100001Editorial Note (Washington Papers)
[9 July 1799] George Washington prepared his will alone, without, as he attested, any...
100002George Washington’s Last Will and Testament, 9 July 1799 (Washington Papers)
In the name of God amen I George Washington of Mount Vernon—a citizen of the United States, and...
100003Enclosure: Schedule of Property, 9 July 1799 (Washington Papers)
Schedule of property comprehended in the foregoing Will, which is directed to be Sold, and some...
100004Washington’s Slave List, June 1799 (Washington Papers)
The list of Mount Vernon slaves which GW drew up, probably some time in June 1799, included those...
100005I, 15 December 1799 (Washington Papers)
The following circumstantial account of the last illness and death of General Washington was...
100006II, 14 December 1799 (Washington Papers)
This day being marked by an event which will be memorable in the History of America, and perhaps...
100007To George Washington from William Fitzhugh, 7 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I had the Honor to Address you on the 20th of January last, in Answer to Your Acceptable favor of...
100008From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 7 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I shall be obliged to you for the answer to the address as soon as it is convenient to you. if we...
100009To George Washington from Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, 7 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Contrary Winds, Heavy Rains, Disappointments of vessels And Every Inconvenience to which we Had...
100010To George Washington from William Shepard, 7 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
The Genl Court Mertial orderd to Set by your Excellency for the Tryal of Mr John Collins being...
100011To George Washington from John Armstrong, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Five Sabel months have passed over Since I last had the pleasure of writing yr Excellency & then...
100012To George Washington from Charles-René-Dominique Sochet Destouches, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
je m’empresse de rassurer votre excellence sur l’evenement arrivé a la flûte Le Fantasque....
100013From George Washington to Christopher Ellery, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Among the distinguished honors which have a claim to my gratitude since my arrival I have seen...
100014To George Washington from Christopher Ellery, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
We Inhabitants of the antient Town of Newport, warmed with the purest sentiments of Esteem and...
100015To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I had the pleasure of receiving a Letter from General Greene dated High Rockford february 29...
100016From George Washington to Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I have the pleasure to inform you that the whole Fleet went out with a fair Wind this Evening...
100017To George Washington from Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 1st Inst. did Not Come to Hand Untill Last Evening, and I Hasten to Answer to...
100018From George Washington to Anne-César, chevalier de La Luzerne, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I do myself the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Fleet set sail this Evening about Sun...
100019To George Washington from Solomon Southwick, 8 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I most heartily congratulate your Excellency on your Arrival in this Town; but am greatly...
100020To George Washington from Ephraim Blaine, 9 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I know it is your Excellency’s wish and the desire of Congress that no more posts should be...
100021To George Washington from Elias Dayton, 9 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Three persons upon whom I very considerably depended for for the discovery of every important...
100022From George Washington to William Gordon, 9 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Your letter begun on the 28th Ulto ended the first instant came to my hds at this place– I am...
100023To George Washington from Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, 9 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Here I am at the Mouth of Elk River and the fleet under My Command will proceed to Annapolis...
100024To George Washington from John Sullivan, 9 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Having Experienced so much Ingratitude myself, I cannot help feeling for those in Similar...
100025To George Washington from John Sullivan, 9 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Your Excellencys Letter of the 20th of December, was refered to a Committee of which I have the...
100026To George Washington from Daniel Brodhead, 10 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
I beg your Excellencies pardon for not returning the Rank of the Maryland officers in my last. I...
100027To George Washington from Ezekiel Cheever, 10 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
In obedience to your Excellencys orders Signify’d to me by Colo. William Sheppard to prosecute Mr...
100028From George Washington to Massachusetts Continental Agent in Newburyport, 10 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Your letter of the 19th Ulto from Newbury port came safe to hand as did one of an earlier date (I...
100029To George Washington from Nathanael Greene, 10 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
Since I had the honor of addressing your Excellency last, there have been some changes in our...
100030To George Washington from Abraham Skinner, 10 March 1781 (Washington Papers)
In Obedience to your Commands of the 17th Ulto I have Exchanged a number of the Convention...