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Results 100101-100150 of 184,264 sorted by date (ascending)
An attack of the malignant fever which has of late afflicted the City of Philadelphia has occasioned me to be for some time absent from that City for the recovery of my strength. Just returned to my house in its vicinity I find here your letter of the 1st of July last with its enclosures in duplicates. A letter from me previous to my late journey will have assured you of my satisfaction at the...
I have in my possession a bond of yours, assigned to me by Mr Jno. Lewis, for £146.13.4d—payable with interest the 18. day of may last. I should be glad if you would cause it to be discharged as soon as convenient, as I am in want of the money. Tomorrow I shall leave this for the vicinity of Philada. the money may be sent by any of the Delegates of this State; or in any other manner more...
Since my arrival at this place from Philada the attachmt of which the enclosed is a copy has been served upon me. I wish to be informed by you how I am to proceed in this business, & what steps, if any, are necessary to be taken by me in consequence thereof. Notwithstanding the directions you have given to the contrary, there rarely comes a Collector who does not present (mingled with my own)...
I had this moment the honor of receiving your letter of the 23d instant by a special messenger from Philadelphia. As he is impatient to return, and I mean to write a duplicate for Elkton, I will trouble you with but a short communication. At Baltimore and Elkton, two letters of different dates are waiting for your arrival; one written on the 23d, the other on the 25th instant. Since the...
Docter Stuarts stay here was so short the other day & he appear’d to be in such hast to be gone, that mr Washington apprehends he may not have been so circumstantial in his detail of Mr Washingtons case as is necessary, for the cancer Docter to form his judgment on, therefore we have taken the liberty to trouble you with another, as you were so good to mention to mr Washington when you were...
Your letter of the 19th came duly to hand. Tomorrow I leave this for Philadelpa or the vicinity of it; where, when you have occasion to write to me, direct your letters. As you seemed to be in doubt whether a proper character could be engaged in the part of the Country you live in, to look after my Negro Carpenters; and (having much work to do in their way, & not being willing to leave matters...
Je viens de recevoir avec votre lettre du 3. de ce mois l’acte de déstitution du Citoyen duplaine Vice Consul de la Republique à Boston et Je m’empresse de vous déclarer que Je n’en reconnois point la validité parceque la Constitution des Etats unis n’a point donné au Président le droit qu’il paroit vouloir s’arroger aujourdhui. Elle l’a chargé Comme premier Ministre du peuple Americain...
Th:J. will be obliged to Mr. Randolph to make George prick out the inclosed grains of wheat below the garden wall or wherever he thinks best. It is of the genuine early wheat gathered by Mr. Jones in a field here which was reaped on the 5th. of June.—So far all well. I set out in the stage between 3. and 4. in the morning. Adieu. RC ( DLC : TJ Papers, 94: 16106); partially dated; addressed:...
Again I presume to solicit your attention to my petition refered to you by Congress, in their session of 1790 for report. My Distresses from the Delay in this Business have been considerable, from calculating upon an Addition of Salery I have accumulated Expenses in the Discharge of my public Duties trusting to that Provision, which I flattered myself would long since have been made therefor....
The question, no doubt, has often occurred to you; “where will the Congress meet”? “by their adjournment,” which is law to them, at Philadelphia; but, by a physical necessity, more injurious, than law itself, at Philadelphia, they cannot meet. you, Sir, as President of the United States, by the impolitic and narrow jealousy of the Constitution, have a right to convene Congress; but, not to...
The office of Surveyor of this District being vacant, by the resignation of Mr S. Hanson; I take the liberty of recommending Mr Vincent Gray to you as his Successour. Mr Gray has acted as deputy Collector for several years, and his conduct has been such as to give the highest satisfication to the Mercantile interest. I am so well convinced of his integrity and knowledge of the business that I...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the mortal fever which has raged in this city, is prodigiously reduced. A fortnight ago, from 10 to 14 were daily buried in Friends ’ burying ground: but in the last Five days only three in the whole have been buried there. Among the German Lutherans, the reduction appears by the following list— Oct. 22d buried 19   23 —— 10   24 —— 8  
By the time, when this letter is delivered to you by Major Lenox, you will have received the different letters, which I forwarded to you at Baltimore and Elkton, stating, among other things, what I had done concerning your lodgings. Colo. Franks not being in town, and his agent not being willing to let the house for any period, short of six months, I could not combine the objects, which you...
I am satisfied, that there will be great manœuvring about the place of congress for the next session. New-York seemingly declines a visit from them; but steps are taken to distract preparations in this state, and produce a kind of necessity to go thither, as being the only spot, where accommodations can be found at short notice. A precedent, too is much wished by some, for violating the...
A Description of a New Invented Cotton Gin: or Machine for cleansing and separating Cotton from its seeds. This Machine may be described under five divisions, corresponding to its five principal parts: Viz: 1. The Frame, 2. The Cylinder; 3 The Breastwork; 4 The clearer, and 5 The Hopper. I. The frame, by which the whole work is supported and kept together, ought to be made of well seasoned...
Tr ( GEpFAR : RG 21, U.S. Circuit Court, District of Georgia, Savannah, Mixed Cases); copy made from lost original, with minor copying errors as evidenced by the omission of several reference points in Enclosure I above; certified by Secretary of State James Madison on 27 Apr. 1804 (see note to Enclosure i above). A drawing made at the Patent Office on 18 Mch. 1845 and signed by Commissioner...
A Short Description of the Machine invented by the Subscriber for Ginning Cotton. The principal parts of this machine are, 1. The Frame. 2d. The cylinder. 3 The breastwork. 4 The clearer, and 5, The Hopper. 1st. The frame by which the whole work is supported and kept together, is of a square or parallelogramic form and proportioned to the other parts as may be most convenient. 2. The cylinder...
Since my Arival in England as I promised so I have frequently written to You and given You such Information as I thought worthy of your Attention. I mentioned to you heretofore the Accident (a Fall Mrs: Edwards received from a Carriage) that prevented my going immediately to the Continent. We were also induced to stay ’till Fall in Consequence of a Determination Mrs: Pinckney had come to, to...
For the first time my dear sir, I have an opportunity direct for your house. Micajah Childs called on me this evening on his return to Charlottsville. I avail myself of it by his permission to send you some grape vines. No. 1 Burgundy, called Millers Burgundy, the berries oval and black, the leaves covered with a hoary down. 2 Auvorna second Burgundy or black Morillon esteemed the best of the...
My friend Colo. Hamilton will thank me for procuring him the acquaintance of Mr. DeVolney the Gentleman who will deliver this Letter. A Splendid reputation in the literary world will command his ready admittance to all good Company his agreable qualities will render him a desireable guest and a valuable acquaintance. LC , Gouverneur Morris Papers, Library of Congress. Constantin François...
The Court of Tuscany having taken the greatest notice of the application I made in favor of the American Brig Minerva Captain Joseph Ingraham consign’d to my Commercial House, I have thought that Your Eccellency would be pleased to be acquainted with it. I therefore have the Honor to enclose a translation of my Letter to the Governor of Leghorn, and of the Answer of the Prime Minister for...
I take the liberty of introducing to the acquaintance of General Washington a person highly deserving of his Notice: Monsieur de Volney who will have the Honor to deliver this letter goes out to acquire in America an Addition to his Stock of knowledge. His Conversation equally pleasing and instructive will I trust agreably relax some of your careful Hours. I am happy in the opportunity he...
Inclosed are two Newspapers one of which contains the Resolutions proposed at Fredg. and a letter from Bourdeaux which is not uninteresting. You will find also two pieces one from Alexanda. & another answering it which as connected with the present crisis may be worth reading. At Culpeper Court, the proposed meeting took effect, Genl. Stephens in the Chair. The result as stated to me, is not...
Quand un fonctionnaire public néglige ses devoirs, quand il Commet des actes arbitraires Il merite d’être puni; à ces deux titres Je vous denonce le Juge federal du district de New york; Cet officier au mépris de nos traités au mépris des décisions du gouvernement federal que vous m’avés communiquées a enlevé des mains du Consul de la Republique dans ce port à la réquisition du Mre. Anglois...
J’ai l’honneur De vous envoyer une copie De la lettre qui a été ecrite au consul De La republique française à Newyork par le directeur Des douanes De cette ville. Cette lettre contient le refus notifie par Mr. hamilton à ce directeur De faire la remise du droit de tonnage reclamée par les capitaines du convoi français. Je vous envoye cette notification ainsi que des observations que m’a...
Je crois devoir vous prévenir que J’ai délivré des Commissions de Vice Consuls de la Republique aux Cit. Pennevert et Chervi—Le premier résident à New London le second à Alexandrie. Je vous prie de vouloir bien obtenir en leur faveur l’éxéquatur de Mr. le President des Etats unis. Je ne Joins point ici leurs Commissions. Il me paroit suffisant de vous assurer qu’elles sont Conformes aux autres...
Madeira, 29 Oct. 1793 . He encloses copies of his 8, 9, and 15 Oct. letters and their enclosures, as well as a copy of his letter of this date to Edward Church, which will explain the particulars of his case more fully than the statement he transmitted with his 15 Oct. letter. He does not enclose the Portuguese papers mentioned in his letter to Church, which consist of a notary public’s...
Des Traitres viennent de livrer aux ennemis de la france une portion intéressante de St. Domingue . Quelques bons Citoÿens qui ont mieux aimé S’expatrier et abandonner leur fortune que de prêter à une puissance étrangère un Serment qu’ils ne devoient qu’a la republique française, m’ont apporté cette nouvelle. Ainsi, Monsieur, cette Colonie dans la quelle un Decret de la Convention nationale...
Note particuliere. Les français du Canada, des Illinois, de la nouvelle Orléans n’attendent que l’Instant où les américains prendront une attitude digne d’un peuple libre pour s’unir à eux et pour Consacrer ce vaste Continent au Culte de la Divinité qui regnera bientôt sur le monde entier. Les adresses cijointes les ont instruits des dispositions de la france, des agens Surs les ont repandus...
Les FRANCAIS LIBRES a leurs freres Les CANADIENS. Lorsque nous gémissions sous un gouvernement arbitraire nous ne pouvions que plaindre votre sort, regretter les liens qui nous unissaient à vous, et en murmurant en secret des trahisons dont vous aviés été les victimes nous n’osions pas plus que vous lever nos têtes courbées sous le joug de la servitude, une stérile indignation de la conduite...
We have according to your appointment at the instance of the Commissioners of the City of Washington examined their Accounts, and find themselves charged to the State of Virginia £30.000. the State of Maryland £27.000 and for Lots and other articles sold £ Amounting to the Sum of £ And we find vouchers of Expenditure, up to the 30th Instant, to the Amount of...
By some unaccountable delay, the Letter with which you have favored me, of the 13th inst. did not reach me ’till the 30th. While writing mine of the 2d of this month, the doubt which you have been pleased to mention, respecting the Law of Congress, fixg the seat of Government, occurred to me; but turng to the Law, I found the 5th sec: mentions—“That prior &ca all offices attached to the Seat...
Altho I know your time is allready so completely taken up, with important public concerns, that you are obliged to neglect your own private matters, allmost totally, I cannot refrain from asking a small part of it, for an affair of very considerable consequence, to myself and my family. I have mentioned to you before, tho perhaps I never related the particulars, that the land in Henrico ,...
Objects to be communicated in Speech & Messages I Proclamation II Embarrassments on carrying into Execution the principles of neutrality; necessity of some auxiliary provisions by law III Expectation of indemnification given in relation to illegal captures IV State of our affairs with regard to G Britain to Spain to France—claim of Guarantee —propositions respecting Trade V Indian affairs....
It is greatly to be lamented, for the sake of humanity, that the flame of War, which had before spread over a considerable part of Europe has within the present year extended itself much further; implicating all those powers with whom the United States have the most extensive relations. When it was seen here, that almost all the maritime Nations either were, or were likely soon to become...
I was very glad to learn, my dear daughter, that you were going to begin the study of the French language. We hope you will in every respect behave in such a manner as will secure to you the good-will and regard of all those with whom you are. If you happen to displease any of them, be always ready to make a frank apology. But the best way is to act with so much politeness, good manners, and...
Objects to be communicated in Speech & Messages I Proclamation II Embarrassments on carrying into Execution the principles of neutrality; necessity of some auxiliary provisions by law— III Expectation of indemnification given in relation to illegal captures— IV State of our affairs with regard to G. Britain     to Spain     to France—claim of Guarantee —propositions  
Heads of subjects to be communicated to congress; some at the opening, others by messages. 1. The proclamation, and the reasons for issuing it, together with an observation on the French treaty. 2. The selling of prizes in our ports. 3. The engagement concerning compensation for vessels, captured under certain circumstances. 4. The propriety of vesting the fœderal courts with power to aid the...
Sundry matters to be communicated for the information of Congress—either in the Speech at the opening of the Session, or by Messages thereafter, as shall be thought best. Proclamation, informing the United States of the actual State of things as they stood between them and the Powers at War. State of Our application respecting the surrender of the Western Posts. Additional Instructions of his...
As soon as the European war had embraced those nations, with which the U.S. have an extensive commercial intercourse, there was reason to apprehend, that this intercourse might be interrupted, and our disposition for peace drawn into question, by the suspicions, usually entertained by belligerent powers. It seemed therefore to be my duty, to admonish my fellow-citizens, of the consequences of...
The Commissioners charged with the settlement of Accounts between the United & the Individual States completed that important business within the time limited by Law; and the ballances which they have reported have been placed upon the Books of the Treasury. A copy of their Report bearing date the day of last will be laid before Congress for their information. The importance of the object will...
Letter not found: from J. Des Moulins, 1 Nov. 1793. On 6 Jan. 1794, Moulins wrote to GW : “I humbly presume to remind your Excellency, of . . . a long Letter from Wilmington on the 1st of last Novr.”
I should not have delayed ’till this time complying with thy request but from a desire of affording a more satisfactory account than was in my power at the time it was requested. The Mayor having written that morning, and Colonel Pickering obtained the fullest account, in the power of the Committee to give, any communications from me could only be a duplicate of what was then conveyed. I have...
The attorney general of the United States has the honor of submitting to the President of the United States the following considerations on the power and propriety of convening congress to a place, different from the city of Philadelphia. The constitution declares, that “neither house, during the session of congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more, than three days,...
On reconsidering Your Acct I think it but reasonable (as I am to be allow’d interest) that I shou’d also pay it (for the last ten Years) on the Acct thought to be due from our estate of £16.6. As I did agree to pay You the principal, I will certainly allow the interest for the above term of Yrs. If that Acct had been presented by any other; than from One of my Brothers Executors, I wou’d not...
I overtook the President at Baltimore, & we arrived here yesterday, myself fleeced of seventy odd dollars to get from Fredericksburg here, the stages running no further than Baltimore. I mention this to put yourself & Monroe on your guard. The fever in Phila. has so much abated as to have almost disappeared. The inhabitants are about returning. It has been determined that the President shall...
Une Denonciation très grave a été faite contre le consul de la republique à charlestown; telle est Son importance qu’elle a troublé la tranquillité dans vos etats du Sud. La même Denonciation S’étend à plusieurs militaires arrivés de St. domingue dans la baye de charlestown, et tel a eté l’effet de l’accusation portée contr’eux qu’ils Sont restés deux jours dans cette baye privés des objets de...
I overtook the President at Baltimore, and we arrived here yesterday, myself fleeced of seventy odd dollars to get from Fredericksburg here, the stages running no further than Baltimore. I mention this to put yourself and Monroe on your guard. The fever in Phila. has so much abated as to have almost disappeared. The inhabitants are about returning. It has been determined that the President...
After having experienced on my journey the extremes of heat, cold, dust and rain, I arrived here yesterday. I found at Baltimore that the stages run no further North, and being from that circumstance thrown into the hands of the harpies who prey upon travellers, was pretty well fleeced to get here. I think from Fredericksburg here with a single servant cost me upwards of seventy dollars....
Since my Brother informed me of the miscarriage of some of my letters, I am determined to suffer no Post to pass without writing to some of the Family. The Fever in Philadelphia is a never failing source of subject-matter, when every other is exhausted, but it gives me real joy that I have it in my power to assure you from the best Authority, that no danger is to be apprehended from returning...