10051C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 18 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
I have seen our friend. There are two committees: one to work on the new British complaints; the...
10052The Comte de Vergennes to the Commissioners, 18 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
L’on vient enfin de decouvrir, Messieurs, Les Effets du Dr. James Smith de New York. Ils sont a...
10053The Comte de Vergennes to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 18 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
The effects of Dr. James Smith of New York have, gentlemen, finally been found. They are at the...
10054From John Adams to James Lovell, 19 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
It is unhappy that So many People in America, should perswade themselves that the Ennemy intend...
10055To John Adams from J. D. Schweighauser, 19 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
In compliance with your order I have made enquiries for a Vessell bound to Boston but have found...
10056Editorial Note (Adams Papers)
The Commissioners’ letter or memorial to Vergennes of early January 1779 is highly significant....
10057I. John Adams’ Draft of the Commissioners to the Comte de Vergennes, 20 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
Certain The Some late Proceedings of the common Ennemy, are of a Nature so extraordinary, and may...
10058II. The Commissioners to the Comte de Vergennes, 9 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Some late Proceedings of the Enemy, have induced us, to submit a few Observations to your...
10059To John Adams from Ralph Izard, 22 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
A considerable time has elapsed since I had the honour of conversing with you on the subject of...
10060Shubael Gardner to the Commissioners, 22 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
Gentlemen you will Excuse all in these From one that is not used to adress in Such undertaking as...
10061Gabriel de Sartine to the Commissioners, 22 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
Vous etes sans Doute informés, Messieurs, qu’il arrive souvent dans Les Ports de france des...
10062Gabriel de Sartine to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 22 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
You are undoubtedly aware, gentlemen, that United States citizens who have escaped from English...
10063Horneca, Fizeaux & Co. to the Commissioners, 24 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
Nous n’avons reçu que le 15 La Lettre dont vous nous aves honnorés le 6 du Courant; nous avons...
10064Horneca, Fizeaux & Co. to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 24 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
It was not until the 15th that we received the letter that you honored us with of the 6th...
10065From John Adams to Francis Dana, 25 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
In Some of the latest Letters from England, We are told, that they grow more and more out of...
10066The Commissioners to the Comte de Vergennes, 29 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
We have been favoured with a Letter signed by many Gentlemen of Nantes and dated the fifteenth of...
10067John Gilbank to the Commissioners, 29 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
Since my last informing you of my having drawn upon you for one thousand Livres in conformity to...
10068From John Adams to Edmé Jacques Genet, 30 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
As many Gentlemen may apprehend that one is exposed to a shortage of Provisions, especially of...
10069From John Adams to Edmé Jacques Genet, 30 December 1778 (Adams Papers)
M. Adams is very Sorry, it is not in his Power to Send Monsieur Genet a Copy of the Manifesto of...
10070To John Adams from Edmé Jacques Genet, 1 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
J’ai lu à M. le Comte de Vergennes ce qui concerne M. le Comte d’Estaing, dans le billet dont...
10071Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation, 1 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I read to Count Vergennes that which concerns the Count d’Estaing in the note with which you...
10072To John Adams from James Warren, 1 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I keep no Copies of Letters and therefore am Unable to refer to the dates or the Contents. I know...
10073John Bondfield to the Commissioners, 1 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I have the Honor to pay my most respectful Compliments of Season wishing prosperity to all your...
10074Joseph Chase to the Commissioners, 1 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
These are to Request you to give your asistance To Benjamin Clark, William Folger, John Locke,...
10075C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 1 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
De retour ici Mardi au soir, j’allai voir notre Ami. Il me dit qu’il n’y avoit encore rien de...
10076C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 1 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Upon returning here, Tuesday evening, I went to see our friend. He told me that nothing had been...
10077The Commissioners to Gabriel de Sartine, 2 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
We had the Honour of receiving your Excellency’s Letter of the 22d, and are much obliged to you...
10078From John Adams to James Lovell, 3 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I Suffer So much Uneasiness, on Account of the State of Things here, that I cannot fail to...
10079From John Adams to Edmé Jacques Genet, 4 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
The resolve of Congress of the 10 October, that you have inserted in your No. 62 is another...
10080The Commissioners to J. D. Schweighauser, 4 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
We are honoured with yours of without a date. We wrote you on the Second of this Month to which...
10081To John Adams from Samuel Cooper, 4 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Four days ago I received the Favor of your Letter of Aug: 12th., and it gave me the highest...
10082To John Adams from John Boylston, 5 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
When I wrote you Per G. Tailer requesting the favour of your Advice and Assistance in procuring...
10083To John Adams from William MacCreery, 5 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Meerly for want of something agreeable or interesting to communicate to you, It is now a very...
10084The Commissioners to Gabriel de Sartine, 7 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
We have the Honour to inclose to your Excellency two Memorials concerning a French Vessell...
10085The Commissioners to Gabriel de Sartine, 7 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Your Excellency did Us the Honour to inform Us, sometime ago, that in order to obtain the Liberty...
10086John Lloyd and Others to the Commissioners, 7 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Having been induced to believe, and to expect, in consequence of The Treaty of Alliance,...
10087John Bondfield to the Commissioners, 9 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I had the Honor to pay my respects to you the 1st. Instant since which am without any of your...
10088The Comte de Vergennes to the Commissioners, 9 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
J’ai reçu, Messieurs, la Lettre, Sans datte, que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire. Ne...
10089The Comte de Vergennes to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 9 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I have received, gentlemen, the undated letter that you did me the honor to write. Rest assured...
10090The Comte de Vergennes to the Commissioners, 9 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
J’ai communiqué á M. de Sartine, Messieurs, la Lettre, par la quelle vous demandez qu’il soit...
10091The Comte de Vergennes to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 9 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I have communicated to M. Sartine, gentlemen, the letter in which you request that an escort be...
10092C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 12 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Les Et. d’Hollande se rassemblent demain. Notre Ami arrive ce soir; et je vais lui souhaitter bon...
10093C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 12 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
The States of Holland reassemble tomorrow. Our friend arrives tonight, and I will wish him great...
10094Ralph Izard to the Commissioners, 12 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I had the honor of writing to you, on the 2d. instant informing you that the credit which I had...
10095Arthur Lee and John Adams to William Lee, 13 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
The Letter which you did Us the Honour to write Us on the 15 December, We have received. As We...
10096The Commissioners to John Lloyd and Others, 13 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
We had Yesterday the Honour of your Letter of the seventh of this Month, and at the same Time...
10097To John Adams from Thomas Cushing, 14 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Permit me to Introduce to your Acquaintance Mr. Samuel Bradford son of Capt. John Bradford a...
10098C. W. F. Dumas to the Commissioners, 16 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
Je sais que vous avez reçu mes Lettres des 2 et 8 Dec. J’ai eu l’honneur depuis de vous en écrire...
10099C. W. F. Dumas to Benjamin Franklin: A Translation, 16 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
I know that you received my letters of 2 and 8 December. Since then, I have had the honor of...
10100To John Adams from Pahin Champlain de La Blancherie, with a Contemporary Translation, 18 January 1779 (Adams Papers)
J’ay l’honneur de vous envoyer les details relatifs a l’Etablissement de la correspondance...