George Washington Papers

From George Washington to William Thornton, 7 October 1799

To William Thornton

Mount Vernon Octr 7th 1799

Dear Sir

Colo. Walker, a very respectable Gentleman of this State, will hand you this letter. He, with Mr Nelson, who married his Grand daughter, are on a visit to the Federal City, and propose to view the Canals & Falls in the Potomack before they return.

Colo. Walker is well acquainted with Mr White, but as the latter may be absent, I take the liberty of soliciting your civilities in shewing them such things as they may incline to see in the City.1 I am—Dear Sir Your Obedt Hble Servant

Go: Washington

ALS, CtHi.

1GW wrote in his diary on 9 Oct.: “Colo. [John] Walker and Mr. Nelson set out for the City of Washington after breakfast.” The two men had been at Mount Vernon since 4 Oct. (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 6:367, 369). Hugh Nelson (1768–1836), son of Gov. Thomas Nelson (1738–1789), in April 1799 married Eliza Kinloch (1781–1834), the granddaughter of Col. John Walker (1744–1809), who was the son of GW’s old friend and associate Thomas Walker (1715–1794) of Albemarle County. GW is referring to District of Columbia commissioner Alexander White.

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