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Results 10081-10090 of 184,431 sorted by author
France appears at this Moment, in the Light of a Simple People Sincerely disposed to Peace, benevolence and Humanity, and judging of the dispositions of others by her own. She seems by her late Glory and Prosperity to have been Soothed into a Security and Tranquility, out of which it is Scarce possible to awaken her. England on the other hand appears, like a Nation Smarting under her Wounds,...
10082Feb. 5th. 1763. (Adams Papers)
Memorabilia of this Week. The Bar agreed upon these 4 Rules. 1st. That the Clerk call the Plain tiff, and if any Body answer, except the Plaintiff or some sworn Attorney, his Power be demanded, and no general Power in such Case be admitted. 2dly. That no Attorneys Fee be taxed for the future where the Declaration was not drawn by the Plaintiff himself, or some sworn Attorney. 3dly. That no...
I have received within a few days your obliging Favour of Nov: 22. The Removal of Congress to New York, where their residence will probably be uninterrupted for sometime will I hope have a good Effect, towards raising the Respect to that august Assembly, and reconciling the People, to such general Measures as are indispensable. The People will be less jealous, if Mr: Gerry’s aversion to an...
I have the Honour to inclose, the last Gazettes by which Congress will see the Dearth of News in Europe at present. We expect an Abundance of it at once soon, as We have had nothing from America Since 4. July. The French Fleet went out again from Brest the seventeenth: but We have not yet heard that the English Fleet is out. While the two Fleets were in Harbour, the British East India Fleet,...
10085Feby. 13. (Adams Papers)
There is no such Thing as human Wisdom. All is the Providence of God. Perhaps few Men have guessed more exactly than I have been allowed to do, upon several Occasions, but at this Time which is the first I declare of my whole Life I am wholly at a Loss to foresee Consequences.
Humbly Shew Thomas Pratt, Gentleman, Samuel Sprague, Yeoman, Samuel Serjeant, Gentleman, Samuel Watts Jnr, Gentleman, Samuel Pratt, Gentleman, all of Chelsea in said County and Select Men and overseers of the Poor of the Said Town, That on the Twenty third day of August Anno Domini 1768, one William Dix, a poor impotent Man, was, by Force of a Warrant given by John Hill Esqr. a Justice of the...
I received last night your favor of the 14th & 15th. The letter to Govenor Sumner, I will send to his Excellency. I feel very sensibly the obligations of the US to Mr Liston to his royal highness, Prince Edward & to Sir John Wentworth for their civility and kindness & shall accept the loan of the cannon and shot upon the terms you propose. Mr Stoddert will take the earliest opportunity to give...
I have received the letter you did me the honour to write me, on the twenty Seventh of last month, inclosing the Freedom of the City of New Haven, elegantly engrossed on Parchment, and authenticated under the Signature of the Mayor, City Clerk and Seal of the City May I request of you, Sir to present my best respects and most Sincere Thanks to the Mayor, Aldermen and Common Councill and...
Your favour of 24th. Janry. is received. Inclosed is your Basanister and a Monthly Repository, which you may Send to Montecello if you please. I have not read the constitution of the Kingdom of the united Netherlands and possess none of the Books you mention I have looked for the “Zeti,” but cannot find them. Perhaps they Should be Spelled Zetæ. Many a learned System has been founded on as...
10090[Thursday March 7. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Thursday March 7. 1776. The order of the day was renewed.