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Results 101-110 of 184,431 sorted by author
I am favoured with yours and Observe the Contents I am very senceable of the dissadvantages a person must Labour under who wants experimental knowledge in any undertakeing whatever & more especially in the plan that you have to execute at present. And that James Clievland is by farr a properer person for such Bussiness, but what Induced me to think of recomending Mr Young, was you mentioning...
The many Obligations I have been, and Still think my[self] under to you Oblidges me by this Opertunity to truble you with a few lines And for a Moment Interupt from Matters of Much greater Consequence. Mr Lund Washington and I have Settled all the Acctts that Subsisted between you & I, and has received the Ball[anc]e in full for which I have his receipt. I cannot help Observeing to you, that...
Im favoured with yours and Observe the Contents your Orders by the Adventure shall be pointedly and particularly taken notice of —I was this Morning a good deal Alarmed when we began to Overhaul your Herrings the first 3 or 4 Barrels we opned were in exceeding Bad Order On the top they were laid in promisscously without either form of packing or Salt and most of those they were filled up with...
In regard to your Design of importing Palantines into Virginia I beleve it would be attended with some difficulty from severall Circumstances, they are in generall much prejudiced against comeing into Virginia or Maryland as in either they are not allowed the same liberty of Concience in enjoying their own Religion, this Naturealy Inclines them more to Pensilvania, as well as the Number of...
Letter not found: from Robert Adam, 28 July 1774. The letter is described in the Parke-Bernet catalog no. 63, entry 380, 16–17 Nov. 1938: “Introducing a gentleman who wanted to establish a general post office through America, and about a dispute with Colonel Fairfax.” The dispute with George William Fairfax was undoubtedly over the sale of the bloomery. See Samuel Athawes to GW, 8 April 1774 ,...
Whilst all Denomination’s of People bless the happy occasion of your Excellency’s return to enjoy private and domestic felecity, Permit us Sir, (the Members of Lodge No. 39 lately establish’d in Alexandria) to assure Your Excellency that We as a Mystical Body rejoice in having a Brother so near us, Whose pre’eminent Benevolence has secured the Happiness of Millions, and that We shall esteem...
With this you will receive three petitions to be laid before your honorable House respecting the duty on Rum, an inlargement of our Town, draining the Marsh lots &c. the other is relative to the Herring fishery which you well know, is become very considerable and therefore worthy of Attention. Perhaps it may be only necessary to say something respecting the inlargement of our Town & the other...
The bearer hereof Mr Young is a young man that came a perfet Stranger to me about three years ago enquireing for employmt as an Assistant or Clerk And from his appearance then I thought there was something promiseing in his looks or that bid fair for doing well haveing at that time no occation for any person my self I recomended him to Doctr Ross who I had heard say wanted such a person, he...
We take the liberty to enclose you a copy of a letter, received from our friends Messrs. Ruys & Zimmerman at Amsterdam, respecting our Ship James Adams, Captain Bangs, which vessel left our capes the 8th. November last, bound for Amsterdam, with a cargo of colonial produce, all american property, accompanied with the proper and usual Certificates of neutrality, as well as those of importation...
The inclosed Copies of a Correspondence , are most respectfully submitted by Your most obedient & very humble Servants RC ( DLC : Rare Book and Special Collections Division); at foot of text: “The President of the United States.” Enclosure: see below. Abijah Adams (1754–1816) of Boston, worked for his younger brother Thomas Adams as clerk and bookkeeper for the Boston Independent Chronicle ,...