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LS : Huntington Library Mr. Franklin is from home, and can not have by this Conveyance an Opportunity of answering your Favours by the last Ships. I have forwarded your Letters to Mr. Elliot, Mr. Bartram, Mr. Barton and Mr. Franklin. My Husband is now in the Back Counties, contracting for some Waggons and Horses for the Army, which tho’ so much out of his Way, he was obliged to undertake, for...
In order to engage your corrispondance, I think it expedient, just is incumbent on me to deserve it; which I shall endeavour to do, by embracing the earliest, and every oppertunity, of writing to you. It will be needless to expatiate dwell on the pleasures that a communication corrispondence of this kind will would afford me, as it shall
Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: Yale University Library I   Harbanus Ashebriner  of  Parradice Township .  in the County of York and Province of Pennsylvania, do hereby agree and promise that I will, on the Terms hereunder mentioned, provide   one  good Waggon with four able Horses and a Driver, to be at Wills’s Creek in Virginia, with as much Oats, Indian Corn, or other Forage as I...
I overtook the General at Frederick Town in Maryld and from thence we proceeded to this place, where we shall remain till the arrival of the 2d Division of the Train, (which we hear left Alexandria on Tuesday last); after that, we shall continue our March to Wills Creek, from whence it is imagined we shall not stir till the latter end of this Month for want of Waggons, and other conveniences...
Broadside: Yale University Library Notice is hereby given to all who have contracted to send Waggons and Teams, or single Horses from York County to the Army at Wills’s Creek, that David M’Conaughy and Michael Schwoope of the said County, Gentlemen, will attend on my Behalf at York Town on Friday next, and at Philip Forney’s on Saturday, to value or appraise all such Waggons, Teams and Horses,...
I have had the misfortune to loose 3 of my Horses since I left home; and not bringing money enough to buy other’s, and to answer all contingent the contingent expences that may arise in the course of the Campaigne, I have made bold to sollicit your Lordships assistance; the granting of which, will infinitely oblige me. About 40 or 50£ will supply my wants, and for which this sum I sh w ou’d...
A very fatiegueing Ride; and long round about brought me to the General (the day I parted with you) at Frederick Town; —This is a small Village 15 Miles below the blew Ridge i o n the Maryland — side of Potomac from thence we proceeded to this place, where we have halted since Saturday last, and shall depart for Wills Creek to morrow. I find there is no probality of Marching the Army from...
I came to this place last Saturday, and shall set out to morrow with the General for Wills Creek; where I fear we shall wait some time for a sufficient number of Waggons to transport us our Provns Baggage &ca over the Mountains. I am very happy in the Generals Family, as I am being treated with a complaisant Freedom which is quite agreeable; so that I to me & have no reason to doubt the...
MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 175. May 10, 1755 A sentence from this unlocated letter is printed in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s reply, Sept. 29, 1755, to Governor Morris’ charge, September 24, that the Assembly had done little to support Braddock’s expedition (below, p. 207). William Shirley, Jr....
MS not found; extract printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1754–1755 (Philadelphia, 1755), p. 175. May 13, 1755 A sentence from this unlocated letter is printed in the Pennsylvania Assembly’s reply, Sept. 29, 1755, to Governor Morris’ charge, September 24, that the Assembly had done little to support Braddock’s expedition (below, p. 208). Thomas Dunbar (d. 1767),...