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Results 10081-10090 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Immediately on my return from the mountains this fall, I seized the first opportunity to fulfill the promise I gave you, in endeavoring to obtain the documents desired & am sorry to say that owing to causes not within my controul, I have as yet been unsuccessful. Mr. Randolph is not only willing, that you should have any letters which you may wish in his possession, but expresses much...
The concerns of the Steam Boat Washington have been hitherto so injudiciously conducted, that the Stock has, so far from being valuable as we were authorised to expect, been until now so unproductive, that I flatter myself you will concur with me, that an additional effort should be made to promote its interest. Should I have the honor to possess your good opinion of my zeal and discretion in...
Should you perform the duties of Elector of President &c. I request you, to consider Caleb Butler Esqr of Groton an applicant to carry the Votes to the Department of State. With considerations of high esteem / & the greatest respect / I am yr. Obed Servt MHi : Adams Papers.
Inclosed herewith you will receive My Work on interest which I have taken the liberty to Send for your perusal When at leisure. I am preparing a Work on interest which will Consist of near 400 quarto pages with the calculations made at 6 pr ct pr Annum on all Sums from One dollar to Four hundred, then by Fifties to Two thousand, then by One hundreds to Three thousand, & then by One Thousands...
About a month ago I had the honour of a line from you, requesting transcripts of all such paragraphs in the Journal of the “ most antient Cheif Justice Sewall”, as related to “any persons or events in the antient Town of Braintree”. Since the receipt of that letter I have been examining, as I had opportunity, that Journal, with a view to making such transcripts. The result you have below. It...
Enclosed you will receive my Work on interest which I have taken the liberty to send for your perusal when at leisure. I am now preparing a work on interest which will consist of nearly 400 Quarto pages, with the calculations all made at 6 p r c t p r Annum on all sums from $1– to $400. then by 50 s to $2000.. then by 100 s to $3000.. & then by 1000 s to $10.000.. from 1 to 365 days. Every day...
29th Rode out and called on my patient who is fast recovering and able to raise his broken arm—In the Evening went to the Drawing Room it was well attended though not crowded—I was teazed in the course of the evening with questions concerning how I should conduct myself in that House as mistress of it for a time for it was likely I should be there in four years I laughed and said that I...
The inclosed letter from our antient friend Tenche Coxe came unfortunately to Monticello after I had left it and has had a dilatory passage to this place where I recieved it yesterday and obey it’s injunction of immediate transmission to you. We should have recognised the stile even without a signature, and altho so written as to be much of it indecypherable. This is a sample of the effects we...
Your’s of the 21 st came to hand yesterday . you have done right in having the safety gate finished, and at any moment when the convenience of the great mill shall admit, it should be laid down, as we know not when a fresh may put us into danger. should mr Meeks be gone, get mr Gilmore to direct it, and indeed I would at any rate rather have it done under his direction. I must get you to look...
I thank you, dear Sir, for the communication of mr Correa ’s letter, affectionate to us all, which I now return. no foreigner, I believe, has ever carried with him more, or more sincere regrets of the friends he has left behind. as he embraced in his affections our country generally, I hope his kind recollections will efface the little dissatisfactions he felt with our government before they...