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Results 10001-10050 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
10001 Cutting, John Brown Adams, John To John Adams from John Brown Cutting, 3 June 1790 1790-06-03 I inclosed You a few days ago a parcel of printed papers some of which I conceived might contain...
10002 Izard, Ralph Adams, John To John Adams from Ralph Izard, 8 October 1778 1778-10-08 I have received your favour of 2d. instant, in which you desire to know if I think there is room...
10003 Dana, Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Francis Dana, 12 May 1783 1783-05-12 I sent to your Care by the last Post thrô this same Channel a Copy of the Memorial which I...
10004 Ward, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Ward, 12 May 1777 1777-05-12 This day General Arnold came into Camp, I have had a long conversation with him upon the affairs...
10005 McHenry, James Adams, John To John Adams from James McHenry, 24 June 1799 1799-06-24 The following names appear best supported, for medical appointments to the 13th or Lt. Col....
10006 Stoddert, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Stoddert, 1 September 1798 1798-09-01 The paper No. 1. will exhibit a view of the Ships already in Service, & those which are building...
10007 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 31 October 1811 1811-10-31 In the month of June last Myers Fisher junr: of Philadelphia, who is established here as a...
10008 Lee, Richard Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Henry Lee, 23 October 1785 1785-10-23 I received the letter that you did me the honor to write me on the 15 th. of July with the...
10009 Coxe, Tench Adams, John To John Adams from Tench Coxe, 6 November 1793 1793-11-06 Although my information concerning the state of the Disease, as I had the honor to communicate it...
10010 Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 1 August 1799 1799-08-01 I have the honour to transmit certain Letters from Ebenezer Tucker Esqr. Collector of Little Egg...
10011 Dalton, Tristram Adams, John To John Adams from Tristram Dalton, 26 March 1798 1798-03-26 I would not have so soon again trespassed upon Your important Moments, did not the publick...
10012 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 25 April 1782 1782-04-25 Whenever any difficulty encompasses me, my first thought is how would my Friend conduct in this...
10013 Coffin, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Coffin, 24 October 1825 1825-10-24 Permit me Sir, to ask of you one Small favour, that is to write a few lines to the Presdent of...
10014 Hillhouse, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Hillhouse, 3 January 1801 1801-01-03 Mr. Hillhouse presents his respects to The President of the United States, and not having it in...
10015 Chadbourn, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Chadbourn, 11 June 1798 1798-06-11 As the present is an alarming crisis in our public affairs, we the subscribers inhabitants of the...
10016 Trumbull, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Trumbull, 21 July 1801 1801-07-21 Returning last night in the course of our Circuit, I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the...
10017 Sedgwick, Theodore Adams, John To John Adams from Theodore Sedgwick, 3 May 1799 1799-05-03 Mr. Dexter having requested of me a list of names from which officers might be appointed in the...
10018 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 11 January 1816 1816-01-11 Of the last five months I have past four at my other domicil, for such it is in a considerable...
10019 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 15 September 1797 1797-09-15 I inclose the application of Mr. James Sykes of the State of Delaware, to be appointed Treasurer...
10020 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 30 March 1781 1781-03-30 J’ai bien reçu l’honneur de votre Lettre du 27e. et vous suis trèsredevable de l’obligeante...
10021 Haswell, Anthony Adams, John To John Adams from Anthony Haswell, 3 June 1800 1800-06-03 I address you with freedom as the supreme executive of the nation of which it has ever been my...
10022 Knox, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Henry Knox, 21 January 1793 1793-01-21 I have the honor respectfully to submit to the Senate, a report on the petition of Lewis Garanger...
10023 Jay, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jay, 20 March 1821 1821-03-20 On the 10th., I recieved your letter of the 6th Inst: You will doubt l ess be desirous to know...
10024 Partridge, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Partridge, 28 September 1798 1798-09-28 At the present interesting crisis, We the Grand Jurors of the county of Hampshire ,—convened at...
10025 Lee, Richard Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Henry Lee, 24 October 1785 1785-10-24 Having yesterday written a long letter to you, I have now only to request your attention to the...
10026 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 16 March 1776 1776-03-16 I last Evening Received yours of March 8. I must confess my self in fault that I did not write...
10027 Dana, Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Francis Dana, 1 February 1781 1781-02-01 The enclosed letters of our Friend, of the 12th. and 14th. of last Month, the Resolution of...
10028 Thaxter, John Adams, John John Thaxter to John Adams, 4 May 1782 1782-05-04 I have sent to Mr. Hodshon since your Departure to send the Packer, but he cannot come ’till...
10029 Wheaton, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Wheaton, 11 July 1818 1818-07-11 I can no longer restrain an inclination which has for Some month urged me to write to you, and to...
10030 Dumas, Charles William Frederic Adams, John C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation, 12 January … 1781-01-12 This is not the expected post, but rather a letter dated the 19th of last December O.S. that has...
10031 Crafts, Thomas Jr. Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Crafts Jr., 16 December 1775 1775-12-16 I ever thought thare was such a Thing as sincere friendship, and that some perticular Persons,...
10032 Dana, Francis Adams, John To John Adams from Francis Dana, 25 November 1782 1782-11-25 By the time this comes to your hands I hope you will have received a letter from your Son from...
10033 Baldwin, Jeduthun Adams, John To John Adams from Jeduthun Baldwin, 28 March 1776 1776-03-28 This acknowledges the favour of your Letter dated Feby 18th. which I received March 15th the Day...
10034 Minot, George Richards Adams, John To John Adams from George Richards Minot, 13 January … 1800-01-13 Geo. R Minot presents his most respectful compliments to the President of The United States, and...
10035 Franklin, William Temple Adams, John William Temple Franklin to John Adams, 1 August 1784 1784-08-01 I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency a Copy of the Communication made by my...
10036 Churchman, George Adams, John To John Adams from George Churchman, 13 July 1804 1804-07-13 Having taken a Journey this summer to New-England to meet with my friends at their Yearly meeting...
10037 Dumas, C. W. F. Adams, John To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 18 March 1783 1783-03-18 Mr. D’Asp me com̃uniqua hier 3 Lettres qu’on lui écrit de Stockholm, Elseneur & Gothembourg, par...
10038 Parsons, Samuel Holden Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Holden Parsons, 13 August … 1776-08-13 My sincere Thanks are due to my Friend in Congress for the unexpected Honor, done me in my late...
10039 Fleury, François Louis Teissèdre de Adams, John To John Adams from François Louis Teissèdre de Fleury … 1780-05-01 I expected for writting to you, that I could tell, the wind serves, we sail to Morrow for your...
10040 Moultrie, Alexander Adams, John To John Adams from Alexander Moultrie, 17 September … 1797-09-17 It is with backwardness, that I again Trespass, with an Epistolary Intrusion, on your...
10041 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 5 May 1817 1817-05-05 Absences and avocations have had prevented my acknoleging your favor of Feb. 2. when that of Apr....
10042 Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) Adams, John To John Adams from Wilhem & Jan Willink and Nicolaas & … 1785-08-30 We have received in due Time your Favor of the 19 th. and observe what you say relative to M r....
10043 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Adams, 6 … 1821-04-06 Your last Letter is as wild yourself you will acknowledge that is saying something? As to Diana...
10044 Waterhouse, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Waterhouse, 29 April 1821 1821-04-29 Putting off writing is like postnoing a visit,—if you let it alone too long you know not how to...
10045 Whipple, Oliver Adams, John To John Adams from Oliver Whipple, 29 September 1798 1798-09-29 You will pardon the frequent Repetition of my Letters: Since I did myself the Honour to write...
10046 McKean, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas McKean, 28 August 1813 1813-08-28 With sincerity I condole with you on the death of your daughter; I had five children who have...
10047 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 5 August 1809 1809-08-05 “salus, honor et bonus Appetitus.” to use the Words of Molière— from Dear sir ever / Yrs MHi :...
10048 Franklin, Benjamin Adams, John From Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, 30 June 1781 1781-06-30 ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress This is to...
10049 Davis, Daniel Adams, John To John Adams from Daniel Davis, 20 July 1822 1822-07-20 I have been requested to deliver a discourse before the Suffolk bar, in Septr next—I am anxious...
10050 Pseudonym: “A Friend To Our Happy Government” Adams, John To John Adams from Pseudonym: "A Friend To Our Happy … 1798-12-06 I can no longer remain silent when the President of the Und–States and every other friend to our...