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Results 10091-10100 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
My letter of the 15th inst. mentioned that I had not received any letters from you between the 15th and the 30 of May—it should have been the 15th of April and 30th of May. By the last post from the southward I received yours of the 17th of April—which renders a duplicate of that letter unnecessary. As it appears to be alike requisite to the satisfaction of the public mind and to General...
I have the honor to inclose Copies to be laid before Congress of several Papers— 1. M r. Hartley’s full Powers of May 14.— 2. The Order of the King of Great Britain in Council, for regulating the American Trade, of the 14 th. May. 3. Articles proposed by the American Ministers to M r. Hartley, 29 th. April— 4. M r. Hartley’s Observations left with us the 21 st. of May. And 5. M r. Hartley’s...
For securing to the citizens of this commonwealth an indemnification out of the property of British subjects here, in case the sovereign of the latter should confiscate the property of the former in his dominions, as well as to prevent that accession of strength which the enemy might derive by withdrawing their property from hence: Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that the lands, slaves,...
the remaining of the legion are quartered in a such sickly place that many of the men being sick & one died few days ago the officers wishes your exellency would permit them to take a quarter two or three miles further where the men can be better accommodated and keep better their health—the quarter which thy request to go at, is near the half way house no further than six miles from yorck....
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s Letter of the 18th of this Month with one for the Marquis de Vaudreuil which was sealed and forwarded by express immediately, and I am exceedingly obliged to your Excellency for the communication of its contents—As the Marquis informs me he should sail the 22d . I am fearfull that Baron Fuchs who passed this place the 23d in the...
M r Brockenbro’ Proctor of the University of Virga informs me that you have been so kind as to send him for that instn 2. boxes of minerals procured in Germany. for this proof of the int. you take in that instn I beg leave on it’s behalf to return you it’s thanks. I hope it will fully repay the patronage of our country by the effect it will have on it’s future science morals and good fame. it...
In Answer to your Letter of yesterday, we would inform your Excellency that when we first fixt the Navy Board at this Place & got our Frigates up, we had formed a Plan for defending them by a small Battery: of which among many other Things we gave Notice to the Marine Committee of Congress. We had no Answer to our Letter from that Committee, till the Day before yesterday, when they sent us the...
Having considered the question, as to purchasing a site for the Observatory, more attentively, I conclude that it would be deemed, probably, an extreme latitude of construction, to make an expensive purchase of lots, as an incident to the authority for a survey of the coast, which is a temporary work. The objection does not arise to occupying lots already belonging to the public; and which...
This prohibition of the admission of slaves into Louisiana, is like the drawing of a jaw tooth. We have expedient after expedient introduced to answer this purpose— Breckenridge has at last concentrated all his wisdom on the subject in the Amendment, which I now inclose you.— This is a tolerably good device to reconcile the two parties of slave and anti-slave, into which the majority are...
If therefore on the whole of the evidence offered, you should be of the mind that this meeting of the soldiers was lawful, as they were enjoyned it by their officer who had the command, you must look upon it that there being thus met was lawful; whether it was so or not may be after considered; but, on that supposition, it will be necessary for you to determine by which or how many of the...