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Results 10081-10110 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I Clos’d my letter I Received your Verry agreeable...
10082[Diary entry: 16 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
⟨Friday⟩ 16th. Directing the Canoe ⟨ ⟩ me at the Mouth of the ⟨ ⟩ by the Indians split Island ⟨ ⟩...
10083[Diary entry: 16 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
16. Got within 13 Miles of the lower cross Creeks—13 Miles.
10084[Diary entry: 16 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
16. Another white frost and calm and clear after it.
10085[Diary entry: 17 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 17th. By this Morning the River had fallen (in the whole) 2 or 3 & twenty feet, & was...
10086[Diary entry: 17 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. Reachd the Mingo Town about 13 Miles more.
10087[Diary entry: 17 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
17. White frost with Southerly Wind & clear.
10088[Diary entry: 18 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Sunday, 18th. Agreed with two Delaware Indians to carry up our Canoe to Fort Pitt for the doing...
10089[Diary entry: 18 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. At this place all day waiting for Horses which did not arrive.
10090[Diary entry: 18 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. A Frost as white as Snow but clear & calm.
10091[Diary entry: 19 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Monday 19th. The Delawares set of with the Canoe and our Horses not arriving, the day appeard...
10092[Diary entry: 19 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
19. At the same place, & in the same Situation as yesterday.
10093[Diary entry: 19 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
19. Another white frost but clear calm and exceeding pleasant.
10094Remark & Occurs. in Novr. [1770] (Washington Papers)
Novr. 20th. About One Oclock our Horses arrivd, having been prevented getting to Fort Pitt by the...
20 November 1770. MS , engrossed copy, signed by Hutchinson ( M-Ar ). Printed: Mass., Province...
MS not found. Printed: Mass., House Jour. Journals of the House of Representatives of...
10097[Diary entry: 20 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Novr. 20th. About One Oclock our Horses arrivd, having been prevented getting to Fort Pitt by the...
10098[Diary entry: 20 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
20. Our Horses arriving about One Oclock at 2 we set out for Fort Pitt & got about 10 Miles.
10099[Diary entry: 20 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
20. Pleasant forenoon but lowering afterwards.
I this day set off Mr Guys Vessell with your negros she did not get hear So soon ass I Expected...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took the liberty to trouble you with a line the last post,...
10102[Diary entry: 21 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 21st. Reach’d Fort Pitt in the Afternoon, distant from our last Incampment about 25 Miles...
10103[Diary entry: 21 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
21. Reachd Fort Pitt in the Afternoon & lodgd at Samples.
10104[Diary entry: 21 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
21. Very cloudy all the Forenoon, & Raining moderately afterwards.
10105[Diary entry: 22 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 22. Stayd at Pittsburg all day. Invited the Officers & some other Gentlemen to dinner...
10106[Diary entry: 22 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
22. Invited the Officers of the Fort and other Gentlemen to dine with me at Samples.
10107[Diary entry: 22 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
22. Raining moderately all day with the Wind at Northwest.
10108[Diary entry: 23 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Friday 23d. After settling with the Indians & People that attended me down the River & defray the...
10109[Diary entry: 23 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
23. Left Fort Pitt and reachd Mr. John Stephensons.
10110[Diary entry: 23 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
23. Flying Clouds and windy but nothing falling.