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, meant, by the revival and continuance of the Acta Sanctorum, to destroy the Pope and the Catholic Church and Hierarchy, As to the history of the Revolution, my Ideas may be peculiar, perhaps Singular. What do We mean by the Revolution? The War? That was no part of the Revolution. It was only an Effect and Consequence of it... the Minds of the People, and this was effected, from 1760
to to you, which I suppose you must have received before this time—at least I hope it has reach’d you. I have had no opportunity to forward a line to him since came to hand; but, to which will give me a fine chance to convey your letters and mine directly to , I will forward it to you, sir, immediately.); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson, Esq; Late President of the United States of...
Thomas Jefferson1815
’s kind attention to Regnauld de Saint-Jean-d’Angély, who is retiring to the states of liberty. The United States has always been the asylum for victims of political dissensions; in founding the least imperfect government on earth, it has profited from the old world’s mistakes. After one’s own... ...colleagues were the world’s sages. Has enthusiastically seized this important opportunity to...
to you from .—He has now requested me to forward the duplicate, by which you will perceive, if more than the legal interest has been exacted.—The most profound mediations of the usurer, to evade the laws, have in almost every instance I have known, , and in addition to which, his family now only Speak to him on Such trivial Subjects, as are not of any ...—on politics no one speaks to him, for...
JeffersonTo Breakfast
poi Auditore nel Supremo Tribunal di Giustizia, ed è ora Membro della Real Consulta (la quale rappresenta il Sovrano) mi ci rispose come segue. “Ò letto l’interessantissima lettera di Jefferson con sommo piacere, ed ò ammirato l’uomo di stato, l’amico dei suoi simili, il vero Amico vostro. Non lasciai trascorrere un momento per comunicarla al ...lettera di Jefferson, ed unisco...
...of arbitrary power in your hands, together with the active malignity of certain advocates of your infallibility, shoud have been born with consistent resignation, were it not that an unoffending hapless offspring are likely to be deprived of their only inheritance,—their fathers unsullied reputation. Hence Sir, I take leave, in the unfeigned spirit of affectionate regard for former...
to myself to settle, recieve, recover E from myself to you, and the letters which have heretofore passed between it, and on that sum whatever it was, seems just: your letter supposes this was about 2. years; I think from his letters to me it would seem to have been 3. or 4. years. but during the rest of the period, he certainly would not think it just. ...not always ready to pay that I...
, and I expect he is dead, I have concluded to receive the Money due him, a the Necessary Steps to pay it to him, or his Heirs, above you with me to the first of August last If Convenient you will please to send me the Money to Court on Monday next by will be the same to me as Money, a part of the bond belongs to ...the Mercantile Business in this place since the first of August last—we have...