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Results 1001-1050 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your Letter by Mr Rogers did not reach Me untill the last week. The Crisis which I have long...
I wrote you in a Letter not long since: that as mr Malcom had declined going abroad, I had...
I see by the papers brought by last nights Mail that the Question on Livingstones Motion was...
I have just returnd from a visit to my Brother, with my Father who carried me there the day...
It is with real Sorrow that I have to acquaint You with the Death of so valuable a Man as Hon’...
Last week arrived at Boston the Marquis de la Fayette to the universal joy of all who know the...
I received your kind Letter of May last week I was very sorry to hear that you and your Family...
I received a few days past, Your obliging favour of May 7 th , inclosing the Letters of my sons,...
The post of the last saturday was the first for a long period, which faild of bringing me a...
I received your Letter of Nov br 24 by the post of yesterday. with respect to the Notes you wrote...
The post is very Regular and faithfully brings me all your Letters I believe. If I do not write...
I received yesterday your kind Letter of May 12 th and was rejoiced to learn that you had...
To you my young Friend upon whom the parential ties are strong and unbroken; who never yet knew...
Mr Quincy and Mr Copley made me a visit this afternoon. mr Copley arrived from England about 2...
Yes My Dear Friend I had seen and read the Tenth Muse, and I think she abuses our poor old...
I have to acknowledg the Recept of a very few lines dated the 12 of April. You make no mention of...
I got through the 4 July with much more ease than I expected. it was a fine cool day, and my...
I know not any pleasure equal to that which arises from feeding the Hungry, cloathing the Naked...
I hear of a vessel going to Amsterdam, and tho I presume you are not in Holland, I shall write a...
Mrs Jeffry sails in Captain Scott and is so good as to say that she will take Letters to you. I...
[ London, 12 Aug. 1785. Record in SJL of its receipt on 23 Sep. 1785 reads: “Mrs. Adams’s....
I rejoice in the fine weather you have had. accounts from N york & Philadelphia are rather...
Captain Callihan sails sooner than we expected so that we have not time to write to several of...
I have delayed writing till the vessel is near ready to Sail, that my Letters may not lay 3 weeks...
most cordially welcome to me was your kind Letter of May the 4 th , yet I have not found time...
I received your kind and Friendly Letter of the 2d, and beg you to accept my thanks for your kind...
The Letter which you find enclosed you will be kind enough to sink should you be so unfortunate...
The eastern post will go out this morning and I take my pen to thank you for your Letters of the...
I dare say before this Time you have interpreted the Northern Storm; if the presages chill’d your...
Since the Sailing of captain Folger by whom I wrote you, I have received Letters from you of the...
I would not omit writing you by captain Callihan, as your sister is unable to perform that office...
Tho I wrote you two Letters yesterday one by the Post and one by Mr. Smith, yet I will not omit...
I have been situated here for near six weeks. It is one of the finest squares in London. The air...
The Day; perhaps the decisive Day is come on which the fate of America depends. My bursting Heart...
From your Hospitable Mansion of Benevolence and Friendship, I reachd my own Habitation, the day I...
After I had closed my Letter to you this day fortnight, I retired to my chamber, and was taken...
Will you forgive my so often troubling you with my fears and anxieties; Groundless as some of...
Your kind Letter of November 6, I received the 4 of Jan’ry. I hope you have received my September...
This day three weeks I left Home, since which I have not heard a word from thence. I wrote you...
You I presume are so much occupied and fatigued with the duties of your station that you can get...
You and I, my dear Madam have trod together, through one Gloomy scene, of war, havock and...
I came to Town yesterday and have engaged My passage on Board the ship Active Capt. Lyde,...
For your kind congratulations upon my arrival in Europe, receive my thanks. Those only, who have...
It was not untill yesterday that I received your Letter & mrs Cranchs. mr mccomick came up &...
I begin my Letter with the congratulations of the season, to you and all my other Friends & for...
I acknowledg myself indebted to you for two kind Letters, both of which found me in circumstances...
We have had very severe weather almost ever since you left us. About the middle of Febry. came a...
Mr. Smith is at last about to leave us. I cannot in conscience omit so good an opportunity of...
Dr Gordon call’d upon us this morning and deliverd me a letter from mr Storer. The dr is very...
I will try to write tho it is with much difficulty I hold My pen, oweing to a very painfull Soar...