Thomas Jefferson Papers

Resolution of the General Assembly Appointing Jefferson Governor, 2 June 1780

Resolution of the General Assembly Appointing Jefferson Governor

Friday the 2nd: of June 1780

Virginia Scilicet.
  In General Assembly.


that Thomas Jefferson Esquire, be appointed Governor or Chief Magistrate of the Commonwealth, for one Year, he having been elected to that Office by joint ballot of both Houses of Assembly.

Archibald Cary S.S.

Benja Harrison Sp H D

MS (PHi); engrossed copy on parchment, signed by the speakers of the two houses and endorsed: “resoln: of Ass: appt. of Govr.” Another MS (Vi), headed “Virginia to wit. In the House of Delegates” and bearing the attestation of John Beckley, in whose hand it is drawn as clerk of the House; also bearing on its face the following: “June 2d. 1780 Agreed to by the Senate Will Drew C S”; endorsed: “Reso. &c. appointing Thoms. Jefferson esqr. Governor 2d June 1780.”

The House on 1 June resolved that it would on the next day proceed by joint ballot with the Senate to the choice of a governor, to which the Senate agreed. The House nominated “a person proper to be ballotted for” and the Senate (still on 1 June) notified the House that it had “added another person to the nomination.” On 2 June the election took place in form, and TJ was found to have “a majority of votes”; neither the number of votes cast nor the name of the Senate’s nominee is known (JHD description begins Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia (cited by session and date of publication) description ends , May 1780, 1827 edn., p. 29, 30, 31).

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