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Results 100091-100100 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I shall embark at this place for London in the early part of November, from whence I shall go to Holland and other parts of Europe to make arrangements for carrying into effect the commercial establishment which I have made in the City of Washington. You had the goodness to tell me in Philadelphia that you would favor me with letters to such of your friends and acquaintances in Europe as might...
As far as my Judgement extends I think you cannot do better than send Commissioners to Europe; and so far as the freedom of Commerce may become a subject of Conference it ought to be done. It may be a means of terminating the war for it is necessary that some power should begin. England is in a wretched condition as to her Manufactures and her public and private credit. The combined Armies...
Accompanying this, I send a Letter by post to The Secy of State. I request the favor of you if there should be a probability of its remaining two or three days in the post office at Richmond waiting the regular post to Charlottsville, or on any other accot to have it directly conveyed to mr Jefferson by Express—in which case you will be good enough to let me Know the expense which may be...
On my return last night from the General Court at Anapolis, I found myself honor’d by two letters from you, one of Monday on private business, & the other covering your Answer to the resolves of the town meeting, which were enclosed to you. You will be pleased to observe that the Publick Papers join the Eighth Resolution with the others which, I dont know why, were seperated in the Copy sent,...
Your dispatch of the 3d with it’s several enclosures reached Alexandria on Wednesday evening, and got to my hands yesterday morning. This afternoon I shall send to the post office the Letters for mister Bankson, with my signature to the Exequatur for mister Dannery, & Letters patent revoking that of mister Duplane. Your letter to the latter, two to the French minister, one to his Secretary mr...
The motive which influenced me to address your Excellency on the 7th Instant must again apologize for my transmitting you the enclosed copies of a letter and depositions received from the British Vice Consul residing in Baltimore —As this gentleman has informed me that no suit has been instituted in the Court of Admiralty respecting the Brigantine mentioned in these papers, I have found it my...
It is with pleasure I recollect the few hours in which I was so happy as to enjoy your company though I regret that a little indisposition, which was then beginning, & which terminated in a bilious fever, prevented it me from enjoying it so much as I should otherwise have done. I had then some distant thoughts of extending my little tour to the western country—and you were so obliging as to...
The Within contains the appointment of Philip Freneau to the office of clerkship of foreign Languages in the department of State by Mr. Jefferson. I hereby resign the same appointment, from October 1st. 1793. RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 7 Nov. 1793 and recorded in SJL with date of letter omitted. Enclosure: TJ’s appointment of Freneau, 16 Aug. 1791 (Document iii ).
[ Ed. Note : This 11 Oct. 1793 letter was printed in Vol. 20: 759 as part of a group of documents on Jefferson, Freneau, and the founding of the National Gazette .] In Vol. 20: 752n the Editors accounted for a 7 Nov. 1793 letter from Freneau based on a mistaken reading of SJL . No documentation for such a letter has been found.
Your dispatch of the 3d. with it’s several enclosures, reached Alexandria on Wednesday evening, and got to my hands yesterday morning. This afternoon I shall send to the post office the Letters for Mr. Bankson, with my signature to the Exequatur for Mr. Dannery, and Letters patent revoking that of Mr. Duplane. Your letter to the latter, two to the French Minister, one to his Secretary Mr....