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Results 100141-100170 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Letter not found: from Alexander Spotswood, 30 Sept. 1799. On 27 Oct. GW wrote Spotswood : “Your letter of the 30th ulto came duly to hand.”
When you intimated to me your son’s wish to Rent my Distillery & Mill next year, and your inclination to join him therein—and in that case to relinquish the management of my business; I informed you that I had made Mr Lawrence Lewis (after you had declined taking them) an offer of both; together with the Farm at Dogue-run; and that until I received his answer, I did not conceive I was at...
Enclosed are Messrs McLeod and Lumleys prices for painting my Houses in the City. Theirs, as you will perceive, is extended in Virginia currency; that mentioned by you, I presume, is Maryland; and if so, the prices are nearly the same. Wherefore, if the Painter in the City will—finding all materials—do the Windows & Cornice, & Doors, in short all the exterior of the Buildings, the roof...
Letter not found: from John Avery, 2 Oct. 1799. On 13 Oct. GW wrote Avery : “I have received your letter of the 2d instant.” Avery’s letter of 13 Oct. is printed as a note to GW’s letter to Avery of 25 September .
Letter not found: from Benjamin Goodhue, 3 Oct. 1799. GW wrote Goodhue on 22 Nov. : “Your favour of the 3d of Octr never came to my hands until last night.”
Letter not found: from William Thornton, 3 Oct. 1799. On 6 Oct. GW wrote Thornton : “Your letter of the 3d was recd last Night.”
Your polite attention to my recommendation of a Son of General Spotswood to be a Midshipman in our Navy; has opened the door for another application of a similar kind in behalf of Mr John ⟨Henley nephew⟩ to Mrs Washington. In April last, Mr Bassett, ⟨one of⟩ our Senators, and Cousin german to this young Gentleman, presented a letter from me to you respecting ⟨a younger⟩ brother of Mr Henley’s....
I had the Honour to receive your favour of the 25th of June last, some weeks ago; I am very much obliged to you for what you have done respecting the Prints but sorry that you should have had so much trouble with them. The wonderful Events of this Campaign in Europe have entirely contradicted my speculations of last Spring, and have at least removed to a greater distance the Danger which I...
Your letter of the 3d was recd last Night. I doubt not, the Painting and sanding of such parts of my houses in the City as now require it, will be done well, with the best materials, and on the best terms; wherefore I cannot be otherwise than pleased. As soon after this work is accomplished as I can make it convenient, I will visit the City, & take a view of my Buildings. To part with which,...
Colo. Walker, a very respectable Gentleman of this State, will hand you this letter. He, with Mr Nelson, who married his Grand daughter, are on a visit to the Federal City, and propose to view the Canals & Falls in the Potomack before they return. Colo. Walker is well acquainted with Mr White, but as the latter may be absent, I take the liberty of soliciting your civilities in shewing them...
Strange as it may seem, it is nevertheless true, that your letter of the 30th of August never got to my hands until the 4th instant. But it is not unusual for letters by private hands, to be thus delayed; and often to miscarry. By the Post they are certain of getting to hand, & in time. You will not be surprised after receiving this information, that your request in favour of Mr James Digges...
Letter not found: from Daniel Morgan, 8 Oct. 1799. In one of two letters that GW wrote Morgan on 26 Oct. he referred to Morgan’s “favour of the 8th instt.”
Letter not found: from William Augustine Washington, 8 Oct. 1799. On 29 Oct. GW wrote his nephew : “Your letter of the 8th instant has been duly received.”
I had the honor to Receive your letter of the 28th Ultimo on Saturday last accompanied by one from Genl Hamilton. I fortunately met with Colo. Lear at this place yesterday morning & with him Carefully examined the different Situations in the Vicinity of the arsenal at Harper’s ferry. After the most mature deliberations I have with the intire Concurrence of Colo. Lear Given a Dicided preference...
(private) Sir, Trenton [N.J.] Oct. 9. 1799. I received yesterday the inclosed letter from Mr Murray. The President is on his way to this place. Govr Davie has been here a week; and Mr Ellsworth writes me, in a letter recd this morning, that he will arrive himself by Friday morning. The question about the mission to France will, I expect, be then settled. The state of the President’s mind, when...
Your letter of the 28th Ulto came duly to hand, and I have sent my Manager, Mr Anderson, twice to Alexandria to receive from you, some explanation of your meaning respecting it. If it be, to pay the Rents that are due, up to June last, according to contract, I shall consent to cancel the bargain wch you entered into for my Land on Difficult run; although it is not a usual practice with me to...
The enclosed abstract was founded on returns actually received in the office of the Adjutant General. From subsequent letters it appears that many recruits have been enlisted since the date of those returns. With the Highest respect I have the honor to be Sir your obt Set LS , DLC:GW ; Df , DLC : Hamilton Papers. Hamilton wrote GW again from Trenton on 17 Oct. before returning to New York on...
Since writing to you on the 29th ultimo, I have received a letter from Colo. Parker, informing me that he had fixed upon a spot, on the public Ground, at Harper’s Ferry, as the most eligable place for cantoning the 7th, 8th and 9th Regiments, agreeably to your instructions, and the ideas which I communicated to him. And, I presume, measures are now taking to provide huts at that place for...
Letter not found: from John Gill, 16 Oct. 1799. On 19 Oct. GW wrote Gill indicating that he had received Gill’s “letter of the 16th.”
Letter not found: from Benjamin Stoddert, 16 Oct. 1799. On 20 Oct. GW wrote Stoddert: “Your favor of the 16th instant was received this morning.”
I ought ’ere now to have acknowledg’d the receipt of & to have returned you my most grateful thanks for your very kind letter of the 26 June, which came to my hands about the middle of Augt at Brighton (a bathing place on the channel ) whither I had gone for a few weeks relaxation. Its coming to me at that place, a desire to examine thoroughly the path which I shd follow in consequence of it,...
Sending every other day only to the Post Office (unless something special makes it expedient to send oftener) your letter of the 16th did not reach my hands until the 17th at night. Herewith, the Plat lent you by Mr Swift, is returned. But as my land is not laid down in connection therewith, I have derived but little information from the examination thereof; and as you remark “it does not...
Letter not found: from John Gill, 19 Oct. 1799. On 22 Oct. GW wrote Gill : “I have been duly favoured with your letter of the 19th instant.”
Letter not found: from Daniel Morgan, 19 Oct. 1799. On 26 Oct. GW wrote Morgan : “I have been duly favoured with your letter of the 19th instant.”
You will perceive by the Enclosed, which is left open for your perusal before it is forwarded, that your son John, is appointed a Mid-shipman in the Navy of the United States. You will press him to take the oath of Office, required by the Secretary of the Navy, without delay; and forward it to that Gentleman in the manner he directs—Enclosing it in a letter couched in some such terms as you...
Private Dear Sir, Mount Vernon Octr 20th 1799 Your letters of the 29th Ult. and 9th instant, have been duly received; and for the information given in them, I feel myself obliged. In a note which I have just recd from Mr Stoddert, to whom I had occasion to write on business, is added in the close thereof “The President has decided that the Mission to France shall proceed without delay. The...
Your letter ⟨of the 20th⟩ of August is but just come to hand. I thank you for the information contain⟨ed in it⟩ of the Tresspasses which are committed on the small piece of land which I have adjoining to yours, & Squire McCrakin’s. It would, in future ⟨be⟩ friendly and obliging in you, or him (as my Land adjoins your tracts) to endeavour to prevent such invasion of private property; or if this...
On my return from Trenton, the day before yesterday, I found your private letter of the 13th as well as yr public letter of the 15th instant. The News papers have probably informed you that poor Avery is dead of the yellow fever. The President has resolved to send the commissioners to France notwithstanding the change of affairs there. He is not understood to have consulted either of his...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt two days since of your letter of the 15th instant, at which time I also received one from Col: Parker, informing me of the selection of ground which he had made. You will see by the enclosed letter to him the impression which his communication has made on my mind. I trust that it must be erroneous, since my supposition does not agree with the spirit...
Enclosed are Two negociable Notes, sent to the Bank of Alexandria for collection. The amount of which, when received, to be placed to my credit. I begin to feel the necessity more clearly, of renewing my note, than I do a prospect of receiving what is due to me from others. I mention it now that measures for accomplishing of it may be taken in time. Having forgot the name of the person who has...