therefore as the constn found them, under the direction of the state or church...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 1, 1756. Governor Morris and the commissioners appointed in the £60,000 money act worked diligently to organize more effective measures against the continuing Indian attacks. By December 4 they had decided to rely chiefly upon a fort to be erected at Shamokin (at the forks of the Susquehanna; now Sunbury) from which ranging parties would be...
In order to bring the members of society together in the first instance the custom of the country has established that the residents shall pay the 1st. visit to strangers, & among strangers first comers to later comers, foreign & domestic; When brought together in society all are perfectly equal, whether foreign or domestic, titled or untitled, in or out of office. To the 1st. rule there is a...
Jacob I. Cohen William Hull Wm. Vaughan for Portland           Worcester . Samuel Flagg Abraham Lincoln Francis Blake MS ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 2:0414); undated but see Lincoln to TJ
[made on a letter from Alexander Garrett, April 16, 1831: post April 16, 1831] [ ] H. of Reps. chosen for his real plan by St: Legs. (see notes) in [ ] plan presented Council of Revision of Ex. & principal offrs of Govt. [ ] noted, see p. 8-9. of the pamphlet Executive for 7 years p. 9. on power to [ ] p. 10. Appoint Fedl. Courts for territorial Contests between States payment on debts of...
New Hampsh Massachu R. Island Connecticut Vermont New York New Jersey Pennsylva Delaware Maryland Virginia N. Carola S. Carola Georgia Tennissee Kentucky Ohio
Divn. of powers to weaken each br. & to balance the whole [ ] Hence Leg. Ex. & Judy. The 2 houses, the veto of Ex & indepce of Judges, liable however to impt. & removal &c Case of negroes--persons as well as property. the sympathy of white population in one branch of Legisl: protect ym agst. masters—the interest of masters protect ym agst. disproportionate taxation. Charters of incorpn....
J. M. was born on the 5th of Mar. (O. 5) 1751. His parents J. M. & N. (Conway) Madison, resided in the County of Orange in Virga. At the time of his birth they were on a visit to her mother, who resided on the Rappahannoc, at Port Conway in the County of King George. At the age of about 12 years, he was placed by his father under the tuition of Donald Robertson, from Scotland, a man of...
117II. Cipher Table, [April 1803?] (Jefferson Papers)
suppose the key word to be ‘antipodes’ write it thus. a n t i p o d e s a n t i p o d e s
Hollis —Hollis near Bushtown Maryland, comes every year to fish in the Patowmac opposite Alexandria. he says that it is best to leave the head on the fish, because when taken off the fish becomes much drier. he considers what is called gobbing them as much the best method, that is to take out the gills & entrails, & leave the row and head. he has sold this year @ 3⅓ D. the barrel he will...
Monday the 12th. Jno. H. Cocke and Thomas J. Randolp<h> attended. Ms (ViU) .
A statement of the rights &c. in Henderson’s warehouses. the Widow’s dower. conveyed to Peyton price £85. pd. sold by Charles Henderson Att.y. in fact for the widow time of paiment. John. conveyed to Seabrook who by Anderson conveys to Peyton price. £50.— time of paiment Ninety days. Sarah Kerr conveyed to
List of autographs [by James Madison:] Autographs sent [by Dolley Payne Madison:] G. Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Monroe John Quincy Adams A. Hamilton Robert R. Livingston Albert Gallatin Edw. Livingston Richard Peters John Page Edmd. Pendleton Wm. Pinkney Timothy Pickering Lafayette Le Baron de Humboldt Du pont de Nemours Peter S. Du Ponceau. 18—
Thursday, July 17. The same remark applies to this. Ms ( ViU ).
Tuesday, July 22. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That if Dr Patterson should decline the appointment of Professor of Natural Philosophy, the Rector shall be authorised to offer it to William Ritchie, rector of the Academy of Tain in Scotland; that in making this offer, he be required not to annex the duties of the Observatory, and the compensation provided therefor,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am exceedingly oblig’d by the exact Plan and Profile you have been so kind as to send me, of the hydraulic Machine at Chatou. Be pleased to accept my thankful Acknowledgments of the Favour, and be assured that I am, with great Esteem, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant A virtually indecipherable notation on the verso, which may have no relation to the...
125V. Partial Draft, 8 February 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
When it was vain to deny that our measures were good, they resorted to motives, & alledged they proceeded from bad motives. the taxes they admitted were unnecessary, but we did not suppress them because they were unnecessary, but because it would be popular. to the public however this question is of no importance. whether their agents do good, because they are good, or because it will please...
Another consequence suggests itself as following the nullifying rule–I will illustrate it practically– Suppose S. Carolina to be supported by the requisite number of States in her appeal against the tariff, it is null– but Pennsylvania, with equal right as one of the seventeen, vitally interested in the continuance of the law, and supported by a greater number of sister States, appeals pari...
May 4. in bank. Salary 2083 .33 2083 .33 Disct. 1979 1979 . 3979 4062 .33 bank.  note  of Mar. 2000 2000 .
Proceeding, fellow citizens, to that qualification which the constitution requires before my entrance on the charge again conferred on me, it is my duty to express the deep sense I entertain of this new proof of confidence from my fellow citizens at large, and the zeal with which it inspires me so to conduct myself as may best satisfy their just expectations. On taking this station on a former...
Interest account between J. Barnes & Th: Jefferson from 1801. Mar. 4. to 1803. May 4. 1801. Monthly balance Int. of month at 6.p.Ct. Articles of discount between those dates paid by Th:J. extracted from the accounts. Mar. 4. 316. 485 1.58 D Apr. 4. 316. 40 1.58 1801. July 25.
This indenture made on the 4th. day of May 1804. between Craven Peyton of the one part and Thomas Jefferson of the other, both of the county of Albemarle, witnesseth that Whereas the said Craven hath, at various times, and by various contracts deeds & other instruments, purchased from the widow & representatives of the late Bennet Henderson all their rights & interests in a tract of land held...