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Results 10081-10110 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I Clos’d my letter I Received your Verry agreeable favour adviceing of the good fortune of Our Cousin Nancey in her Maraige too Capt. Clark. We Wish them all Happiness We are much Pleased With the Connection. Our Young folks are aquanted With his Late Uncles Famley that Lives at Salem. I Will take Particular Care to have a thrrough Repaire to the...
10082[Diary entry: 16 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
⟨Friday⟩ 16th. Directing the Canoe ⟨ ⟩ me at the Mouth of the ⟨ ⟩ by the Indians split Island ⟨ ⟩ which I have since found ⟨ ⟩e one distinguished by the ⟨ ⟩t of Redstone &ca. by the ⟨ ⟩eling; I set out with Capt⟨n⟩. ⟨ ⟩n foot, to take a view ⟨ ⟩ a little distance from the ⟨ ⟩ doing this we asscended Hills ⟨ ⟩ to be almost impassable, ⟨ ⟩ the River with stone & ⟨ ⟩ Timber. Back of these ⟨...
10083[Diary entry: 16 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
16. Got within 13 Miles of the lower cross Creeks—13 Miles.
10084[Diary entry: 16 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
16. Another white frost and calm and clear after it.
10085[Diary entry: 17 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 17th. By this Morning the River had fallen (in the whole) 2 or 3 & twenty feet, & was still lowering. Abt. 8 Oclock we set out, & passing the lower cross Creeks we came to a pretty long, & tolerable wide & good bottom on the East side the River; then comes in the Hills; just above which, is Buffalo Creek (a Creek I neither see nor remarkd in going down) upon which, and above it,...
10086[Diary entry: 17 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. Reachd the Mingo Town about 13 Miles more.
10087[Diary entry: 17 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. White frost with Southerly Wind & clear.
10088[Diary entry: 18 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Sunday, 18th. Agreed with two Delaware Indians to carry up our Canoe to Fort Pitt for the doing of which I was to pay 6 Dollars & give them a Quart Tinn Can.
10089[Diary entry: 18 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. At this place all day waiting for Horses which did not arrive.
10090[Diary entry: 18 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. A Frost as white as Snow but clear & calm.
10091[Diary entry: 19 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Monday 19th. The Delawares set of with the Canoe and our Horses not arriving, the day appeard exceeding long & tedious. Upon conversing with Nicholson I found he had been two or three times to Fort Chartres at the Illinois, and got from him the following Acct. of the Lands between this & that; & upon the Shawna River; on which he had been a Hunting. The Lands down the Ohio grow more & more...
10092[Diary entry: 19 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
19. At the same place, & in the same Situation as yesterday.
10093[Diary entry: 19 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
19. Another white frost but clear calm and exceeding pleasant.
10094Remark & Occurs. in Novr. [1770] (Washington Papers)
Novr. 20th. About One Oclock our Horses arrivd, having been prevented getting to Fort Pitt by the freshes. At Two we set out & got about 10 Miles. The Indians travelling along with us. Tuesday 21st. Reach’d Fort Pitt in the Afternoon, distant from our last Incampment about 25 Miles & as near as I can guess 35 from the Mingo Town. The Land between The Mingo Town & Pittsburg is of different...
20 November 1770. MS , engrossed copy, signed by Hutchinson ( M-Ar ). Printed: Mass., Province Laws The Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay , Boston, 1869–1922; 21 vols. , 5:109–111. Prepared by a committee appointed 16 October composed of JA , John Worthington, and Joseph Hawley ( Mass., House Jour. Journals of the House of Representatives of...
MS not found. Printed: Mass., House Jour. Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts [1715–], Boston, reprinted by the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1919–. (For the years for which reprints are not yet available, the original printings are cited, by year and session.) , 1770–1771, p. 171–172. Prepared by the committee on the state of the province, appointed 16 October (see...
10097[Diary entry: 20 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Novr. 20th. About One Oclock our Horses arrivd, having been prevented getting to Fort Pitt by the freshes. At Two we set out & got about 10 Miles. The Indians travelling along with us.
10098[Diary entry: 20 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
20. Our Horses arriving about One Oclock at 2 we set out for Fort Pitt & got about 10 Miles.
10099[Diary entry: 20 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
20. Pleasant forenoon but lowering afterwards.
I this day set off Mr Guys Vessell with your negros she did not get hear So soon ass I Expected them by their Letter by ten days they tel me they ware drove to Norfolk a Coming over the Bay they Bring you 500 Bushels of oats the freight 3d. pr Bushel £ 6. 5.0 and 16 negros @ 15/ pr head 12. 0.0 ⟨ mutilated ⟩ 1 ⟨39⟩ lb. of Cotten
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took the liberty to trouble you with a line the last post, and being but just able to finish my letter in time, I recollect a mistake in the catalogue of books wanted, which I beg you would rectify as follows, I also very much want De la Hire’s diffirens Accidents de la vue . But I should think it might be got without a public advertisement. I have...
10102[Diary entry: 21 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 21st. Reach’d Fort Pitt in the Afternoon, distant from our last Incampment about 25 Miles & as near as I can guess 35 from the Mingo Town. The Land between The Mingo Town & Pittsburg is of different kinds. For 4 or 5 Miles after leaving the first mentiond place we passd over Steep Hilly ground, hurt with stone; coverd with White Oak; & a thin shallow Soil. This was succeeded by a...
10103[Diary entry: 21 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
21. Reachd Fort Pitt in the Afternoon & lodgd at Samples.
10104[Diary entry: 21 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
21. Very cloudy all the Forenoon, & Raining moderately afterwards.
10105[Diary entry: 22 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 22. Stayd at Pittsburg all day. Invited the Officers & some other Gentlemen to dinner with me at Samples—among which was one Doctr. Connelly (nephew to Colo. Croghan) a very sensible Intelligent Man who had travelld over a good deal of this western Country both by Land & Water & confirms Nicho⟨l⟩sons Acct. of the good Land on the Shawana River up which he had been near 400 Miles. This...
10106[Diary entry: 22 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
22. Invited the Officers of the Fort and other Gentlemen to dine with me at Samples.
10107[Diary entry: 22 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
22. Raining moderately all day with the Wind at Northwest.
10108[Diary entry: 23 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Friday 23d. After settling with the Indians & People that attended me down the River & defray the Sundry Expences accruing at Pittsburg, I set of on my return home and after dining at the Widow Mierss. on Turtle Creek reachd Mr. John Stephenson (two or three hours in the Night). GW paid the Indians £10 13s. ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington...
10109[Diary entry: 23 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
23. Left Fort Pitt and reachd Mr. John Stephensons.
10110[Diary entry: 23 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
23. Flying Clouds and windy but nothing falling.