Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Francis Maseres, [1772]

From Francis Maseres

AL: American Philosophical Society


Mr: Maseres presents his compliments to Dr: Franklyn and sends him two more copies of the collection of Quebec instruments and the draught of a toleration-act;9 of which he desires the doctor to transmit one set to his son, Governour Franklyn of New Jersey, and the other to Mr: Galloway, of Philadelphia, the speaker of the house of Assembly, with Mr: Maseres compliments, by the first convenient opportunity. He desires the doctor would send him another copy of his tract called Squire Richard, if he can spare one, for a friend of Mr: M’s, who was much pleased with it, and desires to have one.

Addressed: To / Dr: Franklyn, in Craven Street / in the Strand.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8This note was clearly written some time after BF’s letter to Maseres above, June 17, but how long a time we cannot say. Maseres refers to Father Abraham’s speech, which BF had enclosed in that letter, and himself encloses the draft of a lengthy toleration act that he wrote, he says elsewhere, in the summer of 1772: Additional Papers Concerning the Province of Quebeck … (London, 1776), pp. 258–9.

9A Collection of Several Commissions, and Other Public Instruments, … Relating to the State of the Province of Quebec in North America, since the Conquest of It by the British Arms in 1760 … (London, 1772) and A Draught of an Act of Parliament for Tolerating the Roman Catholick Religion in the Province of Quebec, and for Encouraging and Introducing the Protestant Religion into the Said Province …, no place or date.

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