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Results 1001-1010 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your Letter by Mr Rogers did not reach Me untill the last week. The Crisis which I have long apprehended is arrived and brought with it the Misiry I foresaw, but could not avert. all that intreaties, and pursuation could affect, I have attempted. I have conjured the unhappy Man by all that is Dear, Honour, reputation, and Fame, his Family and Friends, to desist, and to strive to regain what he...
I wrote you in a Letter not long since: that as mr Malcom had declined going abroad, I had thought of Thomas Welch. Thomas has past through College with Reputation, and tho as you justly observe, you cannot expect to have your Brothers place supplied to you, you will find in Thomas Welch, personal attachment fidelity and honour. honesty of Heart must compensate to you for whatever is deficient...
I see by the papers brought by last nights Mail that the Question on Livingstones Motion was carried by a great Magority. this May truly be calld a scramble after power. what is to come next? dare they touch the Treaty with unhallowd Hands? Giles seems all at once to have fallen in Love with Checks, and rings as many changes with them, as has been asscribed to the Author of the Defence. I have...
I have just returnd from a visit to my Brother, with my Father who carried me there the day before yesterday, and call’d here in my return to see this much injured Town. I view it with much the same sensations that I should the body of a departed Friend, only put of f its present Glory, for to rise finally to a more happy State. I will not despair, but will believe that our cause being good we...
It is with real Sorrow that I have to acquaint You with the Death of so valuable a Man as Hon’ ble T Russel. The Town of Boston could not in the Death of any other of its citizens have Sustaind So heavey a loss. considerd in every Character which he sustaind, and in every Relation in which he stood, his loss is greatly to be regreeted, and what to him was always a source of affliction, and to...
Last week arrived at Boston the Marquis de la Fayette to the universal joy of all who know the Merit and Worth of that Nobleman. He was received with the ringing of Bells, fireing of cannon, bon fires &. He was so kind as to forward my Letters immediately, but his haste to set of for Philadelphia deprived me of the Honour of a visit from him at Braintree which I had hoped for, and but just...
I received your kind Letter of May last week I was very sorry to hear that you and your Family had not escaped the prevailing sickness. the disorder has universally prevaild here. not a single one of our Family, except mr Adams has escaped, and Polly, it was very near proving fatal too. We Have been in very great anxiety for the Pressident. during the state of Suspence, it was thought prudent...
I received a few days past, Your obliging favour of May 7 th , inclosing the Letters of my sons, and one from the God Mother of Mrs Adams, which contains a pleasing and agreable picture of the mutual regard, and affection of our Children. Mr Adams never writes me, but he expresses the satisfaction which he derives from his connection long may they live in the full enjoyment of those domestick...
The post of the last saturday was the first for a long period, which faild of bringing me a Letter from you. I should have been more anxious but that I received one from you on the wedensday preceeding: you say so many handsome things to me respecting my Letters that you ought to fear making me vain. since however we may appreciate the enconiums of the world, the praises of those whom we Love,...
I received your Letter of Nov br 24 by the post of yesterday. with respect to the Notes you wrote me about I wish you to do by them as you would by your own, as I do not want at present neither Principle or interest. I think it would be most for my interest to do by them as you propose. the method you mention of adding to the out house so as to give me a dairy Room I like very much, and would...