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Results 100091-100100 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I was not a little suprised to see by a letter from Colo. Hooper to Colo. Harrison, copy of which you have inclosed, that 728 Stand of Arms, which had come on as far as Sussex Court House, had returned to New Windsor, in consequence of directions given by Mr Andrew Taylor D. Q. M. Genl to Mr Lansing. Mr Taylor says this was done by your positive orders as appears by copy of his letter to Mr...
10009227th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went with Mr. Artaud to Mr. Rimberts and from thence we set out, eight in one large carriage and two other gentlemen in another small one for Czarsko-Zelo her Majesty’s ordinary residence in the summer. Before we had got half ways the small carriage’s axletree broke and we were obliged to take the two other gentlemen in; so that we went all ten in the same carriage. We arrived...
Your letter of April 12 is just received. Enclosed you will find one under a flying seal for Mr. Street, informing him of the revocation of his Vice Consular Commission, and intimating that the papers and documents in relation to his office ought to be delivered over to you. To guard against attempts to avail himself of his Exequatur, until you can obtain its annulment from the Portuguese...
The Governor of this State having done me the honour to authorise me to print, in the Republican Argus a newspaper printed by me in this town, all the laws of a public or general nature passed during the late session of the Pennsylvania Legislature: I presume to acquaint you with the fact and take the freedom respectfully to solicit the honour of your approbation to my printing the laws of...
Your Express of the 12th I just now Received and will Endeavour to Comply with the Contents. We had a most Unfortunate Accident Happend here Yesterday Afternoon, as Lieut. Bryant and one Nicoll both of the Artillery was Scaleing out a Couple of Cannon which we had Just Mounted before having flashed a Little Powder out of one of them, and not Spungeing Her properly, when the Lieut. was putting...
Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 27 Aug. 1758. On 1 Sept. Fairfax wrote to GW : “I have this instant recd yours of the . . . 27th Ultimo.”
I am favoured with yours of the 9th and am glad to hear of the different arrivals of arms, tents and cloathing, the latter of which is exceedingly wanted in this army, and I hope the agents will immediately forward the proportion intended for them. Major Nicholas who is just returned from the Eastward informs me, that a large parcel of lead has lately arrived at Boston upon private account. As...
In consequence of your letter of the 5th of last month, I discharged Wm Roberts from my Mill. It now is, & has been for some time past without a Miller; & as Mr Davenport from your Accot would be ready to take charge of it in about three weeks (now seven), & not yet come, nor any reason given why he has not; I am apprehensive of some disappointment. If this is the case I should be glad to know...
The expenses of Mr. Monroe’s mission to Paris and Madrid not being included in the estimate for the service of the current year, it is necessary that they should be added to it. It has been usual to estimate such a mission to continue a year, on which supposition the following statement is founded. 1 Year’s Salary of the Minister including the allowance of a quarter for the expenses of...
I ought to have attended to yours of the 23th. Ult: sooner but the 4th of March came in the way and to be plain with you it was impossible to think of any thing else till that business was finished—Since I wrote you last I have often seen Jackson and Wharton and have again and again offered them for the whole of your Crop of Tobacco Seven Dollars pr Ct . and they have rejected the offer—This...