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Results 10081-10110 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The Chevalier de la Luzerne and M. Marbois are very moved by the remembrance from Mr. Adams and learned with a great deal of pleasure that his indisposition has had no serious consequences. Dr. Cooper will not preach today: M. le Chevalier de la Luzerne hopes to have another opportunity to hear him. M. de Marbois has made arrangements with M. Cushing to attend another sermon today. We hope to...
It was with great regret that I found myself dissappointed in my attempt to pay my gratefull respects to you this morning.—Conceiving that the bad weather, and worse Roads, would have rendered your arrival before to day impossible, I remained in the Country in full confidence of meeting you either to day or tomorrow. I beg you to be assured, Sir, that in your Retirement from public Life, my...
As the Season of business and of gaity in London, advances, we have found from the experience of the last year, a sort of necessity to be for some time nearer its centre than our residence at Little-Boston; and as a mezzo termine between a complete removal, and an inflexible adherence to the country, we have taken Apartments in Town by the week without altogether abandoning our rural...
A fever that confind me to my Bed from the 15th Augt. to 20 Sept. and and absence in the Country to a few days past for my recovery deprived me the pleasure of communicating to you as subjects offerd the occurences which by many arrivals at this and the neighbouring Ports have been frequent. You will undoubtedly have recived from Ferol the Letters and papers brought by the arrivd at that Port....
As I was in Pennsylvania, it would have given me much satisfaction to have taken my leave of my much respected Freind General Washington, on his retiring from public Life, (who, while he justly enjoys the esteem & the gratitude of most of his Country Men for his great Virtues and public Services, is entitled, on every account, to my warmest affection) and at the same time to have, in person,...
I am to thank you for the book you were so good as to transmit me, as well as the letter covering it, and your felicitations on my present quiet. The difference of my present and past situation is such as to leave me nothing to regret but that my retirement has been postponed four years too long. The principles on which I calculate the value of life are entirely in favor of my present course....
I have the honor to enclose you with the most sincere pleasure the proceedings of our Lancaster Conference. The Ticket contains more firm friends to a complete execution of the powers of the General Government than any we have yet had, tho it comprehends a representation of the Citizens of an opposite sentiment. There are few or no malignant Characters among them. It has a great share of my...
As nothing worthy your Attention has occurred since I had the pleasure of seeing you at Philadelphia except what you must have had from better Authority, I need rather appologize for troubling you with this, than for not having sooner improved your kind invitation of writing to you; when I left Philadelphia I hoped for an Oppurtunity of visiting Boston, but the Enemy begining to move I have...
I obeyed your Excellencys Commands most Litterally when I wrote to Mr L. to which I have this day receivd the following Answer. “When you write next to my good Friend Mr Adams I beg you would assure Him from the moment I receivd Intelligence of that Anonymous Scrip, I treated it with the Utmost Contempt and Abhorrence, I replied to the Gentleman, who transmitted it to me in the following words...
I have been long waiting for an opportunity to communicate some intelligence worthy of your notice, but nothing very important has taken place since you left the Camp; and every action with the Enemy has been published in the Newspapers, which has superseded the necessity of communicating those events by Letter. The general face of our public affairs both civil and military appear much as they...
I think through all the most trying conflicts of my life, I have been called to pass through them separated from the personal condolence and support of my bosom friend, I have been taught to look for support and aid from superior power than man: there is a state of mind, when affliction dries up the source of tears, and almost bids the swollen heart burst. I have left one of those distressing...
When I called upon you, the evening before I left Quincy for this place, you did me the honor to request that I would, on my arrival, write to you & inform you what reception I met with from the gentleman to whom you had the goodness to give me letters of introduction; & whether there was a probability that my brother Edward would obtain the commission for which, under your patronage, he has...
Depuis la lettre que j’ai eû l’honneur de vous écrire le per. de ce moi par laqu’elle je vous priois de me confier le plan original de fregatte que j’ai offert au Senat des Etats-unis pour en faire tirer un copie dont j’ai besoin; j’ai trouvé quelqu’un qui a bien voulu se charger de là faire faire très promptement. Je vous prie donc, Monsieur, de remettre ce plan au porteur qui vous le fera...
J’ai recû Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avés fait l’honneur de m’Ecrire Le 11. de Ce mois, et Conformement a vos desirs je n’ai point appellé le Secours d’un traducteur pour prendre Connoissance de Son Contenû. Je ne suis pas moins peiné que vous Monsieur, de l’appel au peuple d’amerique que M. Silas Deane a Publié. Il ne m’apartient pas de qualifiér Cette demarche; C’est a vos souvrains...
In your Letter of the 19 th May last, you were pleased to inform us that you had already accepted Bills which had been drawn on you to a considerable amount by M r. Barclay and Lamb, in consequence of the appropriation which had been made by Congress for forming Treaties with the Barbary Powers; but as we have no advice from you since that date, we are at a loss to know whether the whole or...
Since the Letter I had the honour of writing to your Excellency on the 19th Inst, the Duke de Lauzan is arrived at Versailles from Virginia, with the glorious News of the combined Force of America and France having forced General Cornwallis to capitulate. The English Garrison marched out of York Town on the 19th of Octr. with the honours of War, and laid down their Arms: the Troops consisted...
Your Subscription for the National Intelligencer is stopped, and the enclosed receipt is in full to this day $29..12.1/2 I wrote to Mr Cruft on the 24th. of last month requesting him to pay you on my account 250 dollars the first of this Month and quarterly afterwards. I wrote also at the same time to you, to give you notice of that arrangement. Not having heard from him or you on the subject,...
I never recd. nor heard of your letter of the 27th June last, Wrote at Ipswich until the 22d instant. Immediately on the receipt of it I set myself to consider of an answer to it. What I first remark is your great distrust of your Abilities for the service assigned you. Hereon I say that I immagine that I have Some knowledge of your Abilities, and I assure you Sir I gave My Vote for you Most...
I have been duly honoured with your favour of the 19th Ulto. mentioning the nomination of Mr. Murray to be Minister Plenipotentiary to the French Republic.— With the writer of the letter, which I did myself the honour to enclose in my last to you, I truly observed that I had never held any correspondence;—and I only knew him in his public mission from this Country to the Barbary States, the...
On the receipt of the Address of the Inhabitants of the Borough & County of Bedford, to the President Senate & House of Representatives, I presented in compliance with your request, one Copy thereof to the President & another to the Senate of the United States— The Sentiments conveyed therein made a very favorable Impression, & I have the Honor of inclosing to you the Reply, on the Part of the...
The Speaker of the House of Representatives has signed several enrolled bills, which I am directed to bring to the Senate for the signature of the Vice President. Printed Source--Senate Journal.
Received the following papers and letters which were left in the Office of the late President of the United States for the use of the present President, vizt. Original Communications between the President of the United States & both Houses of Congress from the commencement of the present Government to the 3d day of March 1797 inclusive— Original Communications between the President of the...
L’Echange des Ratifications se fit hier entre Mr. le Greffier & votre serviteur; & il en fait aujourd’hui son rapport en conséquence à Leurs H. P. Il m’a chargé de ses complimens pour V. Exc e. Je garde sous la Clef les deux Actes, écrits sur parchemin, munis du grand Sceau de la Rep. dans deux boetes d’argent, pour vous les remettre selon vos ordres, & suis avec grand respect / De Votre...
I have the honour of your Letter of the 20th of August. Agreeable to your desire have inclosed a Return of the Continental armed Vessels fitted out in this State. If the two grateful Brothers should pay us a visit, I will omit nothing in my power to give them a reception suitable to their gratitude. And if they should not bring too much Company with them I should be glad to wait on them. I...
I presume to Address your Excellency, & request the favor of your Attention to John A. Hazard, who offers himself a Candidate as Purser to the Ship now building at Warren, to be Commanded by Capt. Perry.— He is a young Gentleman of irreproachable Character, of good Abilities, & has received a regular Education for the Profession of the Law, & lately entered as an Attorney in the Courts: his...
Les deux lettres dont Vous m’avez honoré, Monsieur, en date du 16 & 24 Juillet, m’ont été successivement très bien rendues. J’écris aujourd’hui à Berlin pour obtenir les éclaircissemens que Vous me demandez, sur la consommation du tabac de Virginie, de l’indigo, & de l’huile de Spermaceti dans les Etats du Roi, & je m’empresserai à Vous les faire parvenir, dès que je serai suffisamment...
Copy of my letter to our friend “According to your wishes, sir, I will give you an account of what just passed. I was received very politely and everything proceeded in the same manner. They kindly asked me to provide the service of making the notification. I expressed my great regret of not being qualified in this case to execute such a commission, a commission that would hardly be any...
I had the honor to write to you under date of the second of November, at which time the congress of the last year was at the point of seperation to make way for their successors— states sufficient to form a new Congress did not assemble until the 23 d. ult, when they proceeded to the choice of a President, and M r. Hancock, although absent, was elected— whether he will accept the Appointment...
At a Crisses so Alarming as the present—when our Independance is threatened by a haughty foreign power—I think it a duty I ow my Native Country to offer Your Excelency my Services—And I now take the liberty to inform you Sir —that I had the honour to Command the first Company in the first Regiment Ever raised by Congress in the Year 1775—Commanded by Colonel William Thompson—and was at the...
Wth: pain Sir, I transmitt the Inclosure, & my certain , & Fix’d opinion, That The Jacobin Town of Baltimore will do Honor to its Creed , be perfectly Consistent , & Return Genl. Sam: Smith, to Congress, this Night—By a Majority of Some Hundred votes—!!! To morrow you may hear further from me—But at present, I have not more to add, than That His Triumphall Car is Already Gone up to The...