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Results 10081-10110 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
10081 Cooper, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Cooper, 4 January 1779 1779-01-04 Four days ago I received the Favor of your Letter of Aug: 12th., and it gave me the highest...
10082 Boylston, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Boylston, 5 January 1779 1779-01-05 When I wrote you Per G. Tailer requesting the favour of your Advice and Assistance in procuring...
10083 MacCreery, William Adams, John To John Adams from William MacCreery, 5 January 1779 1779-01-05 Meerly for want of something agreeable or interesting to communicate to you, It is now a very...
10084 Franklin, Benjamin Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de The Commissioners to Gabriel de Sartine, 7 January 1779 1779-01-07 We have the Honour to inclose to your Excellency two Memorials concerning a French Vessell...
10085 Franklin, Benjamin Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de The Commissioners to Gabriel de Sartine, 7 January 1779 1779-01-07 Your Excellency did Us the Honour to inform Us, sometime ago, that in order to obtain the Liberty...
10086 Lloyd, John Franklin, Benjamin John Lloyd and Others to the Commissioners, 7 January … 1779-01-07 Having been induced to believe, and to expect, in consequence of The Treaty of Alliance,...
10087 Bondfield, John Franklin, Benjamin John Bondfield to the Commissioners, 9 January 1779 1779-01-09 I had the Honor to pay my respects to you the 1st. Instant since which am without any of your...
10088 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de Franklin, Benjamin The Comte de Vergennes to the Commissioners, 9 January … 1779-01-09 J’ai reçu, Messieurs, la Lettre, Sans datte, que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire. Ne...
10089 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de Franklin, Benjamin The Comte de Vergennes to Benjamin Franklin: A … 1779-01-09 I have received, gentlemen, the undated letter that you did me the honor to write. Rest assured...
10090 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de Franklin, Benjamin The Comte de Vergennes to the Commissioners, 9 January … 1779-01-09 J’ai communiqué á M. de Sartine, Messieurs, la Lettre, par la quelle vous demandez qu’il soit...
10091 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de Franklin, Benjamin The Comte de Vergennes to Benjamin Franklin: A … 1779-01-09 I have communicated to M. Sartine, gentlemen, the letter in which you request that an escort be...
10092 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 12 January 1779 1779-01-12 Les Et. d’Hollande se rassemblent demain. Notre Ami arrive ce soir; et je vais lui souhaitter bon...
10093 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 12 … 1779-01-12 The States of Holland reassemble tomorrow. Our friend arrives tonight, and I will wish him great...
10094 Izard, Ralph Franklin, Benjamin Ralph Izard to the Commissioners, 12 January 1779 1779-01-12 I had the honor of writing to you, on the 2d. instant informing you that the credit which I had...
10095 Adams, John Lee, William Arthur Lee and John Adams to William Lee, 13 January … 1779-01-13 The Letter which you did Us the Honour to write Us on the 15 December, We have received. As We...
10096 Franklin, Benjamin Lloyd, John The Commissioners to John Lloyd and Others, 13 January … 1779-01-13 We had Yesterday the Honour of your Letter of the seventh of this Month, and at the same Time...
10097 Cushing, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Cushing, 14 January 1779 1779-01-14 Permit me to Introduce to your Acquaintance Mr. Samuel Bradford son of Capt. John Bradford a...
10098 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 16 January 1779 1779-01-16 Je sais que vous avez reçu mes Lettres des 2 et 8 Dec. J’ai eu l’honneur depuis de vous en écrire...
10099 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 16 … 1779-01-16 I know that you received my letters of 2 and 8 December. Since then, I have had the honor of...
10100 La Blancherie, Pahin Champlain de Adams, John To John Adams from Pahin Champlain de La Blancherie … 1779-01-18 J’ay l’honneur de vous envoyer les details relatifs a l’Etablissement de la correspondance...
10101 La Blancherie, Pahin Champlain de Adams, John Pahin Champlain de La Blancherie to John Adams: A … 1779-01-18 I have the Honour to send you some Particulars relative to the establishment of a general...
10102 Price, Richard Franklin, Benjamin Richard Price to the Commissioners, 18 January 1779 1779-01-18 Dr. Price returns his best thanks to the Honourable Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Lee, and John Adams...
10103 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 19 January 1779 1779-01-19 Ma derniere étoit du 16–18 de ce mois. Aujourd’hui, contre toute attente, et à notre grande...
10104 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Franklin, Benjamin C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 19 … 1779-01-19 My last was of the 16–18 of this month. Contrary to our expectations and to our great surprise,...
10105 Lee, Arthur Franklin, Benjamin Arthur Lee to Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, 20 … 1779-01-20 My fever not being yet sufficiently removd to permit me to come to you; I write to you to submit...
10106 Gilbank, John Franklin, Benjamin John Gilbank to the Commissioners, 21 January 1779 1779-01-21 Last Tuesday Week Mr. Dobrie informed me of an Additional mortification I had received by your...
10107 Lloyd, John Franklin, Benjamin John Lloyd and Others to the Commissioners, 21 January … 1779-01-21 We had the honour to receive your letter of the 13th of this month in due course, and are...
10108 Lee, Arthur Franklin, Benjamin Arthur Lee to Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, 22 … 1779-01-22 M. Monthieu calld on me yesterday, but I was too ill to see him. I suppose it was to urge the...
10109 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Franklin, with an Appended … 1779-01-22 Dr. Franklin presents Compliments to Mr. Adams, and requests that all the Public Papers may be...
10110 Niles, Robert Franklin, Benjamin Robert Niles to the Commissioners, 22 January 1779 1779-01-22 On my arival here Mr. Dobree told me he was informed By a line from you that I had Said that I...